Will the trolls ever get revenge?

Vol’jin won’t be back and the alliance wronged them first.

Zuljin will be back

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Feel free to rate all troll cities I am curious about opinions.

I created this list myself since there is no troll content on the site.

The Alliance didn’t exist when trolls were last attacked by any group other than Horde or something facilitated by the Horde, but you know that. And of the current groups who did participate in the Troll Wars, the vast majority of them, sans Alleria, are on the Horde. Hell, the Forsaken are the inheritors of a kingdom literally named for one of the great human generals of the time period. Even the Second War is forest trolls attacking the Quel’dorei at the behest of the Old Horde, who are now Sin’dorei. The Gurubashi attacked Stormwind in Medivh’s time, but it was Medivh himself that nuked their army, and he’s… unavailable for revenge right now.

Every other scrap of damage done in living memory to all but the Frostmane was either done by the Horde or facilitated by the Horde or… done by other trolls. Even Darkshore was the Horde winding up the trolls tribe there, pointing them at the night elves who had been co-existing for who knows how long, and then letting them take the fall. The closest to revenge against Alliance would be the Witherbark in Arathi, but they get smacked around by the Horde too, who are much closer to them location-wise.

So the trolls of all the tribes can feel free to get their revenge, but for the most part the Alliance will just be making popcorn.

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No? The lords of Arathi founded the human nations who are still part of the alliance Just like the high elves. You won’t deflect the blame.

Literally irrelevant. They are not the same political forces even if they have common ancestors.

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The last direct descendants of Thoradin are the Wrynn house and Danath TROLLBANE has IGnaeus as his hous founder.

Yes, and it’s irrelevant. The human kingdoms are not the Kingdom of Arathor. They are not the same political entities even remotely. There’s a reason Arathor is no more and it split into a bunch of smaller things. Them descending from someone who did “bad” things doesn’t make them responsible for that action.


It is not irrelevant you are just so used to allianc epriviliges that you ahte losing them.

Hate losing what? None of the human kingdoms are ever going to be punished lol. Anyway, it is irrelevant for the reason I already stated. You’ll have to make a better case than “But he still has greatx100 grandkids!”. Especially since the Kingdom of Arathor isn’t a thing anymore. You have a lot of work to do. Good luck.

the fact that the alliance now controls most of the world and the main plot due to so many human and nelf characters?

BRB going to punch a French person as revenge for the Norman Conquest.

I can affirm you at least one english person out there is still salty.

It sounds like you’re forgetting the Siege of Zuldazar

and the two attacks on Zul’aman.

Okay, we’ll go there then. The topic of the thread was clearly rooted in the forest trolls. But if WE REALLY WANT TO TALK ABOUT DAZAR’ALOR, the chain of events is as followed, chronologically.

  1. Talan’ji, the heir apparent to what was already a seemingly hostile empire, is caught by the Alliance and somehow (probably accidentally on purpose Zul) they learn she’s wanting to get help from Horde.

  2. She escapes, wiping out many Alliance ships in the process. Already the die is cast for hostility with the Alliance, nor was their any plan or intent to be nice with the Alliance.

  3. In the build up for the war campaign, the Alliance do attack Zandalari ships, twice. One is a legit ship, but I remind you that the other one was in fact a mutiny ship under the control of the mogu and about to attack Zandalar (per documents and NPC dialogue during the quests).

  4. The Horde attacks Kul Tiras first, with Zandalari forces among them.

  5. Dazar’alor happens, Rastakhan is killed.

The siege happens at the end of a sequence of events where Zandalar showed no indication they were going to be anything but hostile to the Alliance, and had in fact already attacked the Alliance twice. Talan’ji wasn’t even imprisoned for longer than a day, because Anduin hadn’t even been able to scamper down to the prison to make a new friend (which he would, because it’s… Anduin).

And the two attacks on Zul’aman are CANONICALLY attributed to the Horde, same as Zul’gurub. The first ones were all them, the second ones were facilitated by Vol’jin, a Horde faction leader who coordinated Horde and Alliance forces to do so.

Honestly Zandalar by itself did a ton of damage to the other troll tribes through either inaction or direct attack. The Zandalari were the ones who got the Horde in on attacking Zul’gurub in Classic, Rast’s inaction allowed Zul to gather up all the tribes to go help the Thunder King, who likely planned to wipe them out once his power was fully manifested.

So again, if trolls want revenge, it’s going to largely be the Spider-man pointing meme. Erevien, I get that you enjoy repeating the same statements over and over until people exhaust themselves and you can say you won, but I know more about troll lore than you do. I’m going to go now so I stop feeding you negative attention.


Your mental gymnastics are lame. You try to absolve the alliance of all blame simply because you fear you get the Orc villain bat the same size.

What? What does the Alliance having more land have to do with the discussion?

Both attacks were justified. Also, the Horde helped in both cases.