Will the trolls ever get revenge?

So the High Elves are master manipulators who tricked the Blood Elves into attacking the Blood Elves’ hereditary enemy, the Amani?


It’s why I love messing with him. Because he actually thinks I’m being serious with anything

It’s sad I know, but it’s the only humour I have left :dracthyr_crylaugh:


Because that is a fact. Humans are imperialists. More then half the world belongs to them due to conquest and brutality.

The history of the real life world is going to make you blow a blood vessels than, once you find out how every single nation on this planet was formed.


Remember kids, it’s imperialism or collective punishment when someone else does it, and when we do it, it’s defending ourselves and righteous.


apart from arabs and white americans all current lands are still inhabitated by natives.

All Horde leaders are dead due to their agressions. You will never hold the alliance to the same standards as the Horde suffered through since the franchise started.

The crimes of the alliance leaders really aren’t comparable to what people like Grom, Doomhammer and others like them did to other people

We don’t the alliance leaders to the same standard because the crimes comitted aren’t the same.



Really not true.


Of course it’s not true. But he wouldn’t believe it either way, so no point in delving into that pit with him

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Like, just england alone…


Still 100x better than whatever you want the trolls to be though. Yeah humans came to great power through imperialism. They have also established legitimate governments and have infrastructure, laws,history,etc themselves. You can say “but they conquested for it originally! Humans have been brutal!” Yeah so what? Conquest is a legitimate means of getting territory in the Warcraft universe. The land has been out of troll hands for so long, the trolls don’t have any claim over it anyway. They don’t get land claim forever just because of some past events.

So did trolls but you alliance fanatics keep offing them as smelly savages all the time.

I would tell you that the horde and the darkspear have killed the Amani and other tribes rountinely too, but you convinced yourself it’s just a alliance thing.

Yeah and then their lands were conquered and a new group of people settled there. Again, conquest is legitimate in the Warcraft setting. Over time these groups had stronger and stronger ties to that land because they lived there for generation after generation. I’m not saying the original conquest was good. I’m saying that so much has happened since that event that to call trolls the rightful owners of that land just lacks any kind of nuance. Your argument is merely “Imperialism bad”. Okay and? If your only reason for why trolls should have that land is “They owned it in the past! The people who own it now are distant descendants of those who took the land by conquest!” then that’s paper thin for a reason.

If conquest is good why did we stop Sylvanas and Garrosh? Because MHPs would cry Blood if the alliance supremacy was ever questioned.

Because it’s an MMO Erevien. Neither side can ever truely loose

The Horde literally did conquest for both those leaders or attempted to. The issue for the Horde wasn’t that those two wanted conquest it was other issues. You know, like threatening the unity of the Horde or leading the Horde into the meat grinder so that their souls would go to the Maw. It’s obvious why the Alliance was against those two.

They are dead and the Horde was forced to aid the alliance getting rid of them. Anything to keep the default state of alliance world domination.

No justice no peace

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They can get revenge on the Horde if they want, since the retcon to Shadow magic and how it interacts with the Sunwell all it would probably take is one Amani Witchdoctor to implode all of Silvermoon. Unless you mean against the Lordaeronians, aka the Forsaken, in which case they could probably get their loa to help with that, if they wanted.

The Gurubashi could probably take Grom’gol if they really tried, Horde is probably stretched thin there. The Farraki probably don’t have a shot against Gadgetzan, they don’t seem to have many loa on their side to empower them, and I figure a lot died in Throne of Thunder following Zul. The Frostmane are in a similar boat with the dwarves, the Drakkari ruined the overall frost troll relationship with their various loa.

It would be interesting if the Amani did try going at the Horde for revenge on them sacking Zul’aman twice, since the Witherbark are also forest trolls and part of the current Horde still. They’d also be running up against the Zandalari Empire, which is still the big dog in the international troll world. Gurubashi would likely need to contend with the Darkspear, but Vol’jin will be back by Midnight at the latest and much more powerful, so unless they bring back Hakkar for the billionth time they’d have a rough go trying to pay the Horde back for Zul’gurub.