Will the less then 1% mounts drops

Be easier to get when the new expansion starts?

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Could you provide an example? It maybe be easier because you can solo almost anything with more lvls and gear but the % will be the same, as collector you need as many alts as possible in order to beat the odds.

which mounts are you referring to? mounts usually get harder to obtain when they’re not current…this is coming for a mount collector for years.

Like the X-45 Heartbreaker.

That’s a special case, that’s not even 1%, it’s the worst drop in game and it was confirmed by Devs during last february that some changes are planned to the drop, hopefully also some improvements to the whole holidays mechanic with new gameplay.


I think that they said they’d be making adjustments to the drop rate, so hopefully that also means some things like the mists of pandaria world bosses.

I’m waiting for those changes, doing 50 alts per day during 15 days without any luck for 10 years :s

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Yes, the drop rate is unreasonably low for something of limited availability. At least with their current philosophy of nothing being utterly insanely rare minus maybe unobtainable stuff or the mop world boss mounts.

It’d be arguably too low if you could farm it as much as you want, and it’s only up for 2 weeks a year.

Only mythic raid mounts have their drop rates reduced.

I think that they should put in bad luck protection like there was for Legion legendaries, where if you reach the probability limit, ie 2000 attempts account wide on a 1:2000 drop rate mount, the next attempt will give it to you.


I was also thinking about the Infinite Timereaver mount.

I don’t mean actual percents. An example would be hunting any of the rares that drop mounts in SL. Good luck finding groups listed in the group finder in DF. Mounts like those become very difficult to obtain.

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I think that content such as this needs to be made doable solo, preferably asap. It avoids the “Warfront syndrome” of having dead content that’s inaccessible because it requires others, but is fringe enough that it’s hard to coordinate making groups.


The best way to get the Infinite Timereaver mount is the way it’s been done since the mount was added. Gear up a tank in full timewalking gear with gems and enchants and spam the heck out of it.

I got it the first week my timewalking level 50 tank was ready, after having done the dungeons since they started.

I’ve been doing that since it started and while it does drop it drops for dps players that only run it once a year.

Even if it drops for me I’m still going to run it because it’s a fun way to level alts.

If it’s any sympathy I’ve done over 7000 timewalking bosses and still don’t have it.

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Why would they be?

Yes. You’ll be higher level and able to kill more things faster as you farm the mount.

As for drop rates…

Well its 1% so…technically? You can brute force the boss with better gear by then but 1% is 1%.

Even 2000 is too high. That’s 2000 weeks, or multiple years. No. It should be like 40 MAX.

You’ve been running them with timewalking gear?

I had actually never seen it drop in all the years I ran those dungeons until I got it. That week I earned 7000 badges and bought the expansion mount. Tanks now have insta queues for timewalking dungeons.

I totally agree with you that the drop rates are too low. 1:2000 is too high. I have 4k attempts on the Sha of Anger.

But 1: 40? Why not just ask that a complete collection of rare mounts be mailed to you?