Will the less then 1% mounts drops

There’s a fine line between 2000 weeks(52 weeks in a year…let that sink in), and something much more achievable like 52 weeks or 1 years worth of trying. This way you proved you tried your best every week to get it and rng failed you and you won’t spend half your life trying to get it.

All Bosses with a chance to drop a “rare” (pet, toy, mount) should either drop the item, or a token.

Once you collect 100 tokens, you get the item. After 100 tries, you’ve earned it.

There is NOTHING fun about RNG, excepting when you get it on your 17th try instead of having to wait 100.

But for some of these mounts/items, going 2000-5000 deep?? This adds NOTHING to the game.

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