Will the Kaldorei lose Darkshore?

That’s not true. The entire history of the franchise has been that of major change forced on everyone, just not at the same time. No race that you can name is where it was before the events of Orcs Vs. Humans. Or before the Sundering for that matter.

Better a realistic and believable death, than this utter farce of an existence.


Perhaps it is time for WoW to die. Its lived long enough to see itself become the villain.


I think it’s more a question of if the Horde can keep Ashenvale because that’s been their primary military target for resources since they landed in Kalimdor.

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I admit, showing up on Space Satan’s front porch with a couple of Draenei, and winning was already an extreme stretch credibility. It’s part of why I was a fan of the idea of a chill, rebuilding filler expac, and chill out on killing an established world ending villain every other week. But now one faction has commited genocide against a playable race, and it’s all going to be 100% a-ok…

From a distance, it reminds me of other franchises that have stretched themselves too thin, and too far. Like a certain space opera. Or that one RTS franchise. Or that anime where the protagonist forgets everything he ever learned about his magical creatures every time he visits a new region of the world.


Get hype, in 1 patch we will be defeating the entire Naga nation in their home as a footnote midboss.

Death to Nature! For The Light!

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Because Humans have never cared about the Night Elves. They’re just a resource to leech off of.

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I’m aware. Even the hatchery is included in the raid, iirc. And presumably, not long after, we handle a freed Old God via making up with the Horde. Ostensibly two expansions worth of villains, and story arcs, crammed into a couple patches.

I mean really they’re probably wrapping up WoW either to make a second one on an engine that isnt older than some of their playerbase or to push out a new MMO that’s easier for them to make as PC and Progressive as possible.

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Hey so I largely tapped out of Naruto around the timeskip but I just want to say, that episode where Orochimaru congratulates Naruto and Hinata on their wedding was hysterical.

And apparently in the sequel series he just goes right back to his human experimentation with nothing but a “we’re watching you” from the leaf village. This man is amazing.

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I tapped out when they went to “rescue” sasuke for the first time when they were kids but i still read about what went down

He kidnapped, tortured, experimented, and killed hundreds of Konoha ninja’s/civilians, including babies. He killed the Third Hokage and the Fourth Sandaime, tried to destroy Konoha, and is basically responsible for most of the bad stuff in part 1.


The Horde look like amateurs next to Orochimaru.

Yeah no ****, even when itachi asspulled some magic sword that seal even gods Orochimaru still asspulled himself back. What an absolute madman :joy::joy::joy::joy:

As far as I’m aware, the Horde “controls” Ashenvale but are basically under assault from guerilla kaldorei at all time.

Winterspring is of almost zero importance save for the Frostsaber mounts obtained from it. Maybe chimaera.

Blizzard will conveniently leave Hyjal out of it, because if they bring Hyjal into it there will be a question of “Why are Horde druids there?” and “Why aren’t the Ancients fighting the Horde like they fought the Legion”?

Malfurion takes an axe to the back, and still no Purge of Moonglade scenario. I’m still not sure which I hate more for that, Horde bias, or Human bias.


I’ve said it before, but they really do seem to be trying to ignore the Burning as much as possible, including how pretty much all the druids would react. Tauren and trolls would be booted from the Cenarion Circle so fast their heads would spin, logically.


Probably getting in some early practice for sweeping it under the rug later when we inevitably work with those Horde dogs again.

As someone who almost always plays Night Elves (except now, because I was peer-pressured into playing Horde), I sure hope so.

The Druids and Priestesses of Elune need to take a serious backseat, IMO.

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The Druids don’t have a Jaina equivalent who can force them out by raw slaughter. Malfurion would be the closest… but axe in the back thing.

if the nelfs lose darkshore there is no point on even having the race in game anymore.


No way it’ll happen. The Night Elves will reclaim their lands, in fact my suspicion is every where that one faction has expanded into enemy territory, they’ll eventually be forced back. The Status Quo will end up being maintained, which will make things awkward for the Forsaken, whose home territory is now covered in blight fog and is expected to be uninhabitable for a long time to come.

I don’t know how they’re planning to handle that bit, other than to assume Forsaken will now call Orgrimmar “home” just like the Orcs and Trolls.

Either way, safe bet/expectation is that the status quo will be maintained, because at the end of the day that’s what they always want.

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I… what…?

I have some fundamental disagreement with this statement. I am more than a really long shoreline that is always dark.

Besides, have you seen the place since Deathwing’s coming out party? Good god, its a wreck.

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