Will the Kaldorei lose Darkshore?

eh idk I think it is completely feasible they retake darkshore but to retake ashenvale is a stretch. much like I think I could see the alliance retaking stromgarde but gilneas being forever out of reach just due to the fact that the forsaken have a near endless supply of bodies in western and eastern plaguelands to raise.

He’s fine and fighting in Darkshore, now, though. He even went bear form to minimize the effect of future back axes.


Well, think about it from a narrative PoV. The night elves suffer this unimaginable tragedy, but strike back to reclaim their homeland and avenge their fallen in a big story arc that puts them back on equal, if not superior footing to their would-be conquerors.

And then they… lose again? Get packed off back to Stormwind again? All that amounted to nothing, the development for Tyrande and Malfurion, the Night Warrior ritual, all of it pointless, just meaningless offal for some idiotic one-faction continent meta idea? Complete garbage.


But they’re the ones that wrote us to BE that way!

Fake news. Nobody died in Teldrassil. Elune teleported them all to the moon.

People don’t get fairer skin from being exposed to sun energy. M’uru let himself be caught. Blood Elves are a Naaru plant to convert the Horde to Light zealotry.

You can see it in their eyes, man.


Well let’s see…
The Night Elves are nocturnal and Darkshore has been shrouded in pretty much perpetual darkness.

Tyrande and Malfurion are on the field as are Feathermoon, the Shadowsongs, the Wardens and the Sentinel Army.

They have back up from the Gilneans.

The horde forces haven’t been reinforced and with the Zandalari fleet gone I doubt they can spare the ships or man power.

The deck is stacked against the horde but I’m sure they will do their best to hold out but they can’t hold it.


Unlike Dalaran which is mostly Alliance, the Moonglade is pretty split between Horde and Alliance members, maybe more Horde at this point given that tauren have more of a presence in Kalimdor than the Night Elves do. The Night Elves even before the burning of Teldrassil could not wipe out the Horde contingent of the Cenarian Circle with impunity.

Not to be a downer, but this is one of those instances where the only reason the Horde is at a disadvantage is because of Game Mechanics and infringements on Race Fantasy for the two primary Horde forces in Darkshore. Bluntly, with hardline Wix Gobs and Forsaken in that territory if they even for a moment believed they couldn’t hold it; they should turn it into a new Dead-Scar rather than allow the Kaldorei to make it a staging ground for further invasion.

If it were any other combination of races I wouldn’t make a point on this, but we’re talking about a group of people led by a man who destroyed his people’s entire city (and most of its populous) to get one drop of Azerite and another group that just Scorched Earth their own capital so the Alliance couldn’t use it. The Forsaken and Bilgewater absolutely should turn Darkshore into a lifeless husk before allowing it to be turned into a beach-head for the Night Elves and Worgen. But … they won’t.

The NEs aren’t the only one’s not being allowed to reach their true “potential”.


Alliance side, during the Darkshore Warfront, Malfurion causes waves of fully grown trees to rise up to undo the damage the Forsaken and Goblins caused. Once at the beginning of the scenario, and as far as I can tell, again towards the end if certain scenario conditions are met.

… okay, this made me laugh, I admit it. Nicely done.

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Jeez, the NE civilization really would be patched through the floor if this was a Civ game. Their cultural perks are just so absurdly good … they literally ignore tech-creep.

Its a constant reminder that the two factions exist in entirely separate genres. Can’t wait to see which of our few remaining representatives get killed in this expansion where Blizz once again forced our low fantasy Faction to be the antagonists against Gods on Azeroth! :stuck_out_tongue:


This is actually a pretty good point. If Sylvanas was okay with burning down Teldrassil(literally the main target of their initial assault), why didn’t the Forsaken and Goblins just start nuking the place immediately after?

Honestly, if I were them I’d use the desecration of Darkshore to compel the remaining NE forces into doing something dumb like walking into a Alliance meatgrinder; stretching the already stretched Alliance resources closer to the breaking point; and bogging down some of the biggest heavy hitters in the Alliance halfway across the world.

But … that would mean portraying the NE decision to open up a Darkshore front right now as a poor one; even if they’re winning right now. And … I’m unsure if Blizz is willing to allow such a thing to happen again. The NEs are likely just going to walk through the entirety of the Horde forces like we’re nothing.


Yall acting like the trees themselves aren’t actively fighting the Horde. “Desecration of Darkshore” homie, Darkshore fights back, and the Horde never had full reign or the free flowing of resources to even do that, otherwise they would have done it by now.


The Forsaken seemed to have them under control. Even in the warfront you have to save a few ancients from getting blighted

Save a few. Hardly “Under control”. Fighting never stopped after War of Thorns.

It was just an example. But if 3 undead with tiny blight guns can take down ancients, I don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibly that with the endless amount of blight throwers and goblin machines that they pretty much would have taken over Darkshore.

I don’t think that is an accurate portrayal of what’s happened. In-game tends to scale things down, if the Battle for Lordaeron vs the Cinematic is any indication.

I think it is far beyond the realm of possibility that the Horde had control of Darkshore in any capacity. Having lines of supply traveling the width of Kalimdor, the path littered with guerilla fighters, ancients and dryads the entire way.


Wasn’t the cinematic confirmed be non-canon?

Let’s not pretend those scattered fighters are the danger here. The Horde having control of 80 percent of Kalimdor, Goblin tech being one of the most advanced on Azeroth, and the Blight being one of the strongest(if immoral) war weapons in the history of WoW. The forces of Darkshore have no chance without the Night elves. And the night elves need their army, the wardens, the forces of Darkshore(dryads ancients etc.), AND Tyrande and Malfurion to even make this a good fight. They’re winning it seems, but I’m almost positive it’s not a landslide in favor of the Alliance.


They are.

They don’t

Prone to self destruction. Magic trumps tech in Wow it seems. The Night Elves arguably have managed the most advantaged civilization without destructive mining and lumbering operations, or complex, explosive machinery.

Night Elves have been there since War of Thorns. Battle for Darkshore just marks Tyrande’s return.

It’s going to be.