Will the Kaldorei lose Darkshore?


I didn’t make any comparison with Lordaeron. But I guess you make things up when you have nothing else to say??

Yeah, I said that.

Forsaken literally only raised the sentries that came back with Maeiv and her crew. So no. Unless you have some proof that says otherwise?

Can you not refer to me as an ‘it’? Lol

Funny, that.

BC those two post you made above say otherwise. That you, at least on some level, want to walk this back.

Even then why even bother if you dont even care about the morality of any of this? You just want Alliance players to stop lording this over you bc you dont like the taste of your own medicine.


Which silver platter? All i got was an ashes sandwhich, one i wont ever be able to finish bc one faction can never put the final nail on the other.

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Perhaps when you stop posting profound ignorance.

So we can just shrug off the Forsaken’s defining weapon because an literal Mary Sue can snap it away. Outstanding story right there, just as low-effort as the rest of this expansion.

Blightcaller specifically went there to resurrect a particular sad elf. Sira and others were a bonus. Leaving a zone full of corpses and being surprised that the forsaken are rezzing them is just ignorance. The night elves returning has nothing to do with it, as numbers have never mattered in wow.


Yeah. I’m sorry the night elves can’t be competent enough to stop it themselves :joy:

So you don’t have proof? K.

Gonna stop replying to you now. Because you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about. :wave:

Needing proof for an established trait that has been a trope of the Forsaken since their inception that anyone who has read the Chronicles or even Wowpedia can surmise.

Definitely a noob human paladin. Maybe you’ll survive in here, kiddo.

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And we’ve been tuning out “MUH TAURAJO” since Cataclysm. Get over yourself.

The Forsaken torture camp that Tyrande wipes out after becoming the Night Warrior was present before Maiev and her soldiers show up with the PC. They were there before Tyrande shows up (obviously).

The forsaken didn’t just clear out of Darkshore like the Alliance did out of Tirisfal Glades after they burned down Teldrassil. They stuck around and started capturing and torturing survivors in addition to blighting everything that they weren’t actively harvesting.


Blizzard isn’t removing night elves as a player race, so that option’s simply out. Tyrande in her usual short sightedness simply refuses to appreciae what spot Anduin is in. The King isn’t making up stories about how hard the Alliance is pressed in it’s present battles, and she’s simply making things even tougher for him by withdrawing her support from those battles. (So is Genn, but the Alliance has learned not to depend upon him in past history.)

Not much point in sticking around a persistent Blight Zone that kills anything that wanders into it.

On the Horde side though Darkshore for them is fuel for the eventual campaign against Stormwind itself.

Imagine trying to defend Anduin for lying to Tyrande about helping with Darkshore and actually sympathizing with a human lore character. It’s like reading a post directly from Christie Golden herself.


It’s called not letting your emotions blind yourselves to facts. Fact: The war isn’t going well for the Alliance. Fact: They are running out of soldiers to draft and Genn speaks about calling up farmers next.

And Tyrande wants him to open up yet ANOTHER front. And she goes and takes forces away from the existing fighting anyway. And he STILL sends the Champion to aid her. She is an unempathtic shrew who’s trying to deflect her own guilt at leaving her people behind when she scurried away to safety in Stormwind. Anduin has been showing near elf-like patience and greater than night elf tolerance in doing what he’s done despite her abuse.


Yes, into Stormwind Humans.


And before those thousands of years, they spent thousands of years in cities like Suramar. The Night Elves are simply no longer shielded from the Winds of Change that blow over everyone else. Every single race on Azeroth has gone through tremendous changes in their history. The Trolls lost their world-spanning empire, the Humans have literally gone through multiple stages of building and losing nations, and the Dwarves are just beginning to reconcile the division that split them into three rival clans.

The Night Elves positon in Kalimdor was as Guardians of the World Tree Nordrassil during the Long Vigil following the destruction of the First Well of Eternity. Before that they had been defined by the First Well itself when it changed them from the Dark Trolls they had once been. That ended with Nordrassil was detonated by Malfurion’s order. When Nordrassil was renewed it was with the actions of all of Azeroth’s races, Horde AND Alliance, so it’s past time for the Night Elves to redefine themselves again. Several groups already have. The High Elves, Blood Elves, and Void Elves are all splinters from the Night Elves that have remade themselves repeatedly.

Nature abhors stasis and constantly renews the world with Change. We’ve gotten too settled into one narrow role in an expanding world.

Fact: The Alliance is winning on all fronts regardless of Tyrande’s actions. Also Fact: this isn’t the first time the Alliance has had to draft people for a conflict.

Ironic in a faction that prides itself in tradition and order.


Has the Alliance had a forced draft in the past? Other than Genn in WC2 I mean.

Anyone who claims to understand Nature should be aware of its essential nature of Dynamic Change. The Humans say that Nature abhors a vacuum. The Wise understand that she is almost just as repelled by stillness.

Are you RPing as a wise person right now?


Not if I can avoid it.

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What reason would Anduin have for lying to Tyrande

Wrath of the Lich King. Also Cataclysm had the Alliance using press-ganged prisoners, who are historically even worse than draftees in conflict.

Spoken like someone who just sat through a business class. Nature is chaos, and chaos is not compatible with Order. And like I stated earlier, its ironic that the Night Elves are the only race being forced through major change, because they are not compatible with the traditional Alliance order.


Worgen totally didn’t lose Gilneas***
Draenei didn’t literally crash land here from another planet***