Will the Kaldorei lose Darkshore?

The way I see it the Night Elves will win in Darkshore only to find that Slyv/Horde was using Darkshore more as a delaying action to fortify the other territory we took in the War of Thorns, Ashenvale.

Zoramgar will be renovated as stronghold, with Iron Horde tech employed to create a anti naval battery of installations along the cost, a small, but well fortified fort, built to control the pass to Felwood, and between Darkshore and Ashenvale the Forsaken and Goblins will have deforested it and created a defiled, minefield filled with Blight.

Arathi I’m not sure, I could see that one going either way. While it would be bad for the Frostwolves, the Horde could still fall back to the Wall. Personally as for Tirisfal I forsee it becoming a literal nomans land between the Gilnean Wall and Forsaken Bulwark.

Night elf players. According to Anduin and by extension, Blizzard, they should be accepting of it


There’s a difference between patience and accepting loss.

If they wait any longer they will have no choice but accept loss. Or did you miss all the blight, clear-cutting, and corpse-desecration?


Not necessarily.

Blight can apparently be moved(?) by a certain mage. And if they stopped feeding the Forsaken bodies by choosing to go directly back into the fight, there’s no corpse desecration.

The truth of the matter is patience would have put them in a way better position, and reflected better on them as a whole race. As of right now they just appear to be shortsighted and/or selfish. They lost their home, it’s a tragedy, no one can deny that. But the Alliance currently has way bigger fish to fry.

The Alliance always has bigger fish to fry when it comes to Night Elves. I think they were entirely justified in being annoyed that yet again they were being sidelined to a foreign war they were expected to help with. When an alliance is all take its member states are going to get irritated like Tyrande did with Anduin.


I think Darrethy is me from an alternative universe where i main horde.


Well if they are part of the Alliance, they should expect to be called upon to help during the war.

But I felt like that little bit in Stormwind between Tyrande and Anduin should have been an informal way of the night elves saying they were leaving the Alliance. Then it really wouldn’t matter if they won Darkshore or not.

Also, what other time have the nelves been sidelined by the Alliance? I’m pretty new to lore. I started playing in Legion so there’s little bits and pieces I don’t really know.

It’s just been a near constant thing for most of the game. They’ve had their lands repeatedly conquered by the Horde, Ashenvale especially, all of which gets ignored because there’s always something else to fight. There was also the time the Horde was “given” an entire zone they proceeded to blow up to turn into the Horde symbol. I’m tired and also not an expert on WoW lore so I couldn’t give you a list.



And by that I mean HELL NO.

I literally had to go through a quest where i was asked to save ALL THE NIGHT ELVES, just to highlight the SHEER IMPOSIBILITY of my task.

And you mean to tell me you want to just poof it away with a reverse thanos snap!?!?!?!?!



Funny, its usually horde posters that complain that curses have no consequences like with the worgen and the velves (while conviniently forgetting about the belves) now things should become like Dragonball where death has no consequences either?

Listen, i know its unfair, but you dont get to walk away from this swamp of bad writing. In the very same way the alliance will NEVER give the horde a taste of their own medicine, the playerbase will NEVER let the horde live this down (god knows thats already the reason horde questing focuses more on shiny dinos than the morality of this mess).

Deal. With. it.


As I said I explained it vaguely in another thread.

Oh my sweet summer child…

We all know this expac ends with us choosing to save the world instead of just slapping each other.

Just like Snek Man in naruto, the horde WILL get away with genocide, and it will never be brought up again. (or maybe like in passing, off handedly, twice)

Otherwise, this cash cow dies.


First there’ll be a trial in Pandaria.

Then Sylvanas will flip everyone off (including the reader) and jump back in time.

I feel like this joke has been done before. Where she’ll arrive in past Azeroth and turn all the human kingdoms into her undead army to conquer MU Azeroth.

It’s gonna get forgotten in two weeks after whatever plot twist is coming that changes out attention’s focus and, to be frank, I’ve been tuning out ‘MUH TELDRASSIL’ for the last month on top of that.

I’ve dealt with it. It’s over. The shock and ‘shame’ is over. It has no power any more.

K. Well that’s what I meant when I wrote “soft reboot”.

I’d unironically side with AU Arthas against a void lord to put a stop to the Iron Alliance or whatever :stuck_out_tongue:

And yet we still hear about “muh camp T!” and “remember when like 5 belves died in dalaran” to this day. And it doesnt matter that you dont care anymore, as long as we keep it alive…

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That is the polar inverse of the truth. You only want to keep it alive because of the delusion that anyone Hordeside cares. But it’s already over - The bludgeon has broken from overuse. We’ve moved on to DoEs ThE HoRDe UsE SLaVeS!? or CiVIlIaNs NoT WilLinGlY BurNiNg tO DeATh ArE EnEmY ComBAtanTs!

I feel for you. You got handed this delicious meal on a silver platter, and before you really set in to savor it it spoiled on the plate. Ya blew it.

Nobody gives a dook.

Wow. It posts on a night elf character, but sounds like a human.

Blight can be stopped by a walking Dues Ex Machina of a mage, and the forsaken were desecrating the dead before Tyrande even showed up.

Read up on lore before telling the kal’dorei to suck it up and cut their losses. Because the double standard with Lorderon is eyeroll worthy.