Will the Kaldorei lose Darkshore?

You know the only thing that means is we’re due yet another series of severe beatings in the next few patches to even things out because muh parity.

See, normally i’d agree with you.

But history (and lord of the rings) teaches us that when a Leader uses extradarkpowers™ its bound to blow up in their faces at some point or be a dud. Ask Garrosh.

No, really, ask him. This is the MOP 2 expac.

Besides, the next patch is clearly shaping up to be about the mechagnomes and whatever the call in the new zone.

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No, Lordaeron was indisputably the center for Light worship in Azeroth. It had the most religious population, Tyrs Fall, Trisfal Glades actual name in Vrykul comes from Tyr. The man for whom the emblem of the Silver Hand, ya know the Paladins, is derived. Tyrs story of sacrifice is why humans(and those in Trisfal specifically.) care so much about the Lights values.

It is general Lordains sister, Mereldar, who first comes into contact with the Light through the Naaru and spreads it around to the rest of humanity. Lordaeron was the kingdom from which King Thoradin could not conquer it, and was instead required to pilgrimage from shrine to shrine in order to secure their loyalty by expressing his faith, and I could go on.

But even besides all of that: The Forsaken NPCs aren’t okay with Lordaeron. The refugees comment on their desire to get it back, how ill suited they are to living in Lordaeron, and yes in Nazmir one wants his garden back. The reason we don’t hear much about it is literally because of the three main Forsaken NPCs besides Nathanos we’ve talked to: Voss, Zelling, and Amelia…only Voss is actually from Lordaeron.

Edit: Oh and also, Faol might be from Stormwind, but guess where he anointed the first paladins? Lordaeron.


So, Nathanos looking sad at the cinematic, garden guy and like 3 nameless npcs?

Sure seem like they cared a lot :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t know Gharion, is that a fair assessment when those are literally the only Lordanian Forsaken on screen?

I’v only ran into two Night Elves yelling about Darnassus in my WQs, they must not of been that angry about it before Darkshore. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think that’s just the result of the Forsaken being more patient than the night elves. Plenty of refugees in Org are complaining about it.

Nah, nah, nah, you don’t get it. If there’s not an NPC actively complaining or doing something on screen most of the time that means they don’t exist.

That’s why Alliance DKs are non-canon, they never show up in the lore.

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Which is absolutely true, the Night Elves got way more screentime. But I think that’s mostly to play up the sympathy angle of the human cost of Darnassus, it doesn’t mean the Forsaken aren’t pissed about it. Can’t ask about portals in Zul’dazar without a battleguard yelling about how the Alliance need to pay for the loss of Undercity.

That’s just a problem with whoever the camera decides to follow, if it chose to follow the Forsaken then yeah you’d have more Forsaken ranting about Lordaeron on screen, but right now they want you to think about Teldrassil.

But like…for me playing Horde? if I didn’t read the books, didn’t watch the outside cinematics, that’s basically all i’d see. Because the camera wants me to think about Zandalar until 8.1, where Teldrassil gets a mention at the butt end of the honorbound questing.

The bizarre lack of mentions about Teldrassil in Horde questing isn’t really a new observation, people have talked about the tonal whiplash of the prepatch to 'Punch Dinos in the face." before.

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I’ll believe it when I see it. I’m convinced the only thing to come of this is the Alliance get beat down and only after that the Horde draw a line in the sand and get rid of Sylvanas. At that point we’ll ignore all the culpability they had in anything and blame it all on one person. I guess you’re right, it will be the same as MoP.

I have this theory going around my head, its not solid, but its the best i got to explain this:

-The Story team secretly hates the horde, while the gameplay lads at the very least pities them.

Now, wait a minute! What about “horde bias” I hear you say? Gather 'round children, let Papa Gharion tell you whats good.

Okay seriously now, lets think about it for a second. I mean, yeah, at a surface level it seems like the horde struck a major blow to the alliance with Teld but on a meta level the horde is in SHAMBLES.

Remember all those “muh camp T!” going around in cata and beyond? Teld is that x 100, the horde will NEVER live this down, it will be a dark mark on their record FOREVER.

I theorize that the reason for the tonal whiplash is that someone at the good sense to not remind the horde players that either they themselves or the faction at large is now an accesory to G-word. I mean, the fact that “old soldier” exists shows that they expected at least some backlash, i’d wager that the same ppl that made that also wanted to avoid looking at that glaring red flag too deeply, lest some uncomfortable conclusions be drawn.

However, that only went so far, bc at the end of the day is the story team kinda decides what goes down- so while they distrated the horde playerbase with some shiny dinos, they also slapped the horde with defeat after defeat to balance out their pre-patch “victory” while also giving the night elves and the alliance “gifts” of questionable quality.


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Thrussian for example, does. You also got a bodyguard (the first one) who is another Alliance DK named Delvar.

I mean, when discussing the cinematics in novellas above, I slapped myself for not bringing up the extremely obvious point we’ve been arguing about for months before: Lost Honor and Old Soldier aren’t really about how assblasted the Night Elves are about Darnassus, it’s about how Saurfang is about Darnassus, and him being setup to be someone whose deep down a depressed, confused, sympathetic soul who wants to go back to Thrall era Horde.

I’m not sure if they hate the Horde, but if I were to go with your theory I would say they hate the modern Horde. After all our hyper aggressive faction is pretty toxic isn’t it? Something Golden is famously against, so they could pull us apart to put us back together as something they find more palatable.

That said: Points for putting out a entertaining and plausible theory for our current nightmare.

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It’s a pretty silly looking cinematic. One might think it’s actually a parody…like a certain President who insists that his inaguaration was packed despite videos showing otherwise. It’s a pathetically small crowd that’s not even showing Kal’dorei in the majority.

Weren’t you guys already there with Vol’jin? It seems redundant to go back to square one at this point.

I mean, sure, the cinematics are pretty and all, but its about how Saurfang feels about Teld- not one other horde member does (even if it is for the reasons mentioned above)- and even that is superficial at best. To me, he seemed to care more about his own honor, his reopened wounds and the fact that fell for the same trick again than the nelf blood on his hands.

I mean, when you put everything back together -and if the horde really does return to thrall’s horde (which i hope it doesnt happen for largely personal reasons i might explain another day)- it just seems that you guys will just end up were you already were but with less than you originally had.

Like when you play monopoly landmined_ a side of the board with hotels, you landed on them and the 200$ you cash in go! is just kinda meaningless at that point.

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I mean you won’t get any argument from me. I would of rather they had Sylvanas defy expectations and not start the war with something super evil, but…well here we are, aren’t we? At this point we just gotta ride it out and hope that there’s something to pick through in the smouldering rubble of BfA. Ultimately as passionate as I am about the lore, I recognize a lot of it is me picking through scraps to try and put something decent together.

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Which is why Horde should get a soft reboot. I explained it vaguely in another thread.

My money’s still on Sylvanas’s plan somehow

a) Killing everyone so we have a death/shadowlands expansion. Or anticipating that we were all going to die when Azeroth does.


b) As part of the death plot, restoring all of the dead to life in a way that doesn’t make them undead

So she can gloat that she was right all along and the big bad genocide gets walked back, either because they were all going to die anyway or they came back. Super bonus combo story is: Sylvanas knows everyone is dying (because ghuun blood in the heart) and is racing to set up the plot where we somehow go into death to save Azeroth, and in the process of saving her saves all the widdle nelvs.

It’s dumb enough to work. It’s SO dumb it’s practically GUARANTEED.

Just to be clear, pretending none of this happened is bad for everyone involved. For the Alliance because the Horde gets away with another genocide.

Pro saurfangers because their identity struggle basically meant nothing and was a waste of time

And pro Sylvanas people because all they put into the war would literally be for nothing


Well, if this plays out closer to Mist, the Alliance wont get a beatdown and will instead end up getting some good punch against Sylvanas and co.

I’m not suggesting it should be declared a non-event. Even the restored Nelves in my SUPER MEGA OUTCOME prediction are probably all still traumatized from burning to death. The Horde still started the war, and still spanked the Nelves after baiting away their army despite two demigods butchering them left and right.

That has consequences.

But the how-to-move-past-genocide thing in a practical sense is taken care of in my example by having the nelves literally not be dead any more. I mean, I don’t know if you’ve ever lost someone close to negligence or malice, but I can assure you personally that having them back would take a lot of the edge out of the ire you hold towards those responsible.

You heard it here nowhere near first: Sylvanas was right all along.

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