Will the Kaldorei lose Darkshore?

It’s a literal graveyard. If she want to throw away her new subjects’ lives trying to retake it, more power to her.

Or we could just kick the already crippled army of humans out of Lordaeron, then let the Night Elves retake their home and return back to status quo. Not exciting, but as clean as the war can end at this rate.


As of the end of the raid, it is currently the Horde in defensive mode and losing every front in the war.

The most boring and pointless resolution possible.


Which is utterly meaningless, the Horde was crushing the Alliance at the start of the expansion, the Alliance gets a navel advantage and starts crushing the Horde at the end of this patch.

But, the Alliance land army is mostly a stack of corpses in Lordaeron. Wouldn’t of been able to immediately counter attack the Arathi otherwise, it’s basically our Darkshore beach landing. Can just go back there and wipe out the remnants of their army at the expense of the Night Elf front.


They already did. the question is whether they can get it back.

The Alliance deserves to win both warfronts.

If the Alliance loses Arathi after reclaiming Stromgarde, it will make it pointless and the Alliance would look foolish. If the Alliance loses Darkshore, it will be yet another loss for Night Elves.

The Horde could then win the next two warfronts for balance, probably in the barrens and such places.

You right that the ending of the war can still change, but as of right now the Horde/Forsaken do not have the capacity to retake Lordearon without finally losing to the Alliance.

Also, the Alliance mission board have us fighting the Horde thoughout Lordearon.

I would take those missions with a grain of salt. They’re literally copy pasted cata quests except for a few

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Yeah, but unlike the Kalimdor mission board all those outposts are still intact. Sepulcher, Tarren Mill, Strahbrad, Shadowfang Keep, are places that don’t need to be retaken and just…work, at least until the lore tells us otherwise. This is assuming that Trisfal Glades isn’t a modern representation of Lordaeron either, which I have my doubts about since Deathknell is actually updated and evacuated with a Horde garrison left over in the new version.

The Alliance meanwhile is just getting a foothold in Darkshore, the severity between these things is quite a bit different. So unless them winning in Lordaeron means they actually took out those outposts rather then just turn the tide in their favor, it’d be pretty reasonable to have the Forsaken just turn around and reinforce the holdings they already have.

Presumably the Alliance is also fighting in Ashenvale. As I recall one of the mission board quest has us retaking one of the Sentinel Outposts in the area.

While the specifics of the quests are dubious at best, I think the “intent” is still correct. That both sides are fighting tooth and nail in Ashenvale and Lordearon proper.

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They are, but that’s kind of my point. The Night Elves needed to retake their homes in Ashenvale because, well, the War of Thorns had the Horde army marching through all that turf up to Darnassus. But in Lordaeron the Forsaken didn’t need to retake anything, they are on the defensive sure, but their holdings are still intact. Which is probably why the expansion started off with us attacking Arathi first, for the same reason the Night Elves start when Darkshores implemented, to show we have the upper hand at the moment.

I feel like this is the worst possible outcome because it’s also outright impossible. We can’t return to the Status Quo. Teldrassil burned to the ground and the Night Elves are a race bordering on extinction. There is no way to fix that and go back to the, ‘Status Quo.’

I don’t think the Night Elves should lose their land, but for the Forsaken to get theirs back and be able to, essentially, pretend nothing ever happened, is just a bigger slap to the face for Night Elves than they’ve already been enduring.


My secret dream is for the Hinterland Wildhammers to leave en masse for the Twilight Highlands, to unite with the Wildhammers there and restore the land/Make Grim Batol Great Again. Back in the Hinterlands, all the surviving High Elf groups come together and BTFO the forest trolls. The Hinterlands are then reborn as the new High Elf homeland. Shadra’alor is given to the Void Elves for their own mini-capital with a connection to Telogrus Rift.

Night Elves stay where they are and conquer all of Northern Kalimdor, minus Azshara.


The war will end, Darkshore will go neutral, and the new Night Elf main city will be in Hyjal most likely. It was their original main territory.

Sounds nice, though I’d be sad if the Wildhammers left the Hinterlands. They’ve had a long history of friendship with the High Elves, after all. I just feel like, if there is anywhere in the Eastern Kingdoms that feels like it’d be a really good place for the Night Elves to expand and build a new city, it’s the Hinterlands.

I just don’t think it should come at the expense of Kalimdor.

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Night Elves can get their revenge on the Forsaken in Kalimdor. Torch our bases, kill our troops, go on a full nature crusade through northen Kali. If the desire for vengeance needs to be sated I don’t mind a curbstomp or three(…Though I would argue at this point the orcs are as, if not more compliant with Darnassus at this point. >.>)

By the same token however, I want to violently purge the humans from the northern EK. Anduin and his magic bones must pay.

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Should keep in mind that Blizz said sometime during 8.2 the Horde is gonna start gaining some significant victories against the Alliance again. Assuming Blizz didn’t forget Delaryn and Sira exist, Horde might get some new quests in Darkshore helping the night elf Dark Rangers wreck the place even more.

I mean losing Stromgarde wouldn’t make them look less foolish then the hilarious implications of Anduin securing a naval advantage…and then immediately squandering it in two hopeless battles against the Horde on their home territory.

So that’s probably what will happen yeah.


God, this expansion just gets worse, and worse.