Will the Kaldorei lose Darkshore?

I don’t know why you think two word responses is going to convince me of anything…

The Night Elves arguably have managed the most advantaged civilization without destructive mining and lumbering operations, or complex, explosive machinery.

And yet, Blight > Ancients. And goblins are still seen cutting down a good amount of soldiers in their machines.

And if that’s the case, if what was left at Darkshore could have handled the Horde… then there was no reason for Tyrande to come running back. She could have had patience, something Anduin desperately asked for so as to not spread the Alliance too thin. This would confirm that Tyrande is just selfish and not a good leader. Abandoning her home as soon as things got bad and then dooming the alliance to lose the war on the other fronts(as far as she knew at the time). One bad decision after another.

Edit: Also, I’m gonna say the BfA cinematic isn’t canon because it isn’t what my character experienced in game. If Anduin/Genn came into melee with Saurfang, things would have been a lot different.

Wasn’t their original plan to make Alliance and Horde each control one continent? So logically, the Horde will win in Darkshore while the Alliance takes Stromgarde.

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The Night Elves could canonically win the warfront and its the Horde that is trying to retake it.

Frankly there is very little need for a lore explanation to keep the Warfronts. There are still legion invasions despite the Legion finale.

Nah, the warfront existence in itself is the biggest hurdle to make Nelves lose -it would be a colossal waste of resources to invest in this just to end up kicking them regardless-.

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I’ll say it again Alliance will win Darkshore, only to realize they don’t have the resources to take Ashenvale.

On a side not: Why exactly are the Night Elf supporters going Darkshore or Bust, Mount Hyjal is the territory where if you lose it the Night Elves mightn’t as well exist anymore. Not to mention Sin’dorei and Shal’dorei being able to remove the World Tree and get the Second Well back, should be a game over scenario for the Alliance.

Personally speaking, because after fourteen years of Night Elf degradation by the story, losing so much as a millimeter of territory to the Horde, ontop of genocide, is just too much to bear.


The horde foot hold isn’t in Ashenvale it’s in Darkshore. Once they are on the run the horde will be scrambling to set up some kind of saftey net. With that army rooted out of Darkshore, Ashenvale will be pretty easy to take back.

Because Darkshore is the entrance into their lands. It borders both Ashenvale and Felwood. Besides if the horde even tries anything with Hyjal it will militarize the Cenarion Circle abd probably tbe rest of their ancient allies.


The Aspects placed the World Tree under the joint custodianship of ALL the races of Azeroth when it was renewed. (I believe in fact it was Thrall as World Shaman who was the master of cerremonies, if I remember correctly.) It’s no longer just a Night Elf thing. Hyjal like the Moonglade, is now a shared territory.

The Sin’dorei have their Sunwell… they want nothing to do with things Night Elf. and the Tauren will resist any move to take down Nordrassil.

If there is anything blizzard loves almost as much as their two-dimensional faction conflict and cringeworthy story arcs, its kicking night elves when they are down.


But they love cattering to their fav pet characters even more… And kicking you guys may end up looking detrimental for God King Blanduin or Jaina Tragicmoore, ergo you guys are mostly safe.

If worse comes to worse those two will save your Darkshore, mark my words.

Says who? You are just making assumptions.

Not any more than anyone else. If anything, we see goblins more often kill themselves.

And still, After Dazar’alor, the Alliance is “Within weeks” of victory.

Look, the Horde is not going to win in Darkshore… its just not going to happen. The Night Elves have already suffered from the burning of Teldrassil, and Darkshore was put in place to be the Kaldorei’s vengeance. The Horde is not going to win in Darkshore because not only is the endeavor near impossible with Gods on the field like Tyrande, Maiev, Shandris, Malfurion and Elune herself, but also because narratively, its just not going to happen. You guys are not going to wipe out the Kaldorei and banish them from their ancestral home. Sorry to burst your bubble.


Naughty naughty, you’re roleplaying again!

5 minute cool off in the corner!

No I am not.

We literally see in it in the warfront…

An instance of goblins blowing themselves up in Darkshore please?

You missed the next part of my quote which said:

Abandoning her home as soon as things got bad and then dooming the alliance to lose the war on the other fronts(as far as she knew at the time).

The point was Tyrande didn’t know this, so she was being selfish(if we’re assuming that the Horde would have lost Darkshore even if Tyrande didn’t return, which a lot of you seem to be doing for whatever reason).

Tyrande got held back by Nathanos, Malfurion took an axe to the back and keeled over, and I wouldn’t exactly call Maeiv and Shandris gods when you have Sira and the other one(forget the name) to match them.

Yeah, pretty scary line up :roll_eyes:

But this isn’t a game of rock paper scissors. Blight isn’t rock and ancients aren’t scissors. Just because we happen to see as single instance of this happening doesn’t mean that’s the default.

Ever played a Goblin in MoP? Lorewalker Cho says most of your Goblin ancestors died in fire and explosions.

That point doesn’t matter. The Horde is losing on all fronts right now.

Probably the most powerful lore characters of the Horde and Alliance combined. Yeah.

Sira doesn’t come close to Maiev and Delaryn doesn’t come close to Shandris.

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The Horde will turn the game into the next war patch, so only time will tell.

Sure. Give me an example of an ancient resisting blight then?

So that’s a no on the Goblins blowing themselves up in Darkshore. Got it lol.

Uh… no… it matters a lot. And by you not refuting it properly I can assume you too think Tyrande is a horrible leader. I guess we can agree on something.

And they get smacked on a daily basis by Horde soldiers. :woman_shrugging: What can you do right?

Even so, Maeiv and Shandris are not enough to turn the tide of a battle. All we can count on Maeiv for is her obsession with Illidan. Outside of that, she’s not very useful.

And Shandris who? Lol

Resisting? Arguably the ancients in Darkshore were resisting it. Blight kills everything else is touches… Yet not the ancients.

Lol, yet fire and explosions is almost always the cause of Death fot Goblins. But go ahead and just ignore lore when it suits you.

How? Tyrande is leading a successful reclamation of her homeland, and the Alliance is “within weeks of victory” Clearly Anduin’s worries were unfounded.

That Horde bias is strong, cant deny that.

Sure they are.

Oh you know, the person more than half the Alliance War Campaign was about? Ranger General of the Sentinels? Probably the strongest ranger in the lore lol.


Okay, but clearly they weren’t succeeding because they needed the help of the Alliance forces. So close but no cigar.

Okay I guess I’ll just stop arguing this point. Yes, in the past, Goblins died blowing themselves up. I don’t see how this effects Darkshore when we haven’t seen not one instance of this.

I’ll walk you through it one last time.

  1. As far as Anduin knew, the Alliance would have spread themselves too thin if they were to start another front on Darkshore.

  2. Tyrande, not caring about the bigger picture of the well-being of the Alliance as a whole, goes back to Darkshore. And Anduin still allows some forces to go to help. He’s barely an adult and already is a greater leader than she could hope to be.

  3. The only reason the assault is successful so far is because Tyrande got an upgrade. What was she going to do without it? I’ll tell you- literally die.

You saying this doesn’t make it true. This is another case of “if my favorite race doesn’t completely annihilate the Horde then it’s Horde bias”. Get over yourself.

If that were the case the War of Thorns would have been won a long time ago. Clearly the Horde is too much for them to handle.

Generic night elf #67? Forgive me for forgetting who that was.

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Akiyass, isn’t it clear that this “Night Elf” has no clue on what he’s talking about after saying this? I’d suggest to let this argument drop. No worth your time.