Will the dragon expansion have any Horde story ties? (Give me some hope)

I’m on record as being interested in the Dragon Isles, but I just realized something.

There are dragons with Alliance story ties—although the main one, Ysera, is not on Azeroth at the moment. Possibly we will also get another chapter in the Kalecgos/Jaina soap opera.

It’s been hinted that Wrathion will be a major character, possibly “the Magni” of the expansion. I have mixed feelings about this. He does at least have some story with both sides, but he’s been getting more and more tied to the Alliance storywise. Meanwhile, the chances of seeing Ebonhorn, his Horde story counterpart, seem slim, since Big E prefers to hang out in Highmountain.

Apart from that, the only Horde story ties I can see are the … ahem … unfortunate business with the Reds. Hopefully they’ll be angrier at the Ebon Blade, though, since that was more recent.

Chromie at least is more or less neutral (apart from taking on the appearance of a gnome) and could potentially play a large role.

I could be wrong. I hope I’m wrong. But I’m starting to worry this might be Legion 2.0, where the story is generally decent but it’s basically Alliance-themed. And that’s kind of killing my buzz.

Talk me out of it?


If nothing else, the presence of the Reliquary will open up the possibility of Horde characters have some kind of place.

All you have to do to make sure that happens is find and abduct Brann Bronzebeard’s voice actor, because if you don’t, he’ll probably just end up totally taking over the expedition and the Horde elements will be completely shut out.

It’s hard to connect the storyline dots back to Horde-aligned characters. Thrall hasn’t been mentioned, but he worked directly with the dragon aspects back in Cataclysm. Other than that, I’m drawing blanks.

Valtrois, albeit a minor character, had cordial interactions with Stellagosa back in Legion. I can’t see anything big happening with this in Dragonflight, if the writers remember it at all.

I’d love to be proven wrong, but I’m expecting the Reliquary to be a bunch of one-dimensional, prissy, unscrupulous Blood Elves looking to sabotage the Explorer’s League, who will of course be characterized as being principled and noble. Again, I’d love for this to not be the case, but I’m not hopeful.


Well, there’s always Salandria, who has recently popped into existence as more than a Holiday Event character, and whom supposedly has some kind of destiny involving dragons.

Unfortunately, I feel the same lack of hope there: :point_down:

I mean, they could use this opportunity to rehabilitate the Reliquary, but I’m not holding my breath. :frowning:

Isn’t it hinted that her destiny is something sinister, though? The dragon who foresaw it wanted to kill her as a child to prevent it, as I recall…


We’ve got Ebonhorn kicking around. Seriously the Horde straight up has an adult black dragon on it’s payroll and it’s barely remarked upon.

I’d actually like to see the Reliquary do more stuff. It’s more of a Belf, Forsaken and now Nightborne thing and it’d be cool to interact with the Horde’s resident scholars, scientists and academics. Hell I’d throw in some Tauren and Orc Mages in there and some Zandalari historians, why not.

Plus it’d be cool if they gave High Examiner Tae’thelan Bloodwatcher something to do. The guy looks awesome and is a boss who’s constantly levitating. Be cool to have him do some Blood Mage ish.


You’re not going to find them by looking at the past. Unless Wrathion decides to renew his game of playing both factions against each other.

The best hope would be new ties. But if Blizzard is going to make this expo less expansion focused.

And the Hour or Twilight was supposed to be the end of the world. The future isn’t written in stone.

Well, except when it is—like, we can’t stop Nozdormu from becoming Murazond, apparently.

Still, I take your point and will try to be optimistic!

Hasn’t happened yet, so let’s wait and see on that one too. I wouldn’t be surprised if it does happen, of course, just saying things have already unfolded in ways not foreseen, multiple times.

After BFA and many other expansions before I think this could be a good opportunity for the Horde to make amends for their incredibly dark history. First step of many but thats assuming Horde players are interested in a morally good Horde faction.

The Horde’s past make it really hard to link back to future stories, Whatever is coming has to be something new.


I thought that Ebyssian was mentioned as being involved in Dragonflight and that could led to Mayla and the other Highmountain stepping in to help him out, as he’s helped them.

Thrall bonded the aspects in the Twilight of the Aspects novel and Nozdormu’s son and heir Anachronos did aid the Horde in recruiting the Mag’har. Granted it was implied that it was fate at work but Geya’rah and the other Mag’har could decide that they have a dealt of honor to the Bronze.

That is true and I do suspect that Salandria will be apart of that expedition as well since she’s involved in the events of 9.2.5 and there’s that quest where Zaladormu stops other dragons from attacking her, because "things she might do or fail to do in the future.

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The draenei orphan gets attacked by the Bronzes too, which gives me hope Salandria and Dornaa will both have something to do in DF.


There can also be a place for the Horde in the “state of the Black Dragonflight” narrative. Ofc there’s Ebyssian, and right now I’m thinking Sabellian (who was confirmed to be still in Outland by Exploring Azeroth) might play a role Horde-side too.

When it comes to potential plotlines related to Horde races in general :

  • The Dragonmaw matter, obviously
  • Primordial Trolls
  • Given that there are Gorlocs and Tuskarr on the Dragon Isles, the Taunka might make their return
  • The Stonemaul Ogres have some sort of connection with the Dragons considering that we helped chase Onyxia’s brood from their village
  • I can see the Unshackled join their new allies on that expedition. They were seen by the Orgrimmar harbor after all

And of course the Reliquary


I’m really looking forward to seeing Ebonhorn again! Fully expect him to play second fiddle to Wrathion, but at least he’ll be there.
Would be great to have a troll rep with us when it comes to interacting with the Primordial Trolls, too.


Maybe they can remember… Whatshername. See I already forgot the HM Tauren leader.

Always thought it was weird that she had zero lines of dialogue, despite essentially her godfather being a black dragon who had to resist N’Zoth’s whispers. Despite appearing in a cutscene no less.

I wanna say Maya?

Almost :wink:

I second that.


Fun fact: Sabellian refers to Rexxar as one of his friends. Though it’s implied that Rexxar doesn’t know that Baron Sablemane is a dragon.

It’s Mayla.


Stop giving folk hope, Benny. We all know the only reason Ebonhorn will be present is to give the false idea that it is remotely possible for Wrathion not to become the new leader of the Black Dragon Flight. That is Ebonhorn’s only purpose, and as soon as Wrathion achieves his mandated destiny, Ebonhorn will sit down on the floor exactly like Baine.

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I doubt they are going to remember Dornaa exists, they usually forget about the draenei. The only reason Salandria is brought up now is because blood elves are getting a second set of heritage armor, I don’t think anything is happening with the draenei. She could have more to do in DF but since she is military and this is suppose to be more of an “explorer” expedition I don’t think she will do much outside of this appearance in 9.2.5.