I am unsure either side is going to have super strong connections, as no one has any ties to the Dragon isles aside for…well… dragons.
The basic concept of the Dragonscale expedition as being a strictly non-military affair composed of scholars and explorers from both sides would lead me to conclude they don’t want to really talk about either faction in the expansion. That is what they are using 9.2.5 for.
Exploring Kalimdor stated that night elves are the only race that the Emerald Flight allowed to become dragon riders. To my knowledge, no other player race can make that claim. Nevermind that nelves are intrinsically tied to the Emeralds, being the only race that Ysera blessed to enter the Emerald Dream, as well as being the only race that all dragons united to give immortality to twice.
Incorrect as usual, they didn’t bless the night elves a second time with immortality after the night elves sacrified it to destroy Archimonde.
The druids, led by Fandral Staghelm, created a new World Tree off the coast of Kalimdor and named it Teldrassil, however, this tree did not receive Nozdormu’s, or any other Aspect’s, blessing
That is true, except there is the issue the Dragon Riders of Loreth’Aran were destroyed ten thousand years ago; literally only ghosts remain. The Green flight never granted that again.
Twice? That only happened once, when all the flights gathered to bless Nordrassil. Timelessness was the blessing of Nozdormu, who never granted it again.
I am unsure I’d call the ability granted to enter the Dream a gift. That was more akin to being given the tools for the job you just signed an indefinite contract for. If the Second Legion invasion had not occurred, most druids would still be unconscious per the agreements the Kaldorei and Dragons reached. People do not tend to realize the Blessings of Nordrassil were not given out of kindness, they were bribes to keep the elves guarding the world tree out of self interest if nothing else, so the dragons did not have to do so themselves.
I agree that the factions are likely to be in the background if they are present at all. But individual races have connections to various dragonflights or individual dragons, like Night Elves with the greens.
The night elves also have close bonds with the Red, Green and Bronze Dragonflights. The great Dragon Aspects, Alexstrasza, Ysera and Nozdormu, were the ones to create and bless Nordrassil, where most of the night elf race made their home for thousands of years, and their combined blessings provided them with renewed strength and vitality, easy access to the Emerald Dream, and immortality until the end of the Third War.[3] Two of them, Alexstrasza and Ysera, later blessed Teldrassil as well after attending Tyrande and Malfurion’s wedding in Darnassus, protecting it from corruption forevermore,[31] and the night elves have worked with the Aspects and their dragonflights on many occasions since.[3][25][31][66]
Ysera is particularly important and revered, as all druids assist her dragonflight in guarding the Emerald Dream,[3] and even after her death at Tyrande Whisperwind’s hands, she has expressed regret at her inability to aid the kaldorei when Teldrassil burned, and has resolved to aid Tyrande however possible.[68] Most green dragons, including Ysera herself, to this day even generally prefer to take on the form of kaldorei, and they have allowed night elves to ride them as mounts into battle in the ancient past, as Ysera did with Malfurion Stormrage during the War of the Ancients, and as her dragonflight did with Prince Toreth and the Dragon Riders of Loreth’Aran.
Green dragons already seem to be the least relevant in this expansion. That is the only fight without a relevant leader and she doesn’t even have a unique model, they also didn’t even really mention the green flight in the reveal, other than the cutscene guy say the literal who Merithra is leading them. Blizzard forgot to make Ysera’s replacement a character.
The way they talked up Wrathion in the reveal and the subsequent interviews makes it seem very unlikely Ebonhorn is going to actually be relevant. They will probably just go with the more “popular” choice, as in the one people know because he has had the most screen time. Even though Ebonhorn is like 10k years old and would probably be the correct choioce.
Except that Merideth (if that’s her name, I don’t trifle myself with nelf lore) was specifically stated to be getting expansion focus with Tyrande because Ysera is dead, during the expansion reveal (or ensuing interviews, I don’t remember which.)
Tyrande wasn’t mentioned in the reveal, there was an interview that said:
Kadghar and Wrathion will be important characters in the expansion, along with other returning characters. Tyrande included.
But then people are were speculating that Tyrande will be relevant with the green dragon flight and talk to her about Ysera. I don’t believe they ever talked about what Tyrande or Meranda are doing.
Jackie: Oh man. It’s an option. We have so many narrative hooks throughout WoW. Right? Like all of the dragonflights are in like questionable circumstances based on all the stuff that’s happened to them since we launched WoW. Like… we sure have fought a lot of green dragons that got nightmare and etcetera, throughout the expansions. So there’s so many plotlines to pull from. I can speak to like more specifically on the greens, for example, right? The green dragonflight is in a state right now because their one aspect they’ve ever had (Ysera) died, and it was in the Shadowlands and we saw her in Ardenweild, like she’s dead.
So the green dragonflight is in these various interesting states right now of like, they’ve lost a lot throughout history with the nightmare and everything. They’ve had a very fraught past. So now the green dragons are kind of in this state where Ysera’s daughter Merithra has been acting as like the de facto leader for the green dragonflight since Ysera’s death, but they don’t have an aspect right now.
How do they move forward from that? You know, not all green dragons might agree that Merithra should be in charge. This responsibility kinda fell upon her, right? So we’re going to explore that with the green dragons, with some like really neat questing that I can just spoon over because I’m not the one building it; but we’re really going to dive into like the green dragon situation, and what their future is without Ysera. We will see that happening with all the dragonflights as they like come to terms with past events and for the bronze dragonflight, future events; and move forward from that.
So there’s a lot of stuff that we’ve done throughout the years that we’re really excited to pull in together, going to have some deep lore cuts for the lore fans. I’m sure.
Edit: Wow. I went through the effort of indenting to make that easier to read, and wow forums just do not give a heck.
Ah, I missed that one where they do at least mention Merinda, but they don’t actually talk about Tyrande or what she is doing. That part was just speculation I was pretty sure.
Maybe Blizz will do something with Merideth in the Prepatch. Maybe Ysera gets to send a note along with the seed that Ardenweald is gifting the Night Elves, to help guide Merideth.