Will the devs ever get scaling right?

Their math is definitely bad. Or better yet, they have a “base expectancy” that players sky rocket past.

If we’re expected to have some degree of ilvl per level why not just give it to us? Boost the lower ilvl gear to some respective white ilvl so we don’t become abysmally weak.

It’s like somehow math is causing the problem when math/logistics can easily solve the problem. Just do better math Blizz.

Yea I prefer faster leveling. If I were to suggest any changes I guess it would be:

  1. cap out 70 power level a bit lower than it is now

  2. make normal dungeons and t3 delves drop gear at a much higher rate so that you don’t fall behind in item level as much when leveling quickly and also quickly catch up to a decent baseline when you hit 80

Those two things combined I think would make the process feel smoother.

if your unsure of how it had to do with scaling then you dont see a problem with scaling in the game obviously.

Literally what are you talking about lol

Glancing at the post you’re responding to I was probably referring to the fact that scaling makes level 70s in leveling dungeons more powerful than 80s in early epics that we could buy from the vendor in beta.

Level 70 healers for example can heal a level 78-80 for millions more than a level 80 in epics healed for in beta. They won’t even see those numbers at 80 in the first tier of the expansion.

They should just delete leveling dungeons at this point

Argowal, + 1 for calling out this nonsense. Its nice to see you finally come around on how bad retail is.

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They are going to have to do something because this is just not any fun. And who is going to continue something that just isn’t fun?

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I care, this is a crappy MMO dungeon experience. Imagine if you’re a new play to the game and your first experiences with group content is just chasing the tank while they pull 1/2 the dungeon.

It totally sucks, and no, follower dungeons as a fix is just a bandaid.

The devs are just being lazy about trying to fix this, it has been a huge problem since scaling was implemented.


It’s been a downward spiral.

I still enjoy getting new dungeons and raids so I keep playing, but my enthusiasm keeps going down. Maybe it’s just I’m that I’ve played too long, although I do have a lot of fun in Era.

With the EA my launch hype is pretty low, we are working on building a new chicken coop run in our yard and I’ll probably spend a lot of the evening working on that instead of logged waiting to zone into the new area.

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Same here!! I like to see the new content, and I love retail’s cosmetics, but I miss the WoW I fell in love with back before they Diablofied the game.

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Had a squish in WoD because of MoP got to the point a boss like Garrosh needed to refill his life bar the game struggled with the numbers

Then people cry that they are too hard because they actually have to put some time, effort and energy into them.

Oh sorry, too ‘annoying’, lol.

#1 They will already experience chasing the tank from the very 1st dungeon they do.
#2 A new player isn’t going to be doing this xpac’s normals on day 1.

This is only a problem for the 1st week of the xpac, and I’m using the word problem very loosely here. None of you will care in the next 48 hours.

Let me get this straight, you think that there are no new players going into TWW right now?

You do realize people get a free boost with the purchase of the expansion.

Good ol Paeldryth, always playing defense for Blizzard

So a base game and 4 expansions worth before finally getting one? Then they started needing to do them every other expansion.

You can thank 4 raid difficulties for this one.

I’m tired of them having to squish everything down every 2-3 expansions.

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I was talking about this the other day with someone.

I remember I was playing a lot of Diablo II a bit before WoW released, and that of course is a game for aoe smashing and looting. It was a fun game.

But something I enjoyed about WoW when it launched is I felt like an individual soldier in a RTS game. It’s more 1v1 focused (not totally, plenty of cleave and aoe at times), but it’s a much different style of game. Gear was the gear, no randomness beyond the drops. Everything is one difficulty, the game areas are just the game areas.

We’ve drifted so far from that it’s wild. And maybe it needed to? Maybe it wouldn’t have survived if it didn’t, I don’t know. It’s not just nostalgia for me, I greatly enjoy era. No, it’s not a hard game, but it’s…fun to me.

They did that in BfA world quests and it went terribly because it defeats the purpose of getting gear in the first place.

This has happened every single expansion since TBC, there’s no good solution to this.

That’s part of it, but not the only thing.

Using an Era example, my Paladin auto attack 1h at 60 is doing about 150 dmg. Level 60. I was doing 60-70 at level 30, yet the game was designed in a way that I could not just attack a level 60 mob at level 30 and kill it in twice the time since I’m dealing half the damage. I’d never land a hit and be crushed to death in 3 seconds.