Will the devs ever get scaling right?

Dying to open world mobs as a fresh 80 is indeed a skill issue, but sure whatever you say
If you were in fact exaggerating, then maybe try not to just make random things up to support your argument lmao

Thanks! I won’t need them as much as it seems you will, if you’re dying to open world mobs right now. Good luck!

Because at a certain point you’ll have 100% haste crit etc.
How would you solve the problem?

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You are getting one shot… by a normal overworld mob?

By having your level vs mob level matter, and removing level scaling?

Like they did for the first decade of this games life?

When TBC launched a 70 in the same gear as a 60 wasn’t doing less damage against the same mobs lol.


What makes anyone think that scaling was ever intended to be “right” exactly?

It’s always been bad and an excuse to not balance content properly.

How many times have you read “oh that’s just the scaling, it all comes out in the wash later”?

Because the intent of scaling is to be able to entirely neglect certain levels of content.

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Becoming weaker against the same mobs you were just fighting 3 seconds ago is a “feature” of level scaling.

Edit - meant to edit post instead of repost :frowning:


In older xpacs when you leveled your secondaries still went down. You still got weaker in that sense until you got new gear.

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Yes, but it was done in a way that you still gained power over the mobs you were just fighting, or the dungeon you were just in.

You didn’t level up and suddenly have a harder time against the same encounter you just did.

I’m not full opposed to level scaling, I can appreciate its value the larger the game gets for doing content below max level where we now have the base vanilla areas and 9 expansions worth of zones and dungeons.

But leveling in the new expansion and getting weaker every level is a feels bad (even if it’s not a game breaking thing).


This is an unfortunate cost of linear progression. There has to be peaks and valleys. Because without the valleys, we would be doing quintillions of damage right now.

I can’t speak to other classes…only done Balance so far, but at 79, any two open world quest mobs are likely to have killed me at 79. Seriously unfun.

That one quest to escort some idiot out of a spider camp where groups of two mobs attacked was an absolute nightmare at 79 with a balance druid at ilvi 535.

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Could they get it right? Probably with enough sweat and elbow grease.

Thing is, who really cares about normals getting streamrolled at xpac launch? Heroics will be out today, so it just doesn’t matter.

I loved that. We all miss that.

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I dunno dude, going from being 100+ ilvls above the starting level of gear for the expac to being a few 30 ilvls below if you replace nothing I think is more tge driving factor to feeling weak. People were complaining that Blizzard made the story mode easier, that you just one shot things now in this thread the OP is getting deleted by overworld mobs? They have to live in fear picking flowers? I did the leveling process and at the end with my weapon still from DF mobs just felt like general mobs, was still pulling groups of five, still solod an elite boss mob and killed all their elite children up to it.

It’s a lose lose situation for a game of WoW’s size.

If they lock every zone to specific level ranges, then they have to design them in such a way that, while leveling, you are locked to a very specific route, else the risk of getting blown up. And then once you hit cap, you’re stuck in most likely a single location, because everything else is low level and not worth it. Then you add in the seasonal nature of gear and gear rewards and it’s a mess.

But as we’ve seen with them trying to scale thing is that, for whatever reason, they can just not get the tech working properly so we’re always super strong early then get weaker as we approach cap, only to jump exponentially in power again as we gear up.

There isn’t really a winning strategy here. Not with the way modern WoW is designed.

I’m fine with level scaling. Ilvl scaling on top of that is extremely dumb.


They should just rid of level scaling all together. Imagine if Aj’kahet was 80 only, and you got 1 shotted exploring it at level 74 by a skull level mob, would make the threat feel more real, along with fixing scaling.

I prefer the old system too. But the problem persists and you don’t quite have the answer.

  1. too large numbers
  2. too much content, players wanted more freedom of movement
  3. gear will scale infinitely at some point, unless reigned in. IIRC that also happened back then, the more you went up the less you benefitted. You could see your stats go down when upgrading gear.

I miss the old wow adventures, I loved leveling back then. But it’s incompatible with modern wow.

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from my memory on paper that sounds good but in actuality people hated being extremely weak as they were leveling. I personally don’t mind using my level 70 gear all the way to 80.
The biggest issue I’ve had with blizzard scaling has always been when you hit level cap there is a huge jump in the strength from the mobs. the mob strength from level 79 to 80 feels a bit off, which I understand they want you to have some challenge with mobs at max level. Honestly my biggest issue, which hopefully gets fixed in 3 hours when the game “launches” is they enable heroics

you answered your own question with this statement right here. Imagin if you walked in with unscaled stats, 10 levels of total take forever to kill anything slog, just like it used to be before scaling. Yea, it’s a little annoying, but I’ll take it all day long over feeling “no powered” in greens.

Sort of.

I can understand the value in level scaling, especially for up to the prior expansions level cap (like Chromie time) just due to the massive amount of zones and dungeons possible to level in.

For the latest expansion though? I’m not so sure.

You are absolutely correct that your secondary stats went down as you leveled, as early as TBC. That has to happen or you end up with 100% crit chances and other nonsense. But, back then they also handled the player level vs a mob level VERY differently. If I’m level 62 fighting a level 62 mob in TBC, and I ding 63, I’m more powerful against that same 62 mob than before I dinged 63 despite my crit, hit, and haste rating all going down (actually, it went down against an equal level mob is how it’s worded, and important distinction).

It’s also no coincidence that we went from vanilla through Legion without a gear squish (base game plus 6 expansions), then with level scaling arriving in Legion we are suddenly receiving squishes every other expansion.

The player level vs mob level differences back then handled a lot of exponential power creep. For example my fresh 60 prot Paladin in Era’s main hand auto attack does about 150 dmg per swing at level 60 fighting other level 60 mobs. I was auto attacking for 60-70 damage way back at level 30 or so, yet when I was level 35 I couldn’t just quest in Eastern Plaguelands fighting level 55+ mobs even though my damage isn’t “that” much lower than when I’m 60. It’s due to the level differences making that impossible, they’d destroy a 35 in 2 hits and I would never land an attack.

The old system worked really well for this type of thing, and maybe once the base game grew too large level scaling was inevitable, but we’ve had solutions to these “problems” for the first decade of WoW’s life.

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