Will TBC be worth the investment for Arena?

I’m genuinely curious why you’d have any doubts about botting being as bad when its led by the same company and team that has allowed them to run rampant. I hope you’re just trying to make conversation and not actually this naive.

As for investment, thats something you need to decide on your own. If you like the game then play it, otherwise don’t.

Yes, mana burn was better…

Will still be 30 ilvl for most players.

Takes 2 weeks.


Double mace stun…

SL/SL warlocks…


you are in a rude awakening for tbc, my friend

long time ago

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Double Healer/Prot War should be fun. Just enjoy the game and build whatever you want.

a lot of people are playing tbc at the moment because, they achieved their goals in this really long patch and pvp is dead because grinding cp takes forever to get

9.1 is an improvement over 9.0 and 9.0.5, at least for pve

Having done both pve and pvp extensively this patch, I can tell you that there was nothing wrong with PVE other than the gear drops. Im sure everyone can agree that the nerf to mythic+ and raid drops really felt bad. This is why so many PVErs opted to buy boost after boost after boost since raid gear drops were nerfed. :angry:

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yeah i agree with that, bad drop rates felt really really bad in pve

but also think alts need some much much bigger borrowed power shortcuts, it is REALLY demotivating and I’ve just dead stopped on a bunch of alts once I hit 60 and realized what I had to repeat again

borrowed power shortcuts for alts has been an issue since borrowed power creation\

if peeps could switch toons more easily there also wouldn’t be as much friction about slow balancing and it would create more playtime from being able to explore new playstyles without burnout from repeating too much of the same stuff

People keep screaming for “WoW with rated PvP before all of these stupid systems that you have to go through after hitting max level”.
That’s basically TBC.

That’s about it for systems.


Much agreed here. If MoP classic happens in like 6 years I’ll actually touch the classic servers. Until then though, just gotta make do.


Mana burn was a lot better indeed. There was no dampening so games can actually end. Or are you honestly trying to say DPS specs should be able to stay alive until 50%+ damp?

Gear disparity of 30 ilvl vs 60+ ilvl on retail. Also you have a much higher chance of beating players more geared than you in TBC. Try beating a 226 ilvl arms warrior as 158 ilvl

You seriously white-knighting blizz in regards to Torghast/Renown/Covenants? I can’t even respond to this one. Yikes

More than 1000+ arenas to be fully geared actually if you only que 2’s on a fresh lvl 60. Given 50% win rate or less.

Mace stun rogues are actually fighting you…in pvp…instead of running 99% of the game where you’re supposed to fight each other. Incredible.

Imagine comparing SL/SL warlock to life coccoon on 25 second CD, ice block full heal regen, cauterize cheat death, alter time, 3 spell schools, etc. It’s 100x more fun facing a warlock in TBC than facing a mage on retail, even tho SL locks are still miserable to face.

You’re lvl 40 though so arenas do seem a lot better. Wait till you hit lvl 60 it gets much worse. Shadowlands is the worst expansion to ever exist for pvpers (BFA didn’t count as an expansion since nothing was expanded upon).

Balance does not equal fun. TBC can be way less balanced than retail and still a lot more enjoyable to play. It’s not hard to figure that out.


don’t forget the other 2 more important parts fun and competitive

what are you basing it off of, the vibe I am getting from more serious PVP competitors is that TBC is going to be very boring =( , in terms of arena gameplay

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They are really basic.

The most advanced bot I found in classic Vanilla was a warlock / Druid / Priest bot that puts dots / debuffs automatically.

Have never seen a kick bot, not any sort of bot that comes within the honorbuddy realm; nor any lazy Larry scrip stuff either.

The bots that do exist are farming bots; doing mostly exploit and hack stuff that blizzard is failing hard at dealing with.

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There is ZERO chance they make a classic version of that garbo expansion. They aren’t going past Wrath.

Just try it out yourself and see if you like it. If you don’t then so be it. You already have access to it for free if you play retail anyway.

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Spec viability is way worse than retail. There’s a lot more RNG. It’s slower in many senses, but your globals are more meaningful. Keep in mind, too, that it’s largely a solved game–at least compared to new retail patches. There’s far less room for innovation in talents, gearing, composition, etc.

Overall, it’s not for me given the time investment required to level and gear, but it’ll have a healthy scene for quite some time if private servers are anything to go by.


I had to check this and the biggest pvp only server for tbc where you had almost max gear instantly so there was no grind had 29 glads 2s/3s and 5s which means there were less then 1000 people who played more then games. That is not a healthy scene.

Take vanilla’s honor system Nost r14 was 1.5mil honor for 3 weeks which was bracket 1 which had about 13000 people ranked in it when it was still up. Now classic wows honor system using population data assuming every level 60 had atleast 25 kills (which did not happen at all) we would have around 250-300k people ranked in the rank ladder. Now use that for tbcs biggest server which has 29 glads in 2/3/5 and populate the same the first season should have 667 glads or 134k people Over the entire world.

Now the private server was without the gear grind and levelling which will be far far worse then it is in shadowlands. There is a reason why in tbc season 2 start half the people had basically 3-4 pieces of arena gear on and the rest was honor / pve stuff in seasons that last upwards of 35 weeks.

TBC has far worse meta defining classes. Just wait till 2s is just warrior/rdruid or double dps caster or rogue/caster. Then 3s is basically some form of rogue/warrior/lock/mage. The only thing in TBC that was actually balanced was 5v5 arena in terms of comps which actually doesn’t exist in shadowlands at all.

–Information from ironforge.pro and ranked leaderboard from my honorcalc in phase 1.

Imagine thinking MoP was trash.


The point I was attempting to make was that the fact there is a private server scene at all testifies to the desire for some people to play BC. Official BC servers will only grow that scene. Now, it won’t be a massive PvP scene like days of old, but it’ll survive with enough players to not have dead queues. It’ll be initially massive but will quickly taper to a niche.

Uggg just got this from EU FORUMS
man so depressing

"People forgot TBC hell and chasing all attunements,honor grinds and ganks,arena hell with getting DS druid/warrior or DS druid
/rogue every game.They will be back before u know it

On private servers with 2x honor gain and instant bg queues,it took u 2 months to buy full honor set.

Imagine farming 200 av honor marks on classic TBC.With all streamers and hardcore farmers doing premades,i feel sorry for casuals and people who dont have 15 hours a day to spend queueing av for 2 months.

People gonna run back to retail praising current gearing system.

But first,before you do all of that,you need to go trough all ganking during leveling (and given how everyone became hurt and sensitive snowflake,i doubt many would even finish leveling to 70) and reputation farms by sitting in Shatt spamming lfg,not being able to move anywhere."

TBC killed retail. remove Rating requirement for PVP - PVP / Arenas - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

MoP was a bad expansion lol. I get some of you like it for the Arena. However it was a bad expansion and when WoW actually became Retail. Cata was the last official WoW expansion. Lets be clear though we aren’t getting Cata Classic and we most definitely aren’t getting MoP :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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