Will Shadowlands be the final WoW expansion?

BFA didn’t grab me at all, this will likely be the last expansion for me if they don’t step it up. It’s been an enjoyable ride regardless.

There are multiple reasons why people are mentioning it, though. They’re fairly good reasons too.

There is an NPC quote from legion saying that time in Shadowlands works different compared to Azeroth and gives even a specific example. The game director himself as also said time doesn’t work like it does on Azeroth.

This combined with the multiple stories I mentioned that aren’t primary but are still fairly important I say makes this a fairly big potential because as I said above they are not overnight fixes and some of them may lead to other events.

While I agree, but this gives an interesting narrative. The old leaders haven’t returned from SL. The leaders left behind start to do as they please, etc.

Genn’s Revenge driven escapade against the forsaken. Turalyon as King & Steward of the Alliance. The Horde, without majority of it’s leaders to lead the newly formed council to guide it’s new form of leadership.


I think you maybe misunderstanding my meaning, when I say a reset button. I say it in the sense of a fresh start for the game. A WoW 2 so to speak, a chance for Blizzard to really push to change the game / it’s setting similar to Cata did back in 2010.

Couldn’t imagine this being the last expansion unless it really flops of course.

Unless it flops no

Most likely they’ll focus their resources on TBC Classic, Wrath Classic and so on.

They’ll probably stop there since after that was the beginning of the end for WoW.

end of xpac is prob gonna be a final old god that just destroys the entire world
and then we just spawn into bobby kotick’s maze

The Shadowlands expansion is fleshing out an entire realm that we’ve never really experienced - it is brand new. I would say that is evidence that WoW is always expanding, and not over when lore from the old warcraft games is finished being reimagined.

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To hell with the cosmos and all this intergalactic garbage. Once the Legion warped in from hyperspace in their Star Destroyers, World of Warcraft ceased to exist.

Funny, isn’t it? WORLD of Warcraft? Don’t you think maybe the game should be focused on THE WORLD and not whatever stupid crap they pull out of their asses this time?

Oh well, fitting that WoW’s last expansion should be death themed.

Orcs are aliens that used an intergalactic portal to invade Azeroth.

The Legion isn’t some new enemy introduced in Legion either.


Shadowlands can mean a soft reset for the world, allowing the old big bads to return far stronger than before (Arthas, Garrosh, Deathwing, extremely dangerous souls we’ve never heard of before rapped in the maw, etc). If they escape and return to Azeroth, that right there can lead to quite a few more expansions as they start building up massive threats that pose major dangers.

WoW still makes a lot of money, it is the highest grossing game of all time.

Don’t believe me? Go google it.

Too many people still play.

We were already told that Shadowlands is going to be setting up a lot more future lore, and were told to look at the cosmological forces chart and “Zoom out”.

Plus, we still have Yrel and her Army of the Light that we can probably use as a third dark portal invasion…

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I would even go so far as to say they are probably in the early
stages of the expansion after SL.

No, It won’t be the last expansion, WOW is still making a lot of money, the shareholders won’t let them.
They will milk it as long as they could, sell it to another company,
and that company will further milk it to the twisting nether.

If you buy it, expansions will come.

The last 14 years of expansion threads, they want their words back from your post :wink:

People have said that every single expansion. The record breaking pre-order sales, plus first week sales, mean that the machine is never going to stop cranking them out.

This game is the only “World of Warcraft 2” we’ll ever get; Blizzard is the king of the “Western Premium Monthly Subscription MMORPG” and even they think it is dead; so they’ll keep milking this one, since it is way easier than making a new one, for as long as it keeps giving them millions.


The heroes may have defeated Azshara but she is still kicking and will probably aid them in battle against the void lords.

@Dirona I just did. Out of the 5 top grossing games WoW wasn’t on there. 1. Minecraft 2. GTA 5 3. Tetris 4. Wii Sports 5. PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds. In fact WoW wasn’t even on the top 50. I then googled the highest grossing MMO just to see if you were right on that but even then it only ranks 4 on the list. So I would say you are incorrect on your statement. Let me know if you what you put in to google so I can find what you’re saying. I googled “Highest Grossing Game of all time” For my Top 5 and then googled “Highest Grossing MMO of all time” for WoW being at number 4.

THey have already said SL will not be the last expansion .


This is a response from Ion in regards to Covenant Powers not working out of SL zones being reverted . In it he mentions there will be another expansion .

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