Will Shadowlands be the final WoW expansion?

3 word: Battle for Shadowlands.

Probs gonna be last expansion for me as well unless 10.0 shows something good. They’ve already defeated the legion and old gods, i’m not invested into the Jailor or anything like that.

Edit: necroed thread. Nevermind. :roll_eyes:

No. They’re going to milk this cow dry for as long as they can, which will probably be for more than a few years.

Whether Shadowlands manages to flop or succeed, however, determines if it’ll be sooner rather than later.

WoW will be around until it makes less than it brings in…then its done.

I think it will. Story wise I don’t see it getting any crazier than sending everybody to their afterlife. Also the level cap is 60 just like classic so they probably won’t want to change that again.

WoW is their biggest money maker, they wouldn’t dream to end it. As far as I know they are just now expanding the mythos of warcraft. Cosmology chart might get bigger.

Will Cataclysm be the final wow expansion? Will Legion be the final wow expansion? Will my next BM be the final wow expansion?

We still have the expansion where we fight the baby versions of all the characters. It will take place on a farm where one gets the sunflower pet.
We might even be miniature toons similar to “Honey I Shrunk The Kids, And CPS Is Claiming Endangerment”

Oh nvm, didn’t think of a Honey I Shrunk the Kids expansion, they’ll definitely do that. Not sure what I was thinking.

People want this game to end so bad. Just go along for the ride, and if the game crashes and burns in the end, then at least you had some fun along the way. And if you’re not having fun, WHY PLAY? People want to complain about loot and rewards, as if it actually means anything. I’ve lost count of how many games I’ve stopped playing where I attempted to attain the best loot, and now the game is collecting dust. Point is, I play this game for the lore and storyline, and to socialize with friends and guildies. So I don’t think Shadowlands will be the last expansion, even if it ends up being another BFA. I think what blizzard needs to do is dial back on all these cosmic enemies, and spread them out between smaller expansions that deal with lesser enemies.

The Alliance, Pending Defeat…

If its anything like BfA… probably.

Blizzard already went on record and said that Shadowlands isn’t the last expansion.

Edit: Necros…

rip all you people necroing and responding to a very old post that was made when Shadowlands was still merely only speculation/rumors at the time, when no one had any idea or any details of who the big bad would be in SL or any blizzard stance on what may come after.

Burning Legion… beaten back, again, not quite actually defeated… they are still lurking in the twisting nether and may come together under new leadership in the future…
Sargeras… Imprisoned… Illidan is acting as his personal Jailer right now… no telling when or if he might break free…
Queen Azshara… she always finds some way to survive… she’ll be back…
N’zoth… we killed the body… but it’s an Old God… we know very little about them… for all we know we may have actually just released it by killing it… I fear the day we go to the other side of Azeroth and face off against the Black Empire…
Shadowlands… this is not the end… merely the end of the beginning…

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I couldn’t find it, can you link it? Idk why is it surprising that I revived this thread I think most people who play WoW would be curious.

I can’t imagine why any rational person thinks this would be a last expansion. Its so implausible I can only imagine it is trolling.

Everquest has expansion number 27 being released this year.

Not a Chance. Gotta keep milking that cashcow … -

I could see us going to the 2 moons at 1 point. Perhaps that will be an engineering-heavy theme of an expansion and we will get tinkerers. They have a lot of room to dip into other aspects for the game. Personally I think they should have a Thanos or FF14 like event and wipe out the universe and come out with a sequel (better engine)