Will I get banned for this?

So Blizzard isn’t sending apology emails and retractions less than 24hours after enacting a mass ban wave. Cool.

Quoting yourself, that’s cool, as if you are an authoritative source. Blizzard has been sending out emails apologizing for the false bans.

That is not true whatsoever read the blue post, you will get a AFK debuff which will kick you from the match unless you’re doing damage then the report is disregarded.
as long as someone is doing damage the report is useless also he must be reported over several battlegrounds before the ban takes place.

So yes only toxic players are being banned and rightfully so

Is Blizzard an authoritative source?

Their emails saying they made a mistake?

Do you believe that Blizzard is an authoritative source?

It doesn’t matter what I believe. Blizzard sent out emails apologizing for a mistake they had made with this ban wave. Unless that is incorrect and they have investigated themselves and found they did nothing wrong, again.

Ah yes, one of those guilty until proven innocent folks. For an automated ban system, in a game of toxic report hungry players. Great stance champ.

“Blizzard investigated themselves and found they did nothing wrong”
5 min later
Community council members banned, apology emails, unbannings occur.
Your corporate narrative checks out.

“I only believe Blizzard when it fits my narrative!”

– You.

So, who accidently banned all those players?

If you aren’t repeatedly AFKing, you won’t get banned.

That was proven incorrect with the emails and retractions of players being banned.

“You’re not an authoritative source! Blizzard is! They’re sending out emails apologizing for their automatic bans!”

I post a link saying the bans are not automated.

“Ha ha, you corporate shill! You actually believe Blizzard?”

– You.

Who incorrectly banned the players getting the emails?

We can do this! You will get there!

Great, so sitting stealth behind a random tree is going to continue being rampant because Blizzard can’t stick to punishing AFKers.