Will Early Access People be able to gather herbs and ore?

And apparently trolling the forums as well…

Speculation at the moment is that all weekly/time gated stuff will be turned off. So you won’t be able to get ahead on KP. Rare drops were implied to be turned off as well.

So yes, you’ll be able to farm.

All your herbs and ores belong to us :imp:

It won’t matter guys price will come down in 3 days majority of people won’t buy it at the extreme price when they know it will drop on Monday when game is officially out.

there isn’t an advantage… people need to stop trying to create issues that don’t overly matter in the long game.

mats aren’t a major issue

I am worried about this, though.

I mean, not elitists. People who want to go hard, you do you. But the bots. Bots sure can do a lot of damage to a server’s economy. Looking at you, Classic.

Leveling gathering professions are part of my leveling experience. If that wasn’t part of early access, I’d be pretty disappointed.

Not that I bought the package for this purpose, but if I’m going to be allowed to play the game I paid for, I’d like to be able to do it properly.

IMO the expansion should just launch for everyone today, but I’m good with being “rewarded” with the ability to ensure everyone else has a smoother launch experience.

I’m ready :slight_smile:

Hazzikostas says a lot of things.

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People complaining about herbs, leather, and ore… Why would there not be those resources available?

I promise you there would be a much bigger disappointment from people that paid for early and don’t get features than people that didn’t pay a thing and crying about being left out or behind for their own personal choice of opting out of an available option???

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The answer is yes. This is also a dumb question.

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Oh my WORD you guys are whinging over gold in a video game. Really?

I know I’ll be hoarding my herbs for my crafting.

in a game like wow gold isnt just gold , is tokens too , tokens that u can convert to game time or bnet $

A few million huh? Thats like spending every hour of early access gathering on 8 different chars at once

If there is any possible way to gain an advantage (and to be honest, we don’t know for sure if there is yet because their statements have been vague) then material prices will be insane… possibly worse than ever before.

And that is the result if things go more or less “as predicted”… if there is a weird bug or oversight that pops up that can lead to something more extreme, they will have to shut the servers down to correct it. But as history shows, they might not be able to undo whatever damage was done (which could lead to a massive advantage).

If you make a few million from the first few days gathering, you have found an exploit. Or you are buying EVERYTHING and relisting it constantly. So you are the ONLY person selling.

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The good news is, is that my Cloth won’t be super undervalued like all previous expansions since Tailoring will now be the only profession able to pick up cloth pieces from mobs.

So got that going for me.

Also, people really need to stop doom glooming this Early Access period. It’ll be fine. Everything will be alright. If anything, now you know… In 2 years have around $90 USD saved up in order to purchase the next expansions Epic Edition. I know when I bought the epic edition this time around, this early access period was a perk. I would have bought the epic edition regardless.

This will be the first x-pack that has launched with the region wide AH. I doubt prices are going to stay high for long.

The server Barons have lost their power.

Its highly unlikely that gatheres will be making millions. Crafters…maybe. But not gatherers

As far as I know, you get to train professions as soon as you hit the first major city which is like 30 minutes into the game. Beta allowed gathering, so I have to assume Early Access is just that… a chance to beat everyone else in the door and do as you please.

Why wouldn’t they? What are people so worried about? The bots will have the AH full of stuff within the first week anyway.