Will Early Access People be able to gather herbs and ore?

LMAO this shows you know absolutely nothing about early access or the roadmap for S1 like what dude…

Fomo is strong with this one.

Those that pay to be early SHOULD have an advantage. Life isn’t fair.

There is no way to gain an advantage.

People might LIST high during early access, but there’s no point in anyone BUYING anything since crafting won’t really be available.

And even gathering is going to be ho-hum if there are no knowledge points to beef it up.

Yes, professions are completely unlocked.

Could you imagine how pissed DEHTA would be if skinners couldn’t skin during early access? Unused carcasses everywhere…

From what ive seen we can level professions but we do not aquire knowledge until full release.

I could be wrong but i thought i saw them say that.

Crafting will be in, you just cant use daily cooldowns and knowledge points.

The phrasing on it is unclear. If there are no knowledge points at all, then crafting won’t really be in.

I mean… you COULD make something, but with no benefits and no way to increase quality or lower resource cost… just wait until the expansion launches.

In the world of professions, gold is the advantage… hell, for many players, it’s the only purpose for professions.

Even if Blizzard does everything right, they have still created a situation where early players will be able to farm materials that will sell for the absolute highest amounts that those materials will ever sell. And they will be on the auction house before the other players have the time to harvest a single node, meaning that that they will miss out on the gold rush… and they will be livid.

And it may sound crazy but people will pay those all time high prices, because they will see as in investment that allows them to corner the market for a brief while, as they pass those crazy costs down in the goods that they are selling earlier than competitors.

That’s the best case scenario… and the rage it generates will probably be epic (“Coming Soon to a forums near you”).

Now imagine an actual bad scenario that amplifies everything… One simple screw up in the code and it goes to a whole new level. Modern Blizzard is not the Blizzard of old… they actually have a pretty strong track record (recently) for show-stopping bugs and QA problems, so this scenario is actually in the realm of possibility.

I’m going to stop replying to you, since you aren’t reading my posts.

Yes! Let’s corner the early market!

I’m reading them. I just disagree.

I think (possibly incorrectly) that you are thinking of this advantage in terms of player power progression but that is not really what this is about.

It’s about digital merchants and digital gold making.

Top world first raid guilds spent billions in gold every rush, yeah a few million is nothing. Besides from blizzard point of view it entices people to buy tokens.

Wowhead has a guide where you can find the knowledge treasures, those should be available immediately. Not really enough to get you far though.

We can fish too…

They have been very clear you just cant be bothered to read.

And yes you can. You just wont get the profession spec points.

Errrr, I’ve gotten about 30 spec points in both Herbing and Mining so far. All from “first pick/mine” actions. I’ve not gotten any of the clickable extra point items, nor any weeklies.

Well that is awesome I am happy to be wrong about that!