Will Early Access People be able to gather herbs and ore?

If gathering is enabled on early access anyone without will be so far behind that train. Blizz has been anything but clear on this subject so can we get some clarity here?


As far as we know yes.

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I’ve seen some rumors circulating about profession knowledge, so who knows! We’ll soon find out, either way.

I’d like them to give a definitive answer tossing around terms like “no long term advantage” make me think no. But then again maybe Blizz doesn’t think a few million gold worth of herbs and ore is a long term advantage.


By all the sources I’ve seen so far than the answer is yes.

Though if early access can do that then there should be nothing stopping non early access from buying it off the ah, if someone sells it a bit cheaper.


So what if they can? Just gather more in the 2 weeks between EA and season 1, it won’t make any difference.

Anyone who wants to overload on farming will have ample opportunity.


it’s early access. you can access it all early.

i’m curious if people without early access can learn crafting and begin crafting, though.

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Crafting is on hold.

Which is why nobody will be BUYING anything in early access. Oh sure, farmers can gather. And list. But there’s no reason for anyone to buy any of it until the expansion releases.


I would be shocked if they found a trainer outside of the new map.


Oh you sweet summer child.


You think people will be buying mats to… do what, exactly?

Admire them?

Yes we will why wouldnt we lol

Honestly I am counting on this to tank the market lol.


Hazzikostas said that the early access will be carefully calibrated to not give a competitive advantage for players who start early.

“The immediate concern that we knew we needed to tackle, and I think frankly I wish we’d done a better job of explicitly spelling out when we announced it on the web page as part of the pre-sale process, are the restrictions that are associated with the early access,” he said.

Specifically, the early-access period won’t have most end-game advancement opportunities, he said. At the launch of Dragonflight, which occurred for North America on a Monday, players couldn’t do many things until the weekly reset on Tuesday. Early access will be the same, but will give players a bit more time to hit maximum level before that reset, he said.

“The early access period is really pulling in that start by a few days,” Hazzikostas said, “for these people to get a head start on leveling, aimed more at a lot of players who may not have as much free time and not have the ability to take time off work, and therefore miss out on that first week of running Mythic Zero [dungeons], or running max level dungeons with their friends and their guild mates who are able to jump in.”

Some of the things that won’t be available until reset include the best items from rare spawn creatures, Mythic Zero dungeons, Mythic Plus, weekly profession cooldowns and profession specialization points, Hazzikostas said.

“We’re looking at end game power advantages,” said Hazzikostas. “Our goal here is, and we’re going to do everything in our power to make sure it’s the case, that there’s no long-term advantage. You shouldn’t be able to tell the difference between someone by the time Season One [with its raid and Mythic Plus dungeons] starts, who had the early access to someone who didn’t.” Source: Can’t link just google pc game ion early access.

They still have done a crappy job explaining those limits.


There we go.

Sure they will. People will stockpile so that when crafting is a go they can just blast it right off.


Yes I will. Frankly, I’ll mostly herb along the way because it’s easy experience. Depends how bored I am at 80 :smiley:


And I will be happy to sell!

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Devs don’t really care how much gold we have, as long as we’re not breaking ToS to accumulate it. Being gold-capped isn’t an “end-game advantage” and certainly not in the 3 days before the rest of the world starts leveling.