Sooooo…you like auto-attacking, pressing an occasional button and then waiting a minute to eat and drink after every fight.
Got it.
What a dumb post.
Sooooo…you like auto-attacking, pressing an occasional button and then waiting a minute to eat and drink after every fight.
Got it.
What a dumb post.
Spell pushback, getting dazed, and quests with bad drop rates are very much still a thing in retail.
You’d ahve to ask some crews in bloodsail lol. Not sure how other servers go but remulos and bloodsail you see some very specific lfg posts.
Is it Sunday already? Didn’t a bunch of groups clear all the content in BC in like 2 days? How is that better gameplay? Pre quality of life changes, loot hoarding, and toxic communities that treat the content like its current and relevant in some way. It’s easy, and grindy. I sank a ton of hours into classic only to be bored at end game and disappointed with the community as a whole ruining the raiding experience. Don’t’ even get me started on world buffs.
Nostalgia is the only thing fueling BC at the moment. It will taper of the same way Classic did.
You are comparing BC raiding to Retail? That’s pretty funny. You could kill Gruul with your eyes closed even when it was current content.
Worst I have seen retail is 2 to get a drop. Retail outland is still outland code. SL, BFA and legion (the tail of series I’d call truly retail) a general trend I see is 2 kills…get 1 item.
One of the starter quests to get some necklaces from some orcs I was there forever. 12 necklaces. killed at least 50. I leveled my pet 1 level and change there alone. at least 28K xp on that quest alone.
Yeah, haha, who would want to play a patch where the Normal Difficulty raid encounters get cleared in less than 48 hours of them being available… Can’t possibly imagine that.
There is next to none in retail with spellpush back, unlike classic tbc where you can take an extra 3 whole seconds to cast a spell, I have never had a quest in current retail that took me more than 10 minutes, I literally ran around zangarmarsh for a combined 80m trying to get hides from hydras and wings from bugs. 80m? Also Classic is such a lazy game.
Magtheridon, Kara, Gruuls like 2-3 mechanic fights with patchwerk like bosses and barely any movement required whatsoever, oh and you know, Classic will be over by next year when Sunwell comes out.
Because a lobby game is more fun than a real mmo, right?
Nice try. Fresh 60’s on retail were not clearing raids seconds after hitting cap in retail. They had to get gear first. People literally hit 70 in BC Classic in a matter of hours and cleared all it’s content. BC is stupid easy. Classic Andy’s malding.
I did Normal Denathrius in leveling blues and greens, not sure what the projection is here. If you understood loot from T3 to T4 you might understand why a little bit I suppose.
Maybe if you get filtered by not taking spell pushback talents.
Exactly. I’ll always agree that retail isn’t good right now, but you could train a group of monkeys to clear classic content because it’s braindead easy.
/cast Doubt
Only way you were doing that is if you were a hard carry. CN was actually super over tuned on release for normal. You want to make anything else up?
Overtuned for you maybe…
And the only thing flat earthers fear, is sphere itself
depends on how players play it.
I smell lfr/lfd hate. Not all sit in oribos or capital city and /dance till pops.
Here is what I do with this fired up.
My new 60 is needing lots of dungeon/pvp sign ups…so she signs up.
Take her to wod, legion…hell I missed hati from the BFA re-rerelease she never did so add northrend and silithus to the mix for todays adventures.
I got several things done waiting for pops. Hell I even =won that chars first WG assault ever. I was just banking on 10 kill quest for 150 honor. I got the big 1000 off win too.
Then back to legion/wod matters till next pop.
Vice TBCC. I know I will get a group…one day.
type looking for… read email
type looking for… get a glass of water
type looking for… play my xbox.
No. Classic WoTLK might, though.
No, because Classic didn’t and classic is better than tbc since tbc is closer to retail than people want to admit
Yeah, I wouldn’t be surprised. Wrath is basically shadowlands with bfa levels of gear inflation.