Will classic TBC kill retail?

That’s because gruel is easy mode.

again, it really isnt.
opinions arent facts

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you can keep your opinion while the game dies and tbc doesn’t

tbc HAS died LMFAO

that’s sad

yes you are.

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k, i’ll go back to playing my alive game that people talk to me upon immediately logging in, have fun with the forums

ok bye. :grinning:

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Tbc game play is miles worse than retail. Combat (the most important thing to me) is entirely boring.

That being said I’m enjoying tbc and I’m up to 67 but the game takes so much time to do anything and I’m probably only playing it because the SL content doesn’t exist atm

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it’s a zoom filter (speed bump)

every person that doesn’t play because of this makes the whole thing better

i see retail as the interstate highway where you don’t really look around at things and just get to your destination and back, sure it’s faster, but you’re also going faster back to your daily normal life after visiting a place people live every day

you can raid log in TBC. plus well… it’s been done. so the raids are going to get blazed through. so i can see some (not all) doing both retail and tbc until we hit another 8 month content drought.

Wait wait wait.

Weren’t people just saying 9.1 will kill TBC?

People, make up your minds.

I can see the value in things taking longer, but it’s an issue for me when I only have an hour to play for example. I can’t do much in a hour. If I’m not constricted by time it doesn’t bother me, but let’s say before work in the morning I like to game a bit it’s not as benifitial imo

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that’s true, classic is quite unenjoyable if your time is tight

But the community is definetly more there for eachother. I just got done with ring of blood. 3 groups were doing it, and we all helped eachother finish it up. Can’t say that would happen in many other games.

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I beginning to think that the forums might have more than 1 other person using them.

Classic TBC killed Classic imo.

Not to mention the fact that CN was cleared MONTHS ago by players and everyone is waiting for 9.1. But I never get tired of classic players trolling the retail forums. They provide some fun entertainment during downtimes. :wink:


I just think it speaks volumes to the state of retail that more people have killed gruul in the first 2 weeks of TBC than have killed heroic sire in all of 9.0.5, the difference in playerbase size is astronomical. Not to mention how long it takes to get to level 70, and then actually getting the gear to kill him.

looks at post count