Fixed that for you.
I’m sorry I just can’t get over how you used a post that shows retail is dying, and then tried to say that it was about classic! It cracks me up haha.
Ten characters.
Keep coping, I’ve provided verifiable evidence while the only thing you’ve done is given me a post that said retail is dead and tried to say it was about classic and you were utterly incorrect. You really made yourself look dumb huh?
I’m coping just fine.
I’ve clearly shown why it’s at best spurrious.
Try posting the thread again where it says retail was dying then try to say it was about classic, I could use a good laugh.
It took only mere seconds since the 9.1 announcement for a thread which claimed “Oh noes how could you announce 9.1 so soon what about TBC blizzard this isn’t fair” to pop up.
Fixed again.
What do these Classic players think?
That people will keep playing on old content forever like “the good old days on private servers”?
LOL no. They played on those servers for years because it was FREE. If they’re paying $15 per month they’re going to nope out after completing the content within a few months.
Man reading that again was a good laugh haha
I’m just loving how she thinks people downing a glorified trash mob more often then a modern end boss at the second highest difficulty tier is somehow an honest metric for judging either game.
It’s why I say the best time to judge TBC is 6 months in, not at launch when it’s going to have it’s highest player count.
Fixed again.
Wait…are they comparing a boss in Classic to a Boss in retail?
Really? The two mechanic andys against the multi mechanic monster?
Man, now that sure is ironic of you to say haha
Honest question: Do you really think Classic’s endgame is harder and complex compared to Retail?
No, but it’s still better otherwise more people would be playing retail.
But how is it better that you’re playing an endgame which is 10+ years old?
The bosses are lackluster, the fights are designed around a couple of mechanics and the duration of fights are longer because you take a lot of time to regenerate resources.
It’s just tedious. Classic shines in the journey to endgame and then falls apart completely.
Classic was only hard because no one knew what to do before. With the advent of information Classic’s endgame is nothing more than a formality while Retail still has the element of challenge.
Difficulty of raids doesn’t determine if a game is good. There is far more you can do outside of raids in classic, and the gear you get in raids is meaningful. Overall TBC is just the better game, where systemlands plays like a singleplayer.
I’m sure the fact that it’s comparatively fresh while 9.0 has been an extremely long patch has had nothing to do with it’s popularity.
I think the fact that you posted a link showing retail was dying and then tried to say it was about classic, discredits anything you could possibly say on this topic.