Will classic TBC kill retail?

It references wow as a whole. Cute that you think it only applies to retail.

Raiding and dungeons are definitely mechanically complex in comparison, but when it comes to classes and “builds” retail definitely doesn’t hold much against different spec setups you can get with TBC talent trees.

Man, I really hope you’re trolling because if you’re this dumb I just feel bad haha. There is absolutely no reference to classic in that post, and there was never any server connections until the release of classic TBC. Try again!

That is called an opinion, and it is subjective, not objective.


High number of people playing a game = game is good
Low number of people playing a game = game is bad

Should I go on?

No, please don’t.

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The thing with the talent trees is that they offer the illusion of choice; there may be dozens of skills to choose from but when you get down to brass tacks the number of viable builds for the content you are doing (IE raiding vs. PVP) it’s considerably more limited then you might think.

Kid, people were complaining on the forums that Classic was bottoming out by febuary.

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So now you’re not providing proof? Just you’re own experience? Just give up and stop responding to me, you’re making a fool out of yourself lol.

Not really though, you can spec Prot Paladin in a couple of ways that make it more offensive or defensive, AoE farming builds, warlocks as an example can put 0/2 1/2 2/2 in Improved Health stone that enables players to keep 3 health stones in their bag. Holy Paladin could path down into either Prot or Ret and take either some defensive or offensive stuff, or utility like more buff improvements. It’s actually pretty vast considering modern talents are so cut and dry.

I will say most people forget that the reason why talents were changed was because in Cataclysm they trimmed off roughly half of every talent tree and made it so you had to put all your points into the tree before moving over to the other specializations, which turned everything into super cookie cutter builds

More limited than retail though? I don’t think so.

I mean, you’re basically doing the same thing and trying to argue an arbitrary metric.

Nevermind that you can search the classic forums and find a pile of complaints about servers being ghost towns.

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Every number I’ve provided is backed up by warcraft logs, and the massive news that shadowlands lost almost 50% of its playerbase… so no I am not creating stuff out of thin air like you, nor am I trying to give incorrect evidence like you did with the retail post LOL. Also apparently people on the forums are a trustworthy measure for how dead a game is… You really are making a fool out of yourself.

I mean, I disagree, mostly due to the fact that the fiddly changes would only really be a thing if you were either soloing/learning or experimenting with some stuff for low level PVP. When it came to raiding or arena however, there were the builds.

Which is why I can appreciate the system that retail has been working with wherein there are simple choices for the players that each offer situational advantages (IE more mobility vs healing or stronger AOE vs new power) since it feels simultaneously more honest and as though specs feel the way they are supposed to much earlier then in classic (IE enhance shammy which doesn’t feel like anything until somwhere around level 30).

I guess it depends on how casually you play and what classes you play with regularly, but the builds doesn’t really apply outside of a couple specs.

Numbers which you’ve cherry picked to suit your arguement and ignores a variety of factors including:

  1. The only source for these numbers would be people uploading their logs which means they may be either over reported (IE multiple people logging simultaneously) under reported (people not logging at all) or a host of other factors.
  2. You’ve conspicuously left out the other tiers of difficulty for the raid.
  3. You’re pretending that the content drought in retail hasn’t driven up the number of people going into the new classic content.

Again: talk to me on december 1st about how many people are on TBC classic since the 6 month mark is a more appropriate metric for review then it’s state within the first 3 weeks.


Sl is just bad but tbc wont kill it

We might be in Black Temple by then :stuck_out_tongue:

Reminder that you tried using a post about retail wow to say that classic was dead LOL

I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that they’re gonna hold off on BT until sometime around january/febuary, since the goal is to stretch the content out as much as possible and I can’t see them pushing out 3 raids in the next 6 months.