Endgame in Classic: Raids and PvP and whatever grind we have.
Endgame in Retail: Raids, PvP, Mythic+ and whatever grind we have.
But what exactly is better in TBC in endgame? I already acknowledged the journey to endgame is the best. But what is left to do at 70 other than run something which is obviously going to fall over?
[quote=“Similey-faerlina, post:239, topic:1002349, full:true”]
Difficulty of raids doesn’t determine if a game is good. [quote]
There is far more you can do outside of raids in classic,
Most of what you’re doing outside of raids is rep grinding, you know that thing people talk about hating?
and the gear you get in raids is meaningful. [/quote]
How meaningful can it be when you’re able to dunk on Gruul with leveling gear?
Overall TBC is just the better game, where systemlands plays like a singleplayer.
Like Most of what you’re going to be doing at end game in TBC outside of raiding or PVP is going to be rep grinding, which is pretty much doing a limited number of daily quests over and over again so that you can get patterns, gear and/or exotic mounts.
How is that any better then Retail’s world quests?
World pvp does not exist in the same way on classic, it’s far less meaningless. Gold is useless on retail because there is hardly anything you can do with it, not because of the rate you earn it.
It’s funny you’re saying this when spell cleave was the way to do dungeons in classic and trying to treat them the way they were intended just got folks pissed off at you and slowed down the run.