That’s nice? Keep that reading comprehension up.
So either you meant layering in modern WoW or for some reason think they’re going to change the system in Classic after launch. From what we’ve seen, there are no plans to address layer hopping.
There’s no reason to assume the bugs won’t be fixed by release. Layering may be an issue, but it’s supposed to be very temporary.
“mediocre spell batching implementation” say that out loud if you still think this is game killing… Idk what to tell you.
I’ll probably keep my sub up for 24 months straight. I haven’t done that since TBC. So the game isn’t dead.
Subs and the internal login numbers are really the only metric that matter for Classic. Subs that only play Classic will have some value to Blizzard, but really how much? Like how valuable is a customer for Classic if they log in 12 months in Classic and 4 months into retail? I’m not sure.
That’s why I think there should be ‘Classic +’ servers. Ones that offer rewards like achieves and xmog unlocks going into BFA if you play on them. Maybe they’d even have extra pets and mounts and cosmetic toys and even gold tokens. That kind of server would draw in a larger crowd of modern gamers. But I wouldn’t want all Classic servers to have such changes/additions.
Even being temporary, if people are fast enough it can be an issue for the early market. And likewise, the bugs are still there and have been there for some time. I’m not saying they won’t be fixed, just that they haven’t been addressed yet.
As for mediocre spell batching, yes? That’s the source of some of the bugs, specifically FD for Hunters and other things like it.
Right? I played BFA for a few months, and I had such a hard time as a bear druid. I would round up like 7 or 8 mobs and usually if I tried to go for a 9th, the first one would leash back and I’d lose it and have to engage the last 2 for my “kill 10 of x” quest separately. It often took several minutes to get my epic. One time I also fell off a small ledge and took damage.
I think my favorite thing about the beta is that the cap level was just raised to 40, and people are still enjoying and praising the great things about the game. End-game isn’t even active and the beta still overtook all attention from live.
There is so much more to the game then a few glitches and some battlegrounds.
Aged and Simple does not automatically make it worse. The fact that Classic is happening at all is a testament to peoples desire for an older style of game.
And the majority of people abusing it will be banned. I’m against all layering personally I think they should just let us light the servers up. Players will come back when the servers come back up they’ll cry, and moan but they’ll keep playing. But I also think layering may be better for world/realm firsts, and it’s ultimately not a big deal for a game that will last years.
I mean I’d rather they fix the system rather than banning people who use the system the way it works.
Nobody got banned for server hopping back in WOD.
There were even addons to help you manage which server you hopped.
It went on like that for the entire expansion.
Legion changed grouping attributes and that ended server hopping.
I don’t think they intend each server to have 10-30k players…
I thought I was a Negative Nancy…but good lawd…
Yeah, this is completely wrong. It’s great how you state it as fact though.
we’ve been talking about 3 months between phases for a while now… how is this news to you?
For all we know it could be 6 months or 12 months even.
Blizz said they would watch the player base.
If few have completed MC then why move forward ?
Jealousy talking here.
Many of us are going to enjoy the game thoroughly. Guess you won’t. Too bad.
Okay, Eeyore. You must be real fun at parties.
None of those things you listed are a big deal, and the bugs will get fixed… it’s beta. People are just looking for things to complain about because that’s what they do. It’s the internet. But come August 26-27, everyone’s going to be having too much fun to care, and all of that will be quickly forgotten.
too much fun to care about a broken hunter class ?
No I don’t think so Kerg.
a class has been completely broken since beta launched…
undetectable lag scripts for instant cast skill to instagib people
how are those not big deals to you kid?
Love how triggered people are getting from this comment, when in fact its true. And yes BFA is EZ mode to the max.
Classic has been out (private server-wise) for well over a decade, logically it can be stated that this content no longer has the same difficulty curve it did when it was new. The large majority of players will have already have done all the content, cleared all the raids, etc 100x over.
Also longer grinds doesn’t equate to harder difficulty, so you can miss me with that.
and yep this is an alt I’m posting, anonymity is the best <3