Will Classic be a dead game before phase 2

Kid? I’m 45. :smile:

I said the bugs will be fixed. That’s what beta is for, no?

Again, I said the bugs will get fixed in beta. If not, feel free to say I was wrong.

Sounds like every blue post since 2017.

no, it will be a dead game because everyone is going to be too busy with Cyberpunk :wink:

Age has nothing to do with the technicality of something DnD 3.5 is far more technical than 5e despite being more than a decade older. There are far more stats that go into the classic combat system than the modern one. You also have far more abilities that are very situational in use. It’s the proper use of those abilities and stating properly when not rocking BiS that will separate an average player from a good one.

“Hard” is a relative term and things can be difficult in a variety of different ways. Many consider forming and organizing a group of 40 people consistently a difficult task.

Why should that matter to Classic players? Have you not realized most of us are here because we dislike the modern game and thus have no interest in it?

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can someone tell me where I can buy these ‘doomsday crystal balls’ which are so prevalent on the classic forums?
I seem to have missed the initial sale…

I, for one, welcome our Classic overlords.

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Oh, you are in luck today, sir. We have a fine selection of doomsday crystal balls right here. Sadly after the initial sales our stock is a little low, so there will be a slight premium. But I assure you we only sell the highest quality and this will be gold well spent.

Now can I interest you in our “1.12 av will ruin the game” model or are you looking for something a little bigger, maybe the “Layering will end life as we know it” model? It’s a bit more expensive but it has been one of our more popular models lately.


without question, it’s the “layering will end life as we know it” model that i’m after.
there’s nothing more satisfying than buying a clearly unfinished model, and then using it to spread fear and uncertainty to the masses.

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Wonderful! You are not going to be disappointed. Let’s head on over to the register and Frosti will ring you right up and have you sign the liability waiver :slight_smile:

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Probably rather same people who do the “wow is dying” posts once a week.

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Wonders if he should head over there and try to unload this stock of Goblin jumper cables that we have in the back



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at the rate things are going…

the layering exploitation
Unarmored Mounts
Strafe bug
Pet glitches/ command response time
Spell Batch front loading with rapid fire macros/scripts
Alterac Valley
No battlegrounds to be release for 6+ months
10 servers on release day
Over simplified combat within an aged system
12 months before the first “Hard” raid is made available
Cross Realm Battlegrounds

and now let us look at the date you posted this June 20th. Meaning you posted this during it’s BETA! OF CORSE THERE ARE GOING TO BE BUGS WHAT DID U EXPECT PLAYING A BETA?! OMG IF U EXPECTED NOT TO HAVE BUGS IN A BETA WHY DID U SIGN UP FOR THE BETA?!

No, these are all just things anyone who’s actually interested in the game don’t care about. It’s just the whiny doomsayers who freak out whenever a pebble is out of place and start thread after thread trying to fearmonger people to rally against blizzard who pay any attention to this garbage.

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you no happy? go on retail and wait til its available on classic :wink: but anyways classic will be retail by october so who cares