Will Cataclysm be Dead on Arrival?

No they didnt LOL.

Everyone bashed it when it was current content, but keep telling yourself that.


I mean there’s no evidence anybody can give you but you can literally Google world of warcraft top 10 raids and I bet you it makes every list

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you played a different game

people looked at it better after the disaster that was dragon soul lmao.

but again people hated it when it was current.


Literally nobody I know hated it back then or now


Yeah you on your own with this opinion.

It was heavily loved by everyone


again no it was not LOL.

But at the end of the day, this is a mostly pointless arugment because its DOA, and there will be bearly anyone left playing before that raid even comes out so its whatever.

As I said, cata was pretty barren in end game content.


You are clueless

Cataclysm literally has better overall raids then wrath


again no.


its DOA dude.


Not even close.

Wotlk only had ulduar and ICC.

Cata has first 3 raids and then firelands.

Classic showed how overhyped and bad wrath really was

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I will even do you 1 better.

If firelands was so bad it should have evidence, go Google world of Warcrafts worst raids.

If you can find me even 1 list that has firelands as 1 of wows worst raids you can come to Benediction and I will trade you enough gold for a wow token.

LOL what are you talking about? cata launched with 2 full raids (unless you are trying to count throne of the 4 winds, but again that is so short its not worth discussion)

unless your counting both throne and baradin hold as one raid then maybe ,but thats just 3 bosses combined for 2 raids.

ill agree with your last point somewhat, classic in general has proved how bad the old game really was, not just wrath.

comment is a bit stupid because most list were made years after the fact, when people thought firelands was better purely because of how bad dragon soul was, we will see what happens when it launches on classic, if there is anyone even left to play ot.

Black Wing descent, thrown of the 4 winds, Bastion of Twilight and Firelands were all great raids in cata.

All people have against Cata is the DS ending sucked, not even the whole raid just the ending.

Wotlk had Ulduar and ICC as good raids and that’s it.

That’s cap cuz it’s taking ALL of wows raids.

If Firelands was so bad it wouldn’t make top 10 lists of the best wow raids of all time from vanilla to current retail.

As I said, 2 raids, throne was a meme along with baradin.

Naw that fight was amazing in throne and it was super hard.

You’re trolling.

Onyxia was trash

dude no one liked throne stop coping xD

No one liked firelands either but it’s on every top 10 raids list of all of wows raids.

Your opinion at this point for sure can’t be trusted.

Like I said find me a list of wows top 10 worst raids of all time with Firelands on it and you can come make a toon on Benediction and I will trade you enough gold to buy you a wow token.

Should be easy right?

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You can’t stroll through google without tripping on a “best raids in WoW” list that has Firelands somewhere on it. You’re coping to claim otherwise

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