Will Cataclysm be Dead on Arrival?

Nope … it made fury warriors fun in 5 mans and 10 mans … I’ll play the efffff out of it…

Also allowed hunters and casters to cast/shoot while moving so now I will level a hunter

Rouges we’re meh. Probably won’t play any rogue alts

raw content wise, SLands wasn’t that bad actually. It had pretty good raids. Yes, shard system wasn’t that great in SoD, but actual bosses were fun. CN was great! SoF was really fun too.

It had some core system problems, with most of them getting resolved towards the end and most of them have already re-appeared in Dragonflight.

So, honestly, if SL Classic ever happens, it should happen with 9.2 changes.

i think it’ll be similar to first go around, maybe more since people have some foresight this time. there was a 24% drop off originally, so around 76% will move onto cata.


Probably not.

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Cata was great and with the increased release of content it will be fine. People hate on Cata saying it’s like retail but it wasn’t really until MOP that we saw a more significant shift. even still many people love MOP. There will always be haters but Firelands personally for me after ICC is one of my favourite raids. H Rag is a epic fight and a nice challenge.

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Sure there was drop off starting 4.1
However, that’s not the whole picture.

OG Wrath - Estimated ~10 million.
Classic Wrath - Estimated ~2.5 million at launch. About 1.2m today. (or something around that)

The point of this is if Wrath is oh-so-great, why are we at 1/5th of OG playerbase?
Simple. People get bored of a game and they move. Some get hooked more than others.

There, most certainly, will a drop off to some extend. No one really denies that. Would be silly too.

But what’s sillier is to expect Cata to be DOA, as it implies that over a million of players will just abandon all their toons/progress

For the most part, Cata was a very solid expansion.

Whomever says “cata=retail” clearly has never played it. IF they did, they’d know that Cata is closer to Wrath than Wrath to TBC gameplay wise.


I can only speak for myself and not make any predictions about the general population, but I won’t be continuing to Cataclysm. There were things about it in retail back in the day that I didn’t like and I ended up leaving WoW for 4 years because of it. I will probably play Season of Discovery, and I’m definitely going to play the new retail expansion.

But that’s just me, please don’t base your decision on what other people are saying. You do you.


I do not like it. But I also do not hate it. I liked it more than I liked BFA and I even played BFA a lot. I played Cata a lot too. I dont like the changes they made to the talent trees and the destruction of the entire old Classic world.

TBC and WoTLK zones stayed the same. All else changed.

Honestly I don’t think alot of people will continue with sub if game goes into Cata with no WOTLK server myself included. But honestly if I get a WOTLK classic server i’ll definitely dabble in CATA.


I don’t think so, no.

I think once people realize how similar it feels to Dragonflight, they’ll get bored and go back to Dragonflight… Starting with questing and how it isn’t scaled, boredom will set in pretty fast imho.


Cata isn’t classic. The world is changed. Tbh I am fine with them doing this, if they keep a wotlk era world available. Having an end point is nice. Retail is for forever chasing gear upgrades for the next tier.

That said, since it seems cata will overwrite wotlk, yeah there might be a lot of people dropping out or getting back to classic classic.


I liked Legion PvP a lot. And WoD PvP was fun only for the Warlord of Draenor title. Shadowlands PvP was also fun because of the Covenant stuff.

This version of Cata is going to have phasing, layering and sharding in it. Original one only had phasing and that in itself was pretty terrible.

if you say this then the little bit in me that wants to even try cata is about dead as hell lol.
if thats true im not touching it for crap.

Yea I’m def going to enjoy all those Mythic raids, Mythic+, World Quests and Renown farming in Cata. /s


joke aside it will have a audience because every expansion does, even WoD believe it or not but it won’t be as large as WOTLK or Classic for that matter. Or at least that’s the theory

Personally I think it will have a release and then start free falling, in my humble opinion blizzard should keep a Wrath realm so people can play all the way to wrath then if they went move over to Cata realms (of course pay some form of feed) it seems like the best choice to make everyone happy.

Wrath and Cata can absolutely co-exist

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Cata and current Retail are about as similar as chocolate syrup and hot sauce


This is true but cata was a big switch up from the original game though. The main reason retail and cata are quite a bit different is there was another shake up during legion that changed things. I can see why people say that cata is not what they would consider classic, I just think it falls a bit short calling it retail because of what retail became.

I will still play it of course, as era fills whatever desire I have for classic. But I can see why the move into cata feels wrong to some people.


Long live the king, baby!


might I add I do really like Vashj’ir and transmog. so there is that.