Will Cataclysm be Dead on Arrival?

im pretty sure cata will have server ques, ill be there.


this , can’t wait for people crying that wotlk era servers are empty

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Many ppl haven’t log on since con, so maybe it will be dead. That expansion was a failure tho.

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Im glad they didnt cave in and didnt implement rdf until it was originally released. The topic i keep getting kicked from gammas is a perfect.

Hahaha 90%? Only in your dreams baby


Yea cuz they are deleting all the Wrath servers as well as any toons that dont move over to Cata. Thats the only way they can get that many people to play it is if they FORCE you to play.


Flamelink is a blizzard shell. Cata is DOA between Season of Discovery and the fact that Cata is simply underwhelming. It was underwhelming the first time (why it lost almost 20% of its subs) and it’ll be even more so this time around that nothing is new. I’m sure they’ll throw in a few quirks, but it won’t make any of it fresh, just as it didn’t with WotLK.

Cata is DOA. And if you don’t believe me, look at all the failed cata private servers.


Cata is when this game finally gets good, at least in the PvP scene.


where do you get that info from? From the forums`? Thats just a bunch of disgruntled Cata haters that shout as loud as they can aka the minority. We ll see when Cata arrives but my suggestion is its going to be full servers


I think a majority of people will try it out with some not even gonna give it the light of day.

Cata has a bad rep but I think it will pleasantly surprise. There’s good and bad with it, but overall it doesn’t have the huge unwarranted rep to live up to that Wrath had. So I think there will be a lower relative drop off than what happened throughout Wrath.

I’m pretty excited for cata

Seemingly my whole guild is of roughly 35

As much of an insight into the feelings of the playerbase as these forums are with people just whinging and moaning and acting like for some strange reason they have some level of superiority because cata is “retail” and “retail” is for the losers :joy:

We playing a 15 year old mmorpg idk if 1 segment is any cooler than the other kek

Grown men spending their spare time killing digital dragons for a slight better pair of gloves


I can promise you right here right now that I will be there. Even if it’s just you and me, I will be there. I loved Cata, I think it’s the first time I ever really understood the game. Maybe it’s because I took a break through half of Wrath and had some time to mature before Cata dropped? I was pretty young at the time.

But I loved it. I loved Cata, I loved the changes to the game, and I’m excited to do Cata Classic and it might be the first time I ever commit to raiding.

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My thoughts are that people that complain on the forums represent a very small portion of the player base.


Playing only for a bit to enjoy Smite Priest (Atonement). Although, with them making updates to how Cata was, I could end up playing longer depending on how big those changes end up being.
Like, if they moved the spec lockouts up one or two rows of talent instead of having to hit the bottom, I’d prob play till the end. Lmao.

You’re specifically seeing feedback from like 100 forum addicts who think the cataclysm is gonna shoot their dog marry their mom and ground them. Tons of people are going to play in spite of a few very loud doomsayers waving signs and shouting.


General consensus from basically anyone that isn’t the same 5 people yelling about how Cata is the worst thing ever and literally satan, is that Cata as a whole was actually pretty solid, most people just have their perception skewed by the lackluster final raid tier lasting an entire year

At least with Wrath, ICC is one of the best raids in the game and also had Ruby Sanctum to at least break up the monotony a little bit halfway through, so despite ICC actually being longer than Dragon Soul it didn’t feel nearly as exhausting


Citation needed.

I think the wow population is higher now than it was in Naxx. I base my numbers against Questie downloads, since I feel like that’s closer to the number of unique players, versus ironforge.pro, which tracks all raid parses, and a lot of people raid on more than one character. Almost everyone downloads questie.

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Cata isn’t a popular expansion. Realistically 10-20% of the Wrath playerbase “Wants” to play Cata. More than that will check out Cata and quickly be reminded why they didn’t want to play it. Cata has no staying power. Which is why there hasn’t ever been a big demand for it since it ended.

You will get more Retail players checking out Cata then Classic players so if you are a Cata enthusiast you are hoping they stick around. Cata is where Retail started so they might want to play Cata if they never had a chance or relive their first time playing.

If Cata and Wrath servers are side by side Cata will have a fraction of the population of Wrath in a few months. That’s why a large majority wants Wrath forever.


These threads tell a different story. Every important issue that’s been discussed here has got massively more players involved. From the problems in vanilla classic during phase 2 on pvp servers to the request for rdf. The threads were 3, 5, 10 times as long. It doesn’t look to me that those who want wrath era are very numerous. I suspect that’s how it will look to blizzard

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