Will Cataclysm be Dead on Arrival?

Idk how solo que arenas will do anything, they seem so clunky when I got Elite rating in season 1 of Dragonflight. I got 2400 then just stopped because they just seemed weird. Personally, never really liked arenas as it seemed way to complex and competitive and would like them to do more with RBGS maybe but idk.

It will not be doa. Players want mop to get that they at least have to show interest in cata.

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Mop will be even worse than cata. As long as there is one sever going it will be fine for those that want to play. But there will not be as much content outside of the game. Im talking about youtube videos and stuff.

Blizz classic team has already failed. RdF is the best example. They wouldnt give in and give us rdf but they could create solo playing hardcore servers that nobody was even askimg for. They will continue to ignore the players. I wont be around for it.


Not we. Just you. Lol.

I think MoP is when we truly lost classic but Ik ppl think we lost classic WoW in Cata with the revamp of the old world. Old world an rdf/raid finder were bad but MoP got rid of the amazing tree of talents we have in cata and below, it got rid of big world pvp (Tol Barad, Wintergrasp, there was no MoP version of these) and got rid of being able to equip both a melee weapon and range weapon for all classes which I always thought was so cool.


Cata will be popular for a few months in. Fall off. Be popular with the next content release, fall off, etc.

It will be alive throughout, but each content cycle will see a large flux early, and stabalize, then flux again.


Lol. Nope not me. Lol. The majority of the players. Lol. Not you. Lol.


I’d say 75ish% of TBC, so about half as much as Wrath. Wouldn’t be surprised if history repeats itself and T11 sees a plunge followed by a recovery into T12 and the T13 Mists waiting room.

Certainly enough to turn a profit. But I ain’t seeing Rag mounts like we saw whalebone kites. That means something.


Considering we can’t fly around in Dalaran like we could in Shattrath, I’m not surprised


Correction. You and about 10 others making 100 threads on the forums a day and yelling “we’re the vast majority”.

Door’s over there. LOL


And it worked. Lol lolllllllllllll. Ah ahhhhhaaaaa haaaaaaa! But muh social experience. Lmao.

There will be more than enough people playing to do any activity in the game. This cry for a mass exodus isn’t going to happen. Maybe a 10% drop off. If raiding is your thing their will probably be more logged raids then Vanilla, but less than Wrath. The PVP crowd is excited for Cata PVP so they probably won’t even seen a dip. I’m already seeing PVP guilds pop up to start recruiting for Cata RBGs.

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Yeah, but the one I saw was in Stormwind and we can’t fly there, either.

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Hard to say. From the many people I’ve talked to they are either moving to SOD, Classic Era, Pservers or quitting to another game all together. Of course this is anecdotal and doesn’t have much barring on what will actually happen.

Cata will probably enjoy a healthy population for a few months then most of the population will move on.

the 10 forum trolls and their army of alts are of no consequence and do not actually sway anything like they think they do


You can mount flying mounts in Stormwind. Can’t do that in Dalaran

Interesting! Stormwind is still poppin’, though. I think Cata’s gonna be a dip. Not a failure, but not Wrath.


It’ll be fine. There will be a substantial enough population to maintain server health. That said, don’t do the server transfer nonsense Blizzard put us through in TBC>Wrath with the queues. Just pick a good health server, and resolve that you’ll start a couple weeks late after the hype dies down.

The vast majority of people complaining (me included), aren’t mad that Cata exists. Have at it! Live your Cata dreams. The doomsaying is coming from the threat that Wrath servers will disappear, like TBC did. If they offered the existing service to clone a character to a Wrath Era server in addition to Cata… I think that’d actually HELP Cata’s population health, as you won’t have Wrath players just outright quitting / unsubbing, and they might dabble in Cata if the mood arises.

Right now, Blizzard’s actions with TBC and silence on Wrath means that we’re all living in the dread that eventually this ride arrives at WoD or worse… meaning there’s pretty much zero reason to play these characters because they’re just going to become Retail-ized.


I think 95% yes. People are insanely addicted to their characters, and love playing with their guilds and friends.
Its hard to give that up


It really not “so many” if you go and count the actual posters. You just have a vocal minority that are spouting multiple posts because they are bored and are not getting their way. Cata will be just fine, it will lose some and gain some. Player attrition is natural over the course of any game but for now things will still be going strong. If you look past the naysayers and look at actual facts, Cata was the 2nd highest subscribed expac in WoW history. This is not just carry over from Wrath as it maintained a 10+ million subscriber base for over a year after release.