Will Cataclysm be Dead on Arrival?

Just a phrasing thing I guess. You don’t feel nostalgic for a game you played for the first time. Thats not what nostalgia is.
Wasn’t talking about Classic rereleases.

IDK most of wrath moved to season of discovery. People like CLASSIC and not the lobby simulator wrath and cata have turned into. The world is what makes wow, and honestly dragonflight is just a better lobby simulator theme park mmo than cata. If I was going to play cata, I would just play war within. Better raids, better M+, and newer classes I like, such as monk.


The delusion is out of control in this thread lol


Besides the fact that Cata has none of the things you just listed - literally a different game, lets see how well this post ages in about 1 months when season of discovery is season of meta and gearscore


nope but it’ll see a huge drop off. ppl are gonna play bc some ppl do like cata but w/o wrath servers its hard to see people wanting to stay. i think we’ll have some retailers visitin because it’ll be something to jump in + with sod until tww but retailers never stay long. just wont have the same life that we got in wrath but w/e. have fun lol.

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it can very easily mean that, you may want to brush up on what nostalgia actually is. /shrug

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Everyone will complain about Wrath ending until Wrath ends.

you build up nostalgia over time. The moment you play, especially for the first time, you dont feel nostalgic about it

Let’s hope it does well.

not sure how you don’t understand what nostalgia actually is, that’s not how it works O.o

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People will still play because there’s no real alternative. Dragonflight is just plain bad, maybe the worst expansion in the entire history of WoW. I couldn’t think of a better tool to drive up the number of Classic players than Dragonflight.

Cataclysm marked the beginning of a downturn in World of Warcraft’s appeal. The developers focused on creating a more challenging game, incorporating elements that mainly appealed to hardcore gamers. This shift led to a noticeable departure of players. Despite the need to cater to a broader audience, the subsequent expansion under Ghostcrawler’s leadership seemed to mock casual players by introducing what many saw as a ‘joke race’ and adopting a Disney-like Panda theme, which felt more like an insult than an inclusive gesture. Following this, Ghostcrawler left the company, leaving a mixed legacy.


Thats because the characters will be automatically moved over. Cataclysm was the decline in WoW and has left a bad taste in everyones mouth but the hardcore players who liked it.


Games made for Hardcore Players are. I remember the Matrix Online which was sold for 1 cent/Penny two weeks after release.

What killed it initially was the dungeons started having raid mechanics and the wipe fests were common in dungeons for people that weren’t in the know.

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80% of the players from wrath liked Cata. That’s not just hardcore players. I get that you don’t want to believe that but numbers don’t lie.

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I think whatever survey from xanga you got that from was skewed.

Google Ghostcrawlers, infamous post ‘Wow, Dungeons are Hard!’ the overall mood of Cataclysm was negative with Ghostcrawler infamously telling us to take a break from the game and nothing was changing.


Blizzard released official sub numbers until WoD and you can still find them on line. Subs only dropped 20% so you Cata haters are a distinct minority.

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Players come and go. Every game has it’s peak. End of Wrath and first half of Cataclysm were the peak. It dipped during MoP and it took a massive hit during WoD. Cataclysm really wasn’t your “WOW IS BROKEN FOREVER” expansion. Blame WoD. It never recovered from that.

It was just too long and too boring. So when WoD Classic comes out, it better have a run time of like 9 months tops.

Peak means it can’t get higher.
Having over 10 million of active subs is the peak no game has achieved. Even League and Fortnite are lower at about 8mil.

Yeah. People play games. They get bored. They move on. If Cataclysm was that horrible, than Retail would not really be a thing.

There are tons of gaming portals that do estimations…Some say over 4mil, others say 2.5m active users today in 2023. (googled and looked at like 7 different websites. So idk. Take it with a pinch of salt of course.

Another point to consider. 2012-2014 were great years for gaming.
Another point to consider. OG Wrath was 10 mil+ players, but Wrath Classic is only like 2million. So, perhaps, Wrath isn’t some god-like either. And it was huge just because of the hype around it.

Edit: Don’t get me wrong. I’m not denying that Cataclysm changed a few things. But a lot of quest designs, raid philosophies all come from Wrath. And Cataclysm is very close to Wrath. Wrath and Vanilla are nothing alike really. The only overlap Wrath has with Era is old world.


No, vocal minority crying on forums is not majority of the population.

Cata is insanely popular in Europe, which is 1000000x more populated than NA, Europe loves warcraft.

Cata private servers atm are around 5k-10k as populated as wotlk private servers, EU will play the crap out of Cata and MOP, especially pvpers, which EU has a lot of.

Only small % of cry baby NA forum posters and maybe 1 cringe big twitch streamer will complain about Cata, while rest of us are busy playing the game.

And cata is 90% like wotlk, they just made lower lvl questing easier and leveling faster, more consolidated.

The raids are inline with ICC and increased in difficulty, the pvp balance in arena is wayy better than wotlk, and lot of classes are pretty close to WOLTK, only Paladin got drastically changed on how it plays, and in cata Ret is way more fun than wotlk.

Cata is close to woltk.