Will Cataclysm be Dead on Arrival?

Keep dreaming there Noxiuos, it aint happening… Cata will fail because Cata was a piggame.

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Disagree 100% you have 47% of forum whining and 47% of the forum Fanboying. Then there are the actual 6% who post intelligent topics that then get trashed by said fanboys and whiners.

Maybe if you say it over and over you’ll actually convince yourself you’re right

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they wont be empty do you not read? do you read and not comprehend… they are killing wrath servers when Cata comes out… there is “no wrath servers” to be empty. Thats why you have a VERY VOCAL MAJORITY who are extremely angry that we are being forced onto the second worse expac to every come out.

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I played form the start of BC to current retail. I honestly hated Cata, it wasnt anything special. It was so poor I hardly remember any good about it. I also thought WoLK was a good ending point for these “classic” servers. I think going into Cata takes it too far. Wheres the end point then? Are they just gonna keep popping out the old expansions till they hit retail? Once I found out they were changing the servers over I stopped playing WoLK servers.

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Will see in september… or you will see, since i’ll be gone… buhbye…

Oh boy, you promise?

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so many exaggerations in this paragraph . time to go out and smell some grass brother

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instead of acting like a tool, explain what is exagerated there? oh right you can’t you just want to insult, your just another typical Wow forum poster Toxic.

nothing toxic in my response , while you are littering the forum with inaccuracies and exaggerations. but hey , i hope that blizz gives you your dedicated server and I will be around when people cry about the inactivity and obscurity that it will fall

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doubtful blizzard devs now are so inept that they wont even understand what they are doing is a horrible decision and they never admit they are wrong (that has been proven for the last 18 years) You on the other hand are as bad as the Devs, just looked you up, you have never played CATA but yet your givng your opinion on that game, that takes big Kahonies…

Servechilled Joined Aug 30, '22

I quit playing Wrath the second they announced Cata. So we are going to have our Wrath servers deleted and then will have to pay to clone out toons into Cata probably.

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I’m upset about that too. I’ve had blizzard employees with guns at my door demanding I play Cata. I’d unsub but I’m being forced to play cata.

From a certain point of view ‘whining’ or ‘fanboying’ can both be seen as a type of complaining. Usually people will post their grievances(whine) and then there will be people complaining that the poster doesn’t know anything, and the game is great(fanboying). One is complaining about the game and the other is complaining about the players.

Course sometimes you get people that are genuinely asking a question, but I think we can agree that is the minority.

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Yup… its all the hiding behind false names, i would prefer your real names are tagged on posts, then everyone and i mean EVERYONE would behave better on boards. Kind of like Wrath before they put LFD into classic wrath, there was No kicking for no reason people actually spoke in groups, now that they put that garbage into classic what do we have… people kicking for fun or for very little reason… why well those people now have no fear of retribution for false kicks because your not on their server.

Ah, so you were lying when you posted this:

What you’re saying is we should take your posts with a grain of salt because you tend to lie?

Thats not how the report system works and also mass reporting people (have been happening again lately) is against the rules and will most likely cause you to get banned.


I am convinced that you are a comedian :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


Most anti-Catas are

Yeah, but like the child who says something in front of adults that causes them to laugh but the child doesn’t have a clue how funny it is.

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