Will Cataclysm be Dead on Arrival?

That’s not how words work, sorry! When a precedent exists, expecting the precedent to be followed isn’t, under any definition, a “delusional” expectation.

Regardless, it’s not like “fixing” that in the usual Blizzard way was the only problem with Cata DKs.

It is, actually. You don’t have to agree with me but that doesn’t suddenly make the word “yep” not mean “yes”

Such a catty response. Granted, it’s not horribly offbrand considering the quality of your prior responses.

I was so right about Cata shills being “toxic”

Ironic that you keep trying to make this about me and then claim I’m being the toxic one

Here, I’ll play your game: I guess I shouldn’t expect any less from a retail sock puppet

Sorry, the quality of that response was much lower than the others. That time, I chose not to make an argument, putting it more in line with the quality of your posts.

Perhaps if you don’t want me to dwell on the fact that every response you’ve given has been some insubstantial toxic pedantry, you should try making an argument. It would be much easier to actually discuss something, if your posts had something deserving a response other than an eye roll.

There’s nothing to be discussed. 3 specs being able to tank and dps is a balancing nightmare

You can argue about feral all you want, that’s still only one spec to balance vs 3, and even it was eventually split into two as well (in fact that wasn’t even “much later”, it was literally the very next expansion). At some point the only realistic way they could reasonably balance them would be to make them all play pretty much identically, and we all know how much people hate “homogenization”, so Blizzard took the smart decision to nip it in the bud before anyone got any unreasonable expectations

Not the first time you’ve just zoomed past something I’ve written. Wow, why might I have tried to “make this about you.” What a mystery!

You’re just supporting my point that it’s a balancing nightmare. But whatever, it’s clear you don’t want a discussion you just want to start a fight, so I’m washing my hands of this, feel free to sit there and whine all night if you like

CATA will not be DOA. but will be the fastest dying expiation out of the “classic” releases. Was before and will be again. Once people play thru and realize that even the talent tree is retail. Pretty much all it will take for some. Most will level to 85 then that’s when subs/ players will start to decrease.

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A balancing nightmare Blizzard had set a precedent for with Feral already. And frankly, this is assuming end of WotLK Blood Tank/DPS weren’t in some horribly offensive place one way or another.

Not much different to Wrath

makes no sense. Cata talent trees are balanced Wrath trees while removing boring nodes. Nothing else.

Isn’t the talent tree pick 3? or was that MoP. If so sorry for my mistake but rest is true.

Mop. Seems like you kinda misremember Cata?

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I did mess up on talent tree. But will never forget cata was a trash expansion. why I and many other quit.

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90% of cata players will quit by month 3. It’s not a good expansion. It’ll be popular at the start because it’s new.

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First of all it is not 2010 anymore. Different people at different stages in life play.

Lets ignore the talent part. What part here is different in Wrath? Literally nothing. I would argue that Cata has even more content to play.


maybe sooner. They will be 85 in what 3 days maybe less? Raid logging in a week

I’m not sure if y’all play the same game but in Wrath Classic its all about gdkp, speedrunning and raidlogging. What makes you think Cata Classic will make it faster die than Wrath. Wrath already had a massive drop-off after its 2022 launch and it will be the same as Cata until it stabilizes to a healthy population like now.


I mean it’s Retail World of Warcraft so yea. Why go back to Cataclysm when it already has the stuff in Retail minus the Intros to Vashjir and Twilight Highlands and of course Deathwing flying over the zone.


yes you are correct here. I’m on pagle and already have had one of the 4 raid guilds quit since Cata launch was announced. Will continue to fall I’m sure. Hope the cata players keep it Classic up and going.
I think playing WoD for the first time will be fun in 2-3 years.