Will Cataclysm be Dead on Arrival?

My opinion:
There is a highly vocal minority who are asking for a Wrath standstill server. According to all sources on population, Classic WoW has about 500-600k players in Wrath. If they create Wrath-only servers, about 10% of those players will leave, and the number of players who play on Classic WoW will dwindle even more than it has.

This group does not contend how an MMO business works or how a game like WoW requires an adequate population to justify maintaining servers.

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I mean I think you miss the post where I say I would still prefer them not do this or keep a wrath realm up or something.

I will enjoy the leveling process but the end-game in cata was kinda butts in my opinion. At least for how I liked playing the game. I love PvP. More specifically Battlegrounds. Cataclysm ruined battlegrounds. In Wrath you could go into a BG on a fresh 80 and still occasionally kill someone. Yeah sure you’ll get smashed more often than not, but you can at least hurt things you just can’t survive anything. In Cata it made it to where to enjoy casual battlegrounds you had to be in full sweaty arena gear or else you weren’t doing any damage to anybody. And even when you were in full sweaty arena gear, cata introduced immortal pvp classes like the holy paladin and resto druid. Yes they were hard to deal with in Wrath, but you could still oom them and then blow them up, or screw up a timing of theirs. In cata there’s literally just no killing them, which means any game where your team has no healers but theirs does is an immediate loss unless that healer is afk farming.

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Too many guilds are disbanding this days and most players in those guilds are quitting because they’re cba to find new guild, it’s clearly shown that wrath are currently bleeding.

cata being released is a salvation to wow classic.

i personally would love if wrath lasted 1more year to see and witness if it will be empty and cold or not because i believe many people will blame the incoming cata in next 5~6months for w/e happen even though wrath is currently losing tons of players.

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People are bleeding because they said no current wrath plans which means players see not much point in clearing for gear that will be replaced if you level to 85. Between the forever wrath players and the kung-fu-panda lovers cata will be squeezed out between them, it won’t be a salvation it will be a rush of power creep, then a dying down. Like those damn nft bubbles.


So you think if they said “it’s wrath forever!” People would line up to keep clearing raids for gear they’ll never replace in a raid with no end?

That would make me quit a ton faster. Like if power progression ended what’s the actual point?

You but no one else we would if they said there was wrath era we would see alot more than now. Also, where are you getting the bleeding from I am seeing a 411k before blizzcon and a 395k-397k after blizzcon? aka a ~3.5% drop. So yeah the data seems to indicate blizzcon as the point of change as if they had announced its wrath forever having spoken to myself in the golden timeline that they increased subs to the ~620k peak after doing so. So it might have made you leave but that would be something people would welcome and celebrate.

Moreover I am seeing on the graph, a downturn during ulda as the raid was annoying, a spike for trial with some ups and downs, then a drop off once they said they had no plans for wrath at the time.

Imma play it! Imma be serious this time, go all in, maybe, just maybe join a normal raid! My Dwarf Kibilzirak got to 80 in the first month of WOTLK Classic, this time, i want a Tier Set!

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i’m aware of the main point you’re trying to tell…i’ve seen that in other old mmo-rpg i’ve played where game doesn’t progress yet people who play it been and still playing it from years.
-they already maxed everything but they log just to have fun with friends, they log to do what they only wants, they aren’t rushed and for that they level what so ever when so ever and gear them all, they invite new friends to game and help them, the game for them is just a home, stable/safe home.

the company try to throw some fun events from time to time and everyone is happy but those games never had a massive numbers because many players this days don’t play the game for fun…i mean look at wow players for example…
-they treat the game as if it’s a job, they want to feel the competition they want to get challenged and they seek attention and over all they love RMT.

Tbh if original wrath would stayed longer…it could retained the 12million and maybe grow, back then most people was casuals, fun seekers and many was clueless so they never cared, back then pvp was massive part of wow and even though icc lasted 1year…none felt the boredom and game kept gaining players, But look at wrath classic…half the player that played naxx at release are already gone for whatever reasons…pvp is dead and pugs life is dead, we have tokens already with insane amount of gdkps and rmt is huge, no way current wrath classic can survive with what’s happening, so even if cata was never coming wrath classic was going to die faster than you can imagine.

I’m extremely excited for Cata, personally. It was a time when they really put a big focus on gameplay and polished/fun class design. Pick literally any class in Cata and it’s going to feel fun to play. That’s how it felt to me, anyway!

They destroyed my class, actually.

Assuming you mean Warrior, I have to disagree! Arms was loads of fun for me! Loved the aoe, Heroic Leaping everywhere, stance-dancing, and Colossus Smash!

Death Knight, actually, though Wrath (Fury) was superior to Cata Fury.

Even back in 2010 you were deluding yourself if you thought DK was going to stay in the state it was in Wrath

Who mentioned numbers/tuning? Seems like a very quick kneejerk response on your end, because God forbid anyone have an issue with what Cataclysm did to underlying Class mechanics.

I could care less about the numbers, so long as we weren’t at the absolute bottom. I do care that they nuked Blood DPS, redesigned Unholy to be more heavily pet-centric (In an expansion where Pet AI struggled, especially), and slowed down the Rune system.

Who did mention numbers/tuning? Seems like a very quick kneejerk reaction on your end

What I was referring to was DK’s design as a whole, that being a class that can tank and dps in all 3 of its specs

Ah, I see we’re doing the whole “No, I’m going to say something drastically different than everyone else who makes this comment” routine. Very fun!

Frankly, Unholy tanking withered away very quickly in actual WotLK. Frost was the go-to early, Blood became dominant later.

I don’t think it would’ve been the end of the world to allow Tank & DPS roles to co-exist within a single spec. Feral Druids had that luxury for ages.

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Sounds to me like you went into this topic anticipating an argument and are now trying to force one

Yeah, and there’s a reason they eventually split the two, because trying to balance them was a nightmare

It’s not my fault the Cata crowd tends to be disagreeable and toxic. I am nothing but a person adapting to the world around me.

Yes, they did much later. And yet despite this existing for years, it would be “delusional” to expect similar treatment for DKs?

It’s your fault that you go into discussions expecting people to fight you and then start trying to twist what they say into said fight just so you can claim the high ground, yes
