Will Cataclysm be Dead on Arrival?

86% of statistics are made up. 98% of people know that. Bottom line is you have no idea how many people will play cata. You are not levelling a character in Wrath to play Cata. You are levelling a character in Wrath because you enjoy playing Wrath. And I wouldn’t pay too much attention to what people say on the forums. Forum opinion is a notoriously unreliable method of judging opinion and that applies to all forums, not just WoW forums.


And you are excited about SOD? A new version of the game with retail abilities? Cata will have more people than era and the new vanilla season.

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The laugh I got from this while drinking my first cup of coffee today was the perfect way to start a Sunday. Thank you.


Give it one month before it’s dead. Enjoying playing vanilla with retail abilities

Blizzard does not care anymore is about the worst take in here. Its delusional. What you really mean is you’re not getting what you want and that makes you salty.

Meanwhile in reality wow is in the best spot its been in in about 7 years. Retail has DF, a solid expansion and the WSS looks promising. You have era, HC, wrath going into cata and SoD coming. But sure, they dont care lol

No idea what is wrong for you but enjoy your forum time out

WoW is still doing bad enough blizzard won’t publish actual sub counts again.


Tbf I used that one:
Reddit - https://external-preview.redd.it/vRHLGJY5ejDgASzO8EU6le5xUAE0JYiRFwSDfMeThPU.png?auto=webp&s=c6b02dee6f79fde7a2b02422fc66a72b2922c30f

I guess it just depends on how you see those dataset points. Regardless, it is not 2010 anymore.

More subs is obviously better, but they rely much more on micro-transactions and the cash shop. Wouldn’t surprise me at all if they’re making more money now than when they had 12 million subs.

Don’t disagree at all, when they can just reskin a mount and slap it on the shop and sell millions of them that’s easy cash for minimal effort.

But if they genuinely wanted to they could both create a quality enough game to maintain that 12 million subs and have a cash shop which would be making even more money.

From a share holder quarterly statement perspective they don’t really understand that so just posting profits and activity metrics but not sub counts is good enough.


Here’s an example of what I’m talking about:

This is an ex-Blizzard dev saying that a single cash shop mount made more money than Starcraft 2. So…“Hmm, should we spend years of development paying hundreds of people, time and resources, advertise, promote, etc to make a game…or spend a week, bang out a cash shop mount and slap a price tag on it?”

So when people wonder why Blizz went to crap, the quality of their games plummeted. This is why. Whales. That’s the ‘players’ Blizz cares about. That’s where the money is at.

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OH, this is the worst take ever, never mind lol

WhAlES! Do you use a random buzzword generator to make yourself feel good?

Yeah, it does. It’s kinda silly to look at subs over a 2 year period and discuss them only in terms of the lowest and highest point. It’s more nuanced then just those two points but you really can’t discuss anything with nuance here. A better way to discuss it is to take an average of subs over the whole life of the expansion. That average would be 10.5 But in the end cata did drop to 9.1 million for a brief amount of time.


cata will be bigger than wotlk.

1-60 leveling revamp

good dungeons

hard heroics

great raids

rated bgs

it’s just wotlk but better


No, people will level 15-85 in rdf. The dungeons will not be as good as the current wrath g dungeons, the raids will all lead to dragon soul. And rated battlegrounds might not be what they were as now we have pvp focused games which do pvp better than wow.

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Except that most of those things people didn’t like.

Only a few 1-60 zones actually improved

The dungeons were meh CC fests and were horribly unpopular

first raid tier was pretty good, second raid tier was great, the last and signature raid tier was complete :poop:

Rated BG’s that you could only queue with a full premade for, relegating them to super niche

And a talent system widely disliked.

The only thing i can think of that Cata genuinely did well and added was transmog.


Be the change you want to see. Make a character in anticipation for cata, be positive about the xpac, and make connections for upcoming content.


Dont think anything you listed is what the majority thinks. Especially nowadays. I guess maybe the pvp part, idk, I don’t talk to a lot of pvp players.


I’m excited for Cataclysm. As far as I know most people in my guild are moving into Cataclysm (about 90ish%).