Will Blizzard turn Retail WoW in the direction of being an MMORPG again?

Players like me don’t ask for anything, precious.

We don’t want your loot. We don’t want your raid slots. We don’t get abilities or professions nerfed for our benefit like whiny raiders do. We don’t get talent trees nerfed because the developers realize the filthy solo casuals are all playing the same thing, again, like whiny raiders do. We don’t get flight removed because nobody wants to play PVP with us and we can’t figure out why. We don’t ask for CRZ or sharding or whatever the “never ever be alone” folks do.

Players like me just want to be left alone, which has apparently been illegal since Mists.


Really? So all those people role playing on role playing servers aren’t actually role playing? Huh. Whoda thunk.

This is still an RPG. You just don’t like it. There is a difference.

And as I said before anyone who doesn’t think this is a multiplayer game is delusional.


1: How many RPGs have you played? Because modern WoW sure as hell doesn’t resemble any. People will RP in any game, that’s their own thing, I am talking about game play mechanics, and I can tell by how you typed that out that you know it.

2: I never said it wasn’t multiplayer, just that it was questionable since you can do pretty much everything without ever talking to someone now.


RPG is subjective. Retail WoW resembles other RPGs I’ve played.

Oh sweetpea. It’s the same way in classic. Hitting 60 isn’t an accomplishment, and talking while spamming frostbolt/shadowbolt isn’t required.

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You could get pretty high if you played during Legion and dropped the world quest completion deal on PVP world quests.

Using Realmpop Only using US level 120 character data:

All Servers:
53.5% Horde 46.5% Alliance

Now for the Servers you list.

91% Alliance

96.8% Alliance

85.8 % Alliance

Your response to saying that on a random minor RP server where I play is dead to the alliance you point out the three top US Alliance servers.

By the way only 20k 120’s on Feathermoon, 64% Alliance but then I choose the server years ago for it’s Alliance lean. Compared to Sargeras and Stromrage which have ten times as many characters at 120.

If we compare it to my old server Emerald Dream which is 52.4% Horde and 76k 120’s which is closer to average, then you can see the trend better.

WoW hasn’t had faction Balance since TBC, and as time goes on it’s getting worse.

p.s. Realm POP says 4million 120’s in US realms. So I would also hazard to say US Sub numbers are also way down, I have Multiple 120’s on both factions, and I am not the only one.

Edit, for transparency my Horde Characters are all on Moon Guard (well except my Goblin on ED)

Moon Guard 120’s 76.9% Alliance 76k 120 characters (not all are ERPing in Goldshire)

I could grind to 60, but what of dungeons? I could skip them, but what happens at 60? You will eventually have to talk to someone.

The only way you can play classic without communicating is if you just want to level characters to 60 over and over.

It’s what I do in BfA and what I’ll do in classic. Well there is one social thing I am going to grind out, but that was because I missed the event do to work the last time on ED, never again, I want my bug.

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I commend your patience and mental fortitude. I could never play the game solely leveling and nothing else, would drive me crazy.

The exact same thing happens in BFA.

And your point is? That other players have options of their own to play how they wish? To get into mythics, or any progression content that matters you have to socialize.

Last I played (Early BFA) I was able to do dungeons, group PvP, raids, and even group quests by clicking a button and not having to say anything to anyone.

You strike me as being argumentative for the sake of it, as I can’t imagine you have no understanding of what I speak of.

All the Characters in my Guilds are me and my alts, I have a few other 100+ Alts in other guilds as well. Mainly my Goblin in Goblintech and my Gnomes in Gnometech.

Alliance Guild Pirates of the Iblis

Horde Guild Simply Fabulous

My two place holders Bhuemkabhuem & Kompressor

It is, it’s just not one you like.

Hmmm, why are people posting on the forum when there is a neck to grind…

I really do not have a clue on what you are asking for. I thought Everquest 2008 was a really terrible game. Hated Star Wars Galaxies as well.

I kinda have a feeling our definition of MMORPG’s is vastly different.

Are you asking an MMORPG to feel like a second job like FFXI where you had to make sure to commit to a minimum 36 hours week to remotely get anything remotely accomplished?

Yeah, you can experience them. But noone who does Dungeons, or Raids uses queues seriously.

I agree with this. Perhaps when some people write that WoW:BFA is not a role-playing game they mean they want more immersive gameplay. And I don’t write that to suppose I know what they really want, but below is my ramblings regarding this apparently nebulous concept of “role play.”

The following items help me to consider retail wow an RPG: i play a tank role, specifically a protection paladin. I have limitations on the skills available to me, the armor class (with maximum efficacy) and weapon types are limited to my spec and class - I cannot wield a two-handed claymore and wand simultaneously. I’m also limited to what stats are active for my role - e.g. intellect trinkets are greyed-out. I can play solo but my functionality shines in group play. I have the ability to specialize in only two professions - I can’t take all of them.

Again, I humbly submit that what most folks really want is the perception of a more immersive game play, where they can more finely craft their class (old talent trees) as opposed to a more narrowly-defined (perhaps) set of choices (talent rows).

Maybe it’s ideal that now there are two iterations of WoW, each exhibiting one of these paradigms.

So now it just doesn’t count?

That is purely subjective. For example:

if you and I were to just go on discord and just list things we like and dislike about retail/classic/and other parts of the game. I would put good money that even though we could maintain a civil discussion for the most part I would toss Half of your idea’s in the trash while you would mock half of my ideas.

Really the issue truly stems at the current trend of gaming culture. We at the old vanguard would reminisce about the good ol days, while the new generation of gamers would tell us to piss off and then play apex legends… or something stupid like that.

Try talking to a 16 year old about Vanilla or Retail. Tried teaching a school club about the joys of D&D…They all whined because they had no wifi on their phones during the entire session.

Tried to get my 9 year old nephew to play Super Mario World with me. It broke my heart when he was like “this game looks old and terrible… like you.”

I don’t think queue’d content counts. Unless, you’re saying that’s your skill level.