Wildhammer Should Be An Allied Race

All normal Dwarves have Stoneform. It’s part of being the remnants of the Stoneborn.

Plenty of lore. The council of Three Hammers exists.

Wildhammer and Bronzebeard sound identical.

Gryphones already exist in great quantities.

Except that’s kinda what a Wildhammer is. Heck their hairstyles and beard styles are also being added to normal Dwarves.


Apart from the fact when you roll a Dorf you start in Ironforge meaning you specifically are a bronzebeard Dorf more or less.

It’s not the same.

Really? Because last I checked the starting zone in Shadowlands was Exiles Reach.

Except that’s exactly what the storm hammers are. They’re Enhancement Shaman hammers.


Are we in Shadowlands yet? no. So exiles reach does not exist and thus, when you roll a Dorf you start out in Iron Forge meaning you are effectively a member of the Bronzebeard clan.

Okay… but the Wildhammers added in Shadowlands are real Wildhammer dwarves.


Mag’har orcs are orcs and guess what…? We have orcs already.
Highmountain tauren are tauren and guess what…? We have tauren already.
Zandalar trolls are trolls and guess what…? We have trolls already.
Nightborne are night elves and guess what…? We have night elves already.
Void elves are blood elves and guess what…? We have blood elves already.
Dark iron dwarves are dwarves and guess what…? We have dwarves already.
Lightforged draenei are draenei and guess what…? We have draenei already.


Wildhammer would have their Storm Hammer. It’s their thing. I suspect their “stone form” would be better set to be some sort of racial Stam buff or something. IF and DID dwarves both have a slight difference there so that could work.

Come on though you know their active racial would be those hammers they always use.

I was vague so I get why you responded this way.

I meant you as a character don’t get that lore on that toon nor does the lore continue.

Now we all know it would, my main issue is in the PC not getting it.

Wildhammer are not the same as a IF dwarf.

Also the council of the three hammers is all dwarves.

The Thanes have their own stuff aside from that.

Jokes flirts charges other emotes ect. DID sound the same too so not sure this works against us anyhow.

The one for the Wildhammer will be awesome.

You and Ulendir need to do some reading. Lol

Exiles reach is nice and all and I get what they’re doing. I just don’t think that’s enough for the Wildhammer.

If it’s good in your book then enjoy it.

Not sure that’s true… Lol

I disagree.


Too be honest I’d like to see frostborne be playable first since wildhammer customizations is coming out and they already brought shammans into the dwarf fold.

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Frostborns nice and all but these customizations aren’t enough. Wildhammer deserve more than cosplay.

Nice to have you with us here by the way.

I do want to someday see the frostborn. Wish they had a lot more lore.

Nice to be actually appreciated lol, been getting trolled and flamed allot recently.

I do agree that they shoulda been their own thing. It makes no sense gameplay-wise to have 2 of the clans their own race but not wild hammers.

I’d beleive their racial would be “hammah toss: Throw an electrified hammer at your foe dealing X nature damage and stunning them for x amount of time.”

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Because the Wildhammer were the ones who introduced Shamanism to Dwarves.

That would be a Shaman.

Yes. They’re the same race. Just different clans. Wildhammer are apart of the Council and are Dwarves.

It’s saying that Wildhammer Dwarves are a thing. They’ve been added.

I have read.

It justifies Wildhammer. They’re Dwarves and Exile’s Reach no longer establishes you as a specific clan.

It is true.

And you’re wrong.

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Bah folk shouldn’t do that to you. You have good ideas I think.

Aye it’s almost insulting. I’m a big fan of them and I get they’re trying to give them to us but I think they deserve far better.

Aye. Though if folk think that’s too OP I’d settle for just the nature dmg or even just the stun.

Personally both makes a lot of sense to me.

It’s just one idea, we could do this too;

Summon gryphon: Your gryphon partner comes and joins you in action for a few moments dealing x pshycal damage for each attack.


Sorry guys but I love the fact that I won’t need to grind some stupid rep and pay Blizzard to race change my Dwarf shaman (which I already considered a WH).
Just my two cents.


I heard rumors that the allied races will no longer need a rep grind in shadowlands to play.


Then the Alliance would have three Humans and three Dwarves.

I’d not mind, though, but the faction would look way less diverse compared to the Horde than it already looks.

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I doubt any new AR won’t require some rep grind, this is probably only for the old ones. But I hope I’m wrong.

We will see, they do want to make some announcement on the 9th so fingures crossed my friend! :smiley:

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It’s pretty clear that all Wildhammer would have the hammers and it would be their racial… Not sure why you think they’re all shaman.

They taught the Bronzebeard Dwarves how to be shaman.

I don’t think these customization options are enough. You don’t have to share my view but you saying this repeatedly won’t be changing my mind.

Also the closest we get to the Storm hammer is a warrior power…

They’re not the same as a Bronzebeard Dwarf…

And again same race doesn’t mean much. Orcs and maghar are the same race.

No it doesn’t.

Sure you have.

Again if that’s good in your book. Great. I don’t agree.

rolls eyes

You’re not interested so why are you here then?

I like it well enough but the Storm Hammer I think does fit better.

For gryphons I was thinking they either get a glide like Zandalari or they can use flight from 10 on.

Word is they don’t need the rep grinds going forward.

Sounds like a good alliance to me. :smiley:

Eh me too.

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Considering the original alliance is with 2 dwarf clans, the gnomes, the high elves and 7 human kingdoms, what he said would be an improvement on diversity! :rofl:

You might be right. But I like the idea that the gryphons they raise are apart of being a wildhammer, just like the quest in the twilight highlands mentioned. again, it was just an idea. :crazy_face: It’s fun to come up new ideas and talk about them.

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