Wildest thing to happen to a guild member?

Me and some guildies were leveling fresh characters a while back, with my one friend playing as a hunter and since we weren’t eager to quest, we were abusing the RFD system like it was chinese labor laws.

One of the dungeons that comes up is deadmines, and I took the time to point out that there was a fairly rare pet type that could only be found in that dungeon as far as I knew: the monkey.

My friend would go On to tame one for his roster and then proceeded to casually name it ~and I quote~


The most amazing thing about this, was that in doing so he had managed to simultaneously make a horrible joke happen but also avoid any sort of actual consequences because he hadn’t said anything just allowed people’s imagination to connect the dots.

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I can’t even say anything considering the first time I made a hunter, I tamed a raptor and added an E to their name

You can probably easily figure out where, nobody ever noticed


One of our warlocks in BFA agreed to do keys after raid but he was going to go to the store first then he disappeared for 10 hours, we hit him up in discord and got no response and we all assumed he’d fallen asleep or something. next morning, we got hospital pics in the discord of him in a hospital bed. Turns out he slipped on a patch of ice carrying snacks out of the store, broke his leg, and dislocated his arm.


I’m boring. Every time I start a new hunter I tame a cat and call it Cujo.


Dang, that’s a heck of a slip

But Cujo was a dog!


I know, and my first wolf is always Fluffy, or a name you’d give a cat.


I see I see, Im picking up what you’re putting down

It’s like when I was leveling my forsaken hunter and he had Spider the dog and Dog the spider


1.) Not long before the release of BC, our raid lead secretly went behind the guild leaders back and recruited a group of us for the new, smaller raid format. We then mass quit and formed the new guild. The word skullduggery was used. I still feel a little guilty about it.

2.) I joined a guild in WoD ran by a husband and wife. It was cozy, family friendly, super casual. We started doing normal raids even though most of them weren’t raiders. We were doing alright. Aftet raids, the wife would start sharing too much personal info with me about all the problems she was having in her relationship. It was awkward and uncomfortable though I tried my best to listen and be supportive. Then one day they just stopped logging in and never came back. The guild fell apart not long after. I never joined another guild or did another organized raid since then.

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A similar thing to number 1 happened to the guild I was in back in TBC.

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one of our officers of a bc guild was on the jerry springer show


was his name jerry?

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Did they at least try to fight someone?


I think you win bro.

There was a scandal in one of my vanilla guilds with a love triangle between two married officers and a third individual. That’s about as wild as it gets I think.

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yes they lunged at someone!

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One time, one of my old guildies went afk mid-raid.

But she left her mic open.

We proceeded to be forced to listen for the next like 10-15 minutes while she EXPLOSIVELY proceeded to use the bathroom.

She came back then silently logged off, cause I think she realized the mic was on.


Nice‎ ‎ ‎

No coming back from that

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I really thought this one was going in a different direction.


wow really…thats incredibly sad

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It was legit a huge shock to the guild considering how hyped he was for WoD and how he was basically solo healing all of dragon soul, then he just never returned after his return date and we later received the news

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TBC a single mother got doxxed, and it involved the sicko even messing with the children at school and home. FBI involved, the whole 9 yards plus some.

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