Wildest thing to happen to a guild member?

Why not take the time to share the wildest/funniest story that ever happened to a member of one of your guilds?

For example Ill start, back during Cataclysm our guilds best hero ended up going on an african safari and was killed by a lion

What kind of story do yall got?


The priest healer I played with in Shadowlands got shot while returning home from buying groceries.


We had a member who had been accused of killing his wife. She was found dead in their bed with her lover, and he got convicted. We were stunned. Years went by and we kind of forgot about it as people quit for various reasons and the guild slowly faded away.

However, one day, I flip on the news and found out that he had escaped prison and was able to flee the country. Apparently he had been tunneling through the wall for years hiding his progress with a giant poster of Rita Hayworth.

Anyway, we never saw him again. It was all pretty wild.




Hearing a guild healer at the time taking. SOMETHING I can’t say here and then healing Wrath Heroics while being obviously jittery in Ventrilo.

They were russian too so just imagine a “sugared” up Russian shaman healing.


I join guild.

Best friend joins guild because I join guild.

Best friend gets coworker/roommate to join guild.

His roommate starts e dating him and within like 2 weeks she shows up on their doorstep to move in unannounced.

Things got weirder/worse from there in a bad way. indirectly all because of me.

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got to love the non native english speaking guild mates when they get mad and curse they swap to their first language lol

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One of my guildies met a real life woman, got married, had a genius kid, won the lotto and started his own early access MMORPG.

Oh wait…

Let’s leave fantasy world. The wildest thing to really happen to one of my guildies is he found a real job and moved out of his mom’s basement.

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Kinda jelly when they mix and match english words with stuff from their 1st language.

Folks that know multiple languages are just cool


Gotta start these things strong

I still think of him occasionally, guy was an absolute machine and would yell at us to stand in avoidable damage so he could heal more


i know its both funny and scary
raging in english get to a cures word swap to the first language and in time you will learn what they are saying lol

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Nothing crazy, we’re all boring :smiling_face:


Well fix that

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Once upon a time, six local gnomes lived small happy lives and then died. The end


Were they gnome-more?


Not wild enough, work on it


Once upon a time, :thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking:

Six local gnomes went to cracker barrel and had a delicious meal, then went home and eventually died. The end


I was going to say mine was pretty dark, then I finished reading his… Still dark though.

We were doing trash runs in BWL, a guy who played WAY too much suddenly DCed and never logged in again. Turns out he was a minor celebrity in Ottowa because his family had sailed around the world. 2 weeks or so later, we find out the reason he didn’t log back in is he tried to kill his dad for pulling the power on his computer. The reason we find out is the media started sniffing around and our GM had to tell us to not get involved.

The other one, which is SUBSTANTIALLY less dark, was when I realized my raid leader during WOTLK went on to be a bit of a minor celebrity himself: https://www.youtube.com/c/drlupo


Really, a cracker barrel

Not even a waffle house to ensure some kind of violence would happen

You’re bad at this


Back in the Vanilla says… our Guild Leader got doxxed on the forums. Name, number, pictures, everything. Turned out he was hiding out on our server after causing some end game raid guild drama on Mannoroth server.

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