Ret isn’t a meme.
More like “respec holy or we aren’t going to take you.”
…and “2h are PvP weapons. Open roll.”
You’re right. It’s a bench seat.
sorry but yes it is. ret when fully optimized does about 65% of the DPS of a fury warrior.
Stop going by private servers. Blizzard has already confirmed they are horribly wrong.
Yeah, it’s not harder. Your character just dies a whole lot more often when you’re playing.
Why you should NOT play Ret Paladin:
You have to be a nasty Alliance player, at least until glorious Blood Elves are released.
If loot competition is your concern, and you want to play a DPS paladin, play spelladin.
Your BiS is T2, which no one but PvPers and RPers wants. AP ret still has to compete against warriors and rogues on agi/str offset gear. Weapon-wise, they use 1handers or really quick 2handers that all come from world or dungeon drops. Only reason for a slow 2hander is for PvP burst.
They also have a stat allotment that synergizes better with using their utility toolkits rather than having to save every ounce of mana to be a yellow warrior. Also not as hit-cap reliant.
No, it’s not shockadin. Still goes down deep ret at least 30 points, with the rest altering depending on what you’re doing.
Downside? Either AP or SP ret, you’re still farming a lot, and SP ret in particular will be making like ferals and farming lots of MCP’s from gnomer(at least one for every raid boss you’ll be doing.)
Worst case scenario, spelladin does about the same DPS as an AP ret, yet it’s still better for the raid by virtue of its other benefits given the choice between the two.
(spits soda all over monitor) WHAT?
Lmao have you played the new zones, or any new zones in retail when they launch. It’s a murder fest.
Honestly? That probably means you just suck. I only died a handful of times in the Broken Isles, not counting encounters with world bosses, and that was usually because I wasn’t looking where I was going and ran into a group of twenty demons, and got swarmed. In Kul’tiras and Zandalar? Unless it was absolute swarms of things, or World Quest mobs (like that damn triceratops the size of a house), I never died in the open world.
Haha yeah ok tough guy, go to Naz or Mec and you’ll be dead within 10 minutes, faster if you’re Alliance.
The scaling is pretty crazy, even for 400 ilvl players, not to mention the constant Wpvp… Classic never had as challenging an open world, as retail has right now.
You gotta love the classic fanboys who talk sht about retail, but don’t have a clue about it. The delusion is real.
Well, since I don’t PvP, and don’t turn War Mode on, I’ll be fine. Especially since I still do single target pulls when I can, since I’m not speed-running.
I played Legion and BFA at launch. Leveling was faceroll easy.
You’re just dumb if you say “pRiVate SeRVerS arE wRong” to everything, the differences (especially with raid bosses) are obviously incorrect but not to an extensive degree. Ret paladins are still not going to be as viable as good dps classes (warriors and rogues). If rets were super different than private servers then we would have heard about it from the beta.
is this a joke? I couldn’t die if I tried in legion… I remember on my fury warrior I was just trying to see how many mobs I could pull and aoe down while leveling and I could do like 7 elite mobs at once.
retail is a loot-box, wow token, microtransaction joke.
Spelladin says you farm MCPs.
Spelladins do more damage than AP stacking LOLRets.
Yeah there’s always the different ways you can go with ret.
if a “spelladin” farms MCP’s and has every consumable in game, then he can actually do above average DPS. Same with feral druids.
Yeah, like thunderfury.
Makes me glad I’m going horde lol, 1 less worthless hybrid spec beings sold to me.