Why you should play Ret Paladin

Realists. If you’re wanting to do high end content (and not farm content), you’re going to have to make decisions. Ret just isn’t viable as a DPS spec in vanilla - it really is only remotely viable if you work extra hard and if Spelladin really works.

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That’s because everything in retail is handed to you on an easy silver platter. You just have to pick the right fork to get the prize. In classic, you have to cook your own meal.


With gear scarcity, primary warrior upgrades will go to the MT first. Which will most likely be a warrior. It’s not raining epics in classic.

If warriors who want to primarily dps wish to be happy, then they need to realize they are fodder and upgrades are always slow and shared with all the other melee classes.

Step up and offer to be offtank or something.

Sorry, I don’t run google translate. I think you’re trying to say two classes that can fulfill two roles but only one should be because reasons.

In fights where some melee may sit out a fury warrior is useless. Paladins are not.

Which you can do with any stat stick. With few exceptions, 2h are purposely designed for melee classes. Which hunters are not.

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Yes that’s horrible, I can raid as pretty much any spec in retail.

I always thought the classic community was supposed to be more welcoming.


“Viable”: I want to spout nonsense about the antonym of this word, viable.

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Meh I’ve played since the start and I didn’t find it any harder than retail is now.

I mean the leveling sucks and apparently you have to spec a certain way if you’re into raiding…

It’s not like classic is impossibly harder or anything.


Depends entirely on if said tank Warrior has a PvP spec - and also if the piece is contested with DPS Warriors, which it most likely won’t be. And again, why give it to a Ret that isn’t doing much damage at all in the first place?

Fury can offtank, and Ret doesn’t do any damage in the first place - as I said. If a melee has to sit out, well darn, that sucks… but that Ret isn’t going to be bringing a whole lot to the table even when they can DPS. If they’re going for AP Ret, which is the build that makes them pink Warriors, they’re going to do nothing. Spelladin is an idea that if it works will make them sort of viable.

High top end is the desired weapon for melee weaving because you’re meleeing as much as you can without clipping ranged autos or Multi-/Aimed Shot casts. Which ends up being quite a lot of Raptor Strikes over a fight.

I’m not sure why you’re arguing this when meleeweaving is a legitimate style of play that increases a Hunter’s DPS by quite a bit. And that relies on having a fat, slow 2h with a high top end… like Ashkandi.

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They are, to an extent. But if you’re trying to force 39 other people to cater to you it’s not going to be fair to them. Also the design of retail is to not really care about what you play, and to be reasonably the same. That’s not how vanilla worked and that’s what people expect.

Ret built like a Warrior just isn’t viable - they don’t bring any real damage to the table and they’re taking up a spot virtually any other DPS spec can fill better. If they build Spelladin, and the build works, they’re bringing competitive DPS (or well enough) that they’re worth that spot.

Vanilla raids aren’t hard. You could clear the raids with a group of 40 paladins.

I didn’t think the analogy was hard or anything…

Put it this way, retail has to be done a particular way and you are guaranteed to succeed. Classic can be done hodgepodge but you have to put in more effort getting all the players into one raid instance.

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All the people saying You need optimal classes and specs to raid in Classic, these raids were completed back in Vanilla by a bunch of clickers and keyboard turners who didn’t know what they were doing. there’s nothing hard about Classic raids.

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Like the paladins and priests will be doing damage in raids lol

Anything is viable in Classic raids are that easy.

Who said anything about forcing them? It’s their life, they can choose to kick you out of the raid as it is easy enough to leave the guild if they are unsatisfied.

You are on the rhetorical bandwagon huh. Using a word long enough to mean its opposite to argue that the subject isn’t valid. Congrats, you are a politician.

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No way, Ashkandi goes straight to a Hunter. There are better weapons for actual 2H classes with procs.
Ashkandi is solely a stat stick. All that glorious AP.

Increased Holy damage isn’t really worth that much when Priests will be using their mana for healing, and Paladins deal hardly any damage anyway, let alone just Holy.

If anything it would be best for people who have Holy damage wands lol.

A Holy Paladin will generally pick up the Imp Blessing of Might as well.

Don’t bother, they are trying to change the rhetorical use of the word “viable.”

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fury warriors have 2 one handers and how do you know they wont give 2 handers to warriors first?

Depends on quite a few things. Paladins are using spellpower until tier 3, when it’s all +heal. Unless they are digging up a ton of +heal offgear instead of spellcrit for some reason.

Depends on loot rules.

I doubt a raid group is going to appreciate hunters refusing to upgrade all the way to Nef. no raid needs sand baggers.

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I know it’s a joke thread but just in case people didn’t know, most 2H weapons are always Fury priority in 1.12 with BT/Slam even without WF.

Also, AP Ret might be dead with Spelladin meta looking pretty good, so start farming MCP.

Nothing has changed with Ret in vanilla in 15 years. It’s just as bad as it was - unless you use the current idea to make it viable.