Why you should play Ret Paladin

Hpals are already getting that. It’s not exclusive to rets.

Ah yes, all the other rets and DPS smite priests you won’t bring to the raid.

It’s an incap and it’s completely worthless in a raiding environment where 90% of the mobs are immune to CCs (and you’re not going to use Repentance on those that aren’t).


Damage dealing potential? What expac do you think we’re in?


I did. I reported your post for trolling.


The #1 reason to play Ret Paladin is because if you’re the kind of person who wants to play ret in Vanilla, then we don’t want you on horde-side.


Actually guilds will still give 2hs to warriors because whenever there is multiple targets, their cleave/whirlwind is better with a 2h (good example is core hound packs, or the suppression room). You however will spend your life swinging a nightfall. If you don’t have one, then there’s very little reason to even have you in the raid. No one is going to slot a ret paladin just so they can have a judgement debuff. They may as well just slot another healer.

Best reason: you like the class/spec.


Well, either way, in AoE packs with more than 4 targets consecrate wins by a large margin.

Another best reason: the logistics of getting a 40 man raid together is a nightmare, so having someone reliably show up is more important than that warrior who only shows up every other week.


The only thing you are getting is a dress because you are rolling holy. Get rekt LOL


Since you are a rogue, you get rekt with rektoning first.


Being classic, I’m sure rolling a paladin won’t be a problem then.

Oops, mistimed my heal. Start walking back dps#7367388282928373.

We don’t bother using names for dps, we just pick them up at the corner every morning on the way to the job site.

Can’t understand a word they say anyway.

“Lawl rekt”
“Past Dam mtr n chat1!!”
“Get gud”
“Rez me bro” (to a mage, usually)


I love min/maxing my raid for 1 or 2 trash packs.

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Maybe but consecration doesn’t use your weapon. Having a bigger 2h won’t increase its damage. You would need SP for this, which is not the kind of weapon warriors care about.

the real reason anyone should play ret is because my warrior will want all the healbots I can find.

Well, that is the spirit of a min/max raid.

Actually fury warriors are better using nightfall.

So they don’t need any other 2h.

And I guess they could use it for ww on trashpacks too. That would be neat if it procced on all the targets.

Warriors are going to want it for PvP, and Hunters will want it if they know what melee weaving is. Both will utilize it far more than Ret… who don’t even want to build AP unless they’re useless.

Offspec can go after everyone gets their primary raid upgrade.

You don’t use 2h for just the AP, but for the scaling from the top end damage. Which hunters won’t use at all.

Geez. I would think no one should have to explain that one.

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Depends, if they want to keep their Warriors happy. Plus Ret is also going to be offspec in 99% of cases as most guilds won’t want a Retadin (Spelladin is really the only way it’s “viable”). AP Ret does really bad damage. Like really bad.

Hunters will absolutely use it if they melee weave as I said. Which means running in and using a Raptor Strike, which is a noticeable DPS increase.

I didn’t think you were unable to read.

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Sad that classic has more elitist than retail.:cry: