Why would anyone play a 15+ year old game? Dont you think that everyone knowing all the content, overpopulated and dead servers, and a complete lack of focus on the game from Blizz would just be…redundant?
You think you do but you dont…oh wait nvm.
Sarcasm aside, fresh classic is the exact same think as first time classic…except its not new, but it is…
What difference does it make?
If you play that character on tbc or play it on classic after tbc is released it makes ZERO difference.
You aren’t duplicating gold, its two separate clients with no correlation to the other, you still having all of your stuff intact on the classic server would in no way effect the economy on the tbc client, i dont care if they put a gold cap on how much you can bring into tbc, i just want the character and mounts/titles/rep ect.
Give me one good reason why they would need to delete your classic character
It makes a world of difference. People staying in Classic arent getting anything out of the deal while TBC players are getting the best of both worlds. Why are you entitled to more for moving to TBC? Make a decision and go with it. If Classic isnt going anywhere you could just level up again or keep a classic alt.
The option to go back to vanilla after you went to TBC wasnt an option back in the day.
Poker, monopoly, etc are all games that never change that people still play because they are fun.
Classic has enjoyable gameplay that sticks with people so it doesnt need to be added onto endlessly to be enjoyed
See you haven’t given a single good reason other than to be spiteful to people that want to play both
Nobody is stopping a person playing classic from also playing tbc
You are acting as if you are gaining some kind of unfair advantage on either version of the game, you AREN’T, literally every single player would have equal opportunity to do the same thing
Saying “it wasn’t an option back in the day” is not an argument, do you know what also wasn’t an option back in the day? Playing separate versions of wow on different clients, things have changed, theres literally no good reason to force people to delete characters in order to play on completely separate clients now that there isn’t just one version of wow to play
Gold could stay either on classic or go to TBC.
I did, its just not enough to sway someone who thinks entitlement is a legitimate stance.
They’re not being forced to delete their characters. They want two characters. Nah, if you want TBC then go to TBC. Classic will be there if you want to reroll or play your classic alt that didnt go to TBC.
Dude…honestly that was really bad. I’ve never seen a SPriest drop fear on a melee than run right to them to close distance…unless it was to in-range mind flay or something…which you didn’t even use.
You haven’t given a single objectively good reason why they should force someone to play one or the other exclusively with their character
You being like “nah, pick one” is literally you just being spiteful for no reason and you calling people “entitled” for wanting to keep a character they spent 2 years working on is ridiculous.
Explain your reasoning, so far you haven’t given a single legitimate reason based in logic
There is ZERO negatives that comes from letting people retain their characters on both separate clients, only positives.
For the reasons that have been given ad nauseum in these threads who character copies are horrible for both tbc as well as vanilla.
You haven’t given a single good reason why with two separate clients and two separate game versions, that you should not have to start fresh in one or the other. Your entitlement is deafening.
How, give me a reason
You say there are reasons but yet i have seen NONE given other than people saying what amounts to " because f you thats why"
There is literally zero negatives to copies
It allows the communities of both versions to exist
What difference does it make to you if someone decides to play their classic character copy every once in awhile on the classic client while also playing it on tbc?
Its not like they can keep transferring resources between the two versions, they are completely independent of each other
Due to you being too lazy to scroll up and read all of the reasons in this as well as the other threads, and outright dismissing the ones personally handed to your petulant posts, you deserve no better.
So does transfers and creating new characters on the server version you transferred from. NOTHING prevents you from playing both versions.
Ive already seen every one of those threads
There is ZERO objectively sound argument given as to why copies is a “bad” thing for either version of the game
The only argument that is brought is a completely spiteful one that amounts to “i didn’t get to keep my character in vanilla, so you shouldn’t be able to now, pick one or the other because i had to be a victim of circumstance in 2007 you should have to now as well”
Wow now supports completely independent clients to run different versions of the game, there is ZERO reason for a dogmatic approach of “pick one” anymore, the times have changed
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Again, I did but I have a limited capacity to convince you and quite frankly, limited interest in trying. Ill try one more time anyway.
You want 2 toons for the price of one while giving up nothing in the process. Im fine if they want to do a character copy but either one loses all their gear and gold or the player just has to make a decision on what they want to do.
Its problematic for the classic guy because the 100k gold that would otherwise be sucked out of his game and economy is still sitting there for you to use which essentially means you got 100k gold and a free level 60 toon to go to TBC.
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Why should you have to “give something up” in the process?
That literally makes no sense and is purely SPITEFUL in reasoning
Blizzard literally has the option to let EVERYONE have their cake and eat it too, while haveing ZERO negative consequences. How could you possibly be against that?
Its a win/win for EVERYONE
Speed running Naxx, parsing, completing gear sets on multiple toons, solo PvP, group PvP. The ever-lasting challenge of managing 40 guildies and the drama/love that goes with it.
Personally, I won’t be playing TBC. I can’t gaurentee I will play Classic forever, but I’ve played since Day 1 and have zero intention to leave Classic. Waited 15 years to play Classic, I didn’t wait 15 years to play TBC.
You said duplicate and you meant everything. If that happens you got a free level 60 and doubled your money. The only cost to you is that you play TBC - thats getting something for nothing and your reasons dont justify it.
Because it costs actual money to maintain, its just how business works. It sucks. They probably wont delete it immediately but once the population drops low enough and it loses more money than it makes, it’ll be deleted. A lot of games do that… Personally id love to log into classic anytime just for nostalgia from being a kid, id love if they kept it… But eventually it’ll have to be deleted =/
neither of us know how much classic servers cost and you cant use that as your argument without your argument being based entirely within your own opinion
It could cost a dollar a month to maintain, once it makes less than the cost to maintain it’ll be shut down. Thats not an opinion. You tell me of an active game that makes less money than it costs to maintain. I can tell you games that have been shut down for making too little. So go on and list a few for me lol