Why would you want to play a Classic forever server?

right im not here arguing with you that things that make sense dont make sense. im just telling you that without facts your threats of something happening are just empty threats

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Your dismissiveness does not cancel those reasons out. It is just an indication that you just want to be petulant about the topic.

Its not a “free” 60,

They would be two SEPARATE clients

The two 60s would never interact

You aren’t making any logical arguments, you’re just saying “no, you don’t get both, you have to do it all over again, why? because f you thats why”

And yet when/if TBC appears, they will have THREE game versions, all separate from each other. Yet here you are, expecting blizzard to allow you to have a copy of the same characters on 2 of them.

Fact: you cannot copy classic characters to retail
Fact: you cannot copy retail characters to classic
You have given not a single compelling reason why a player should be able to have copies of the same characters in both vanilla and tbc, beyond a comical sense of entitlement.

He cannot grasp (or refuses to acknowledge) that leaving the massive (much of it fraudulent) gold bloat in vanilla is NOT a “win” for those strictly remaining in vanilla.

If you copied your character over, fully intact, played it, got to 70, did 70 content and then logged into your 60 classic toon its two characters, not one. You didnt play both of them to 60 but you want to enjoy the benefits thereof and not give up a single thing for it. All your classic gold, which would otherwise have followed you to TBC is still there.

There isnt really a compelling argument that says this should be the case.

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Diablo 2
Your turn

Good grief. :man_facepalming:

You have 1 character at 60
You want a 2nd 60 in a completely separate version of the game

You are literally getting that second 60 for free. And you want all of the gear and gold duplicated as well.
Damn son.


For me I understand why… some people just like base games, no expansions. But you kinda kill your argument when you said TBC > classic.

That’s an opinion. Some people would say WotLK > TBC. So just because you like TBC more than classic doesn’t mean everyone feels the same. Hell most people that play retail like retail more than classic.

“Classic Forever” has its place. Some people want to play different classes and progress them. Some people are very casual and don’t want to be forced to move to TBC when they are not done with Classic.

If they support Classic Forever, it would make sense to “connect” some of them to keep the populations viable.

Your argument is purely spiteful and has no basis in any objective logic

If you transfer your character to tbc and continue to play it by your logic that is a “free” character

What difference does it make to a tbc server if someone still has all their characters in the classic version? None

What difference does it make to the classic server if someone plays a copy of that character on a separate tbc server? None

There is literally no good reason why they can’t allow players to enjoy both games with their characters on separate clients , and its actually in blizzards best interest to allow that, because it gives people the option to go back and play their preferred version of the game forever which will keep subscriptions live.

What if someone transferred to tbc and after awhile decided that they prefer to keep playing classic? They might just quit the game entirely if it means starting from scratch and losing 2+ years of work, how many people would quit the game because they have a copy of a character on a separate client they may or may not even play? Pretty much nobody

The gold is irrelevant, they could make you start with 0 gold for all i care, just as long as you get to keep your character with their mounts/titles/rep ect.

And why does it matter if people keep their gold in vanilla regardless of how it was obtained? It has ZERO effect on the tbc version if someone retains all their gold on a completely separate client. And someone could just transfer all that gold to an alt in classic before they transfer to tbc, so either way the classic economy will remain forever screwed up on the stasis servers, making people delete that gold in classic in order to bring it into tbc (if they even allowed a gold transfer in the first place) doesn’t solve any problems of gold inflation, it just moves the problem over to tbc instead

The argument of not allowing gold to be transferred to tbc is valid, but thats NOT what this is about, this argument is about the actual CHARACTER not the gold attatched to them

Your argument is petulant desire based on feels and a heaping helping of entitlement.

You are still playing the one single specific iteration of that character.

The issue is what difference does it make to the CLASSIC server. Very few people are saying that you should not be able to TRANSFER your existing character into TBC.

Yeah, massive illegitimate gold bloat and copies of every single bot and gold farmer in both versions of the game, nope, nothing to see here! (world according to Kayberz)

You keep saying this, as if you are the ultimate judge of legitimate points. You aren’t.

How is it entitlement to want to retain a character that i literally played for 2 years and EARNED what i got on them?

Im not asking for “free” 60s with gear and things i never obtained, im asking to RETAIN what i have already EARNED.

There is no reason why they should take any of that away from you on the classic client if you want to play on tbc with that character as well like most others will be doing, all that would do is split the community unnecessarily

Why shouldn’t players be allowed to continue pushing speed runs in naxx while also progressing in tbc?

Its literally all positives for both the players and blizzard with zero negatives

The classic servers blizzard has already promised will remain will continue to have people playing, because people can still play their characters, and everyone can still play tbc with no fear of regretting their decision to do so

I know a lot of people that would have a HARD time deciding to erase their progress in classic in order to play tbc with everyone else, and would possibly not decide to do so but would eventually quit the game after awhile, but i can’t think of a single person that would quit the game because they have a copy of their character on two separate clients

How many people do you know playing classic that are also playing shadowlands right now? Probably a lot. How many of those players do you think would play both games if it meant having to delete their main in classic? Probably very few

Blue should give us an answer.


good GOD, how is that NOT entitlement?

Learn to read, i said NOTHING about retaining gold

And even if i did


What does it matter to either version of the games? Its ONE WAY, ONE TIME ONLY transfer, there is no DUPLICATING because the clients are in no way connected after the one time only transfer

How stupid are you that you can’t understand this simple concept?

You are not lobbying for a transfer. You have literally been lobbying for copies.

- player who cannot grasp the concept of transfer vs copy

Now you’re just playing semantics with words

What i am arguing for is for a COPY of your character to be made onto the tbc client OR if blizzard decides to just force tbc on existing server, to allow a COPY of your character onto vanilla stasis servers

I dont care what they decide to do when it comes to gold.

All that Matters is that your character remains fully intact on both clients as far as their mounts/ titles/reputation/ and soulbound gear

They could make all soulbound items vendor for 0 gold to eliminate any issues with people hoarding expensive soulbound items as a means of gold tranafer in the event that they limit the amount of gold transferred between the copies.

Its simple and is a win win for everyone

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Seriously dude? They are literally the two vastly different options being discussed!

And it would be a nightmare when it comes time to necessary consolidation of classic servers. You truly are blinded by your selfish desire to acknowledge the extreme downsides of the “simple” copy as you want.

Ypu know exactly what i meant when i said transfer, now you’re just being petty and nitpicking which word i used one time because you have nothing else to work with