Actually, not everyone who’s left has left for that reason.
Some of us want to stay in Classic but have stopped playing until such time as Blizzard decides to either deny or confirm any of the rumors, rumors of “leaks,” innuendo, people reading between the lines & cherry picking questions off of the 2 official surveys and coming up with 25 different interpretations, people using the unofficial surveys on biased sites as proof of their interpretations, and all coming here to call others stupid for not coming to the same conclusions they did. lol.
Personally I’ve decided to just wait until Blizzard stops sitting back and laughing at all the people on this forum vehemently swearing that they know what’s going to happen, and tells us what they’re going to do. Until then I have lost my desire to work on my characters until I know. Meanwhile I’ll be playing Project Gorgon.
wait, you are refusing to work on your characters because forum posters can’t get their s---- straight?
Ummm… who plays any game based on what is said in a forum post.
The constructive part of this “critcism” would be, if the forum post are not to your liking then just forget the forum for a bit and lose yourself in the game. Just play as long as it last. enjoy the game and not the forums.
No, not because of forum posters. I started rambling but with all the rumors and not knowing what’s going to happen, I’m going to wait. I don’t like feeling like I may just be wasting my time and getting attached to my characters only to have Blizz pull the rug out from under me again like they did the first time around.
I don’t want my character that I worked really hard on to be completely invalidated and outgeared in TBC. At least give me the option to transfer to a classic forever server.
This sums up my sentiment as well. I have no intention of adding to my time until they make it clear what the future of the classic servers and characters is.
I understand that. I was confused a bit. that makes sense. I just really started a classic toon. I have never played classic before. I started Pre-Cata by a few months. So I am having fun currently. even if Classic bombs, I have created a retail version of the same character so I can at least ensure progression.
There’s no way they’re gonna make you scrap your classic toons because most everyone wants tbc. At least that would be a really dumb move.
Yea Im with you. They killed retail for me and a forced fresh start would be the third strike.
I basically sit in Darnassus all day and queue bgs when Im not running out farming swifthistle and fadeleaf. I cant bring myself to do anything else until I see how it all shakes out.
I’m pretty sure there’d be a small population, enough for one PVP server and one PVE server. To the point where everyone knows everyone. Which is a good thing.
I’d have characters on it, so that’s one, and guaranteed I would not be the only one just based on responses on this forum (my main focus would not be there, but I would still be on it).
If Blizzard wants to protect their IP they’ll either do that, have fresh Classic servers, or both. IMO it would be interesting to see the results of keeping one server active at phase 6. Especially since the types to just follow the next carrot will be gone.
I think it would be fun if everyone messed around with world pvp in classic forever, and another reason would be for new players having the chance to try classic instead of being dropped in bc because they missed the chance, but my thinking is that they should have a couple classic forever servers and the rest move on to bc.
I played wow classic for the experience to have it progress. If TBC is separate, I’m done with wow for the final time. TBC and wow Classic separate would divide the players and would have so many dead servers.
On a classic phase 6 forever server the drive for progress has already come and gone. That means you could go back through the content without any fear of being left behind and you could do it at any pace you like.
When im getting my poop pushed in trying to make ele shaman work in tbc arena i want to have the option to go back on my classic character and relive the good old days of globaling everyone unfortunate enough to get within range of me
They would be entirely separate clients, it doesn’t make any sense to make people “delete” their classic character in order to play it in tbc as well, they could literally just let you make a 1 time copy of that character to the new tbc client or a copy to a new stasis server, theres absolutely no good reason why they would need to make you choose one or the other, its all under the same single subscription, they don’t care which version you play at any given time as long as you are still subbed.
Doing that would be nothing but spiteful to the players that want to keep their classic character they spent 2 years on getting bis gear that would also like to play tbc without starting from scratch.
The entire reason that we have Classic WoW is because there was a huge group of people that wanted, and have been, playing Vanilla WoW forever. Private servers stayed with the expansion they had (vanilla, tbc, wrath, etc) until they shut down and tens of thousands of people played them all the time.
So if you have a maxed out gold character you should be able to move him or her to TBC and keep a maxed out gold toon in classic? Somethings got to give.
This is partially why people are asking for fresh restarts and all that jazz.