Why would I ever use a public crafting oder system again?

How would that benefit me if I wanted to sell flasks?

If you’re smart and watch the orders while regularly clearing out the easy ones you’ll find that some of them come completely supplied. It’s rare, but it happens, and I’d rather take the 3 instant skill points from a patron order than spam trade hoping someone bites and asks for a craft.

And yet that is exactly what happens when someone who isn’t willing to invest in there profession make a rank 1 order with rank 3 mats. No amount of excuses you are making for a stupid system are going to make it a good thing.

I am a crafter So making up stupid things like supporting a crafter to make a fake point isn’t going to somehow magically make me support your opinion I take pride in everything I do and won’t screw someone over for my own benefit.

If someone chooses to request an order with no minimum quality, and gets an item back of any quality, they weren’t screwed over by anyone except their own choices in not requesting a max rank item.

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You would be able to easily craft 5-star flasks and make money from it instead of just selling cheap flasks as you have a hard time leveling them.

That’s uh…that’s been the entire point of the thread and the reason that people are requesting the ability to do so in the public order system.

You aren’t reading. I can attain the ability to craft those flasks much easier by using the patron order system. If “helping out other crafters” reduces the price of the flasks I intend to sell then NOT HELPING THEM is the smart decision to make.

That’s why it should have a minimum quality. Thanks for proving the point that it needs to have a minimum quality.

I am not asking you to spam trade chat. I am asking you to support Public Orders as it helps fellow crafters. When Public Orders started booming, you would never need trade chat again. And thats what Public Orders are made for… to obsolete Trade Chat.

The entire point of the thread is not understanding that the crafting order system allows a minimum quality if you wish to put in the faintest modicum of work. People choosing not to set a minimum quality are free to do so, people who want a minimum quality can find a crafter.

No. Public orders are fast and you don’t look for a crafter, while giving crafters a way to get some skill ups. If you want to set a minimum, find a crafter.

What you’re doing is repetitively explaining how the system currently works then putting your nose in the air as if that ends the discussion.

It doesn’t. People understand how it works. They disagree with how it works. Therefore they are requesting a change to how it works.

If you don’t agree then that is fantastic but sitting here repeating yourself doesn’t actually change anything.

That’s precisely what you are doing. Disagreeing with how it works and repeating yourself.

Public crafting orders are great for PvP gear and thats all I really need them for.

Strangely, patron orders can require minimum level, but we can’t require the same when placing a public order.

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Someone will legitimately try to say that this is only because NPCs can’t use trade chat so it has to be that way for them!

You can use it for things like bags and crests where skill level doesn’t matter but yeah without minimum quality it wouldn’t be used…

However blizzard doesn’t want to make crafting easy like that because it would stop people demanding high prices for sitting afk in a town and hinder the sale of tokens. I can’t really imagine any other explanation now that materials have to be included.

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Conspiracy theories about crafting from Primalmatter? Color me unsurprised

Give me a logical reason for why not then… Ive given my thinking behind it.

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Kiyoko hasn’t actually given a reason other than “this is how it works so this is how it works.”

I encourage you to read what I have posted instead of pretending.

Even the most stubborn and fallen man must be given a chance to change or there is no hope for any of us in the end.

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“Being able to request a minimum quality wouldn’t improve the system” is kind of like saying that “being able to ask for no pickles” doesn’t improve ordering your food.

It’s an obvious improvement but some people would argue it anyhow.

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