Why would I ever use a public crafting oder system again?

Yeah and a quality limit would have worked really well with the change from inspiration to concentration (if the crafter cannot meet the quality, it just wont craft rather than costing the crafter a ton of mats).

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Which makes zero sense considering patron orders have a minimum craft level. It seems to me if I still want an item quick, I could set the minimum at 3 stars. But this is Blizzard logic once again shining bright, like the dark phase in Hallowfall.

Ah yes, that’s all we need. Nothing but max rank required public orders, many not supplying the required mat quality to make them and/or tipping 10 gold.

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The game just started. Mats materials are absurdly overpriced. Not many can max craft everything. But you can identify possible crafters who could become the best in the future.

Have them as contacts. And have a conversation with them. When they improve, then they become someone for your personal order.

That’s alternative way to find Crafters. Or shout endlessly on trade chat until you find them. Hope trade chats covers all realms.

Good don’t use it , make your own and get it maxed

there are lots of people don’t care care about getting max lvl crafted. If you aren’t posting at least 5k on a public order I am not using concentration to get you an extra rank. Although I have on occasion whispered someone asking if they want to pay more for a R5.

Why would you ever use it to begin with? I didn’t do much with profs in DF but spent the first few weeks of TWW peeking at the public orders to see if I could get a few easy skill ups out of it.

I’ve seen literally 0 requests on that thing for my two blacksmiths. People use it?

The odd time you will find orders on there for gear - I imagine if you never seen them on your server you have a few people camping that station to fill them.

It’s for getting what you want without having to be on 24/7 but blizzard being stupid doesn’t allow a minimum quality to be set.

because that isn’t what it is for - blizzard has stated it is for getting it fast

You are literally in the same group as my main is - all you need to do is ask on trade for things. Doesn’t take you 24 hours to find someone for almost anything.

Similar to what some other folks have pointed out, I generally only use public for things that don’t have levels.

Tossing up my two weekly profession treatises on public order with a 500g commission each (high/low? idk) beats the absolute breaks off the whispers I got when I posted in trade chat (eg: “can craft for 10k”) – like what…?

Blizzard can state whatever they want but being stupid is still being stupid. And they are being stupid for setting it up this way.

They aren’t. Public orders work great and help folks to get their skill ups and crafts in, while providing the items quickly to folks who need them and don’t want to find a crafter.

Doing public orders help the Crafters level up. It’s expensive at start becoz the mats are absurdly at high price.

But thats how to level up Crafting, from Orders.

If you dont support Orders, thats the reason why Crafting would be hard to level up.

Only the whales, bots and the few would become 5-star Crafters. And they dictate the price through tips. If you want to lower tips prices and to have more 5-star crafters, support Public Orders.

If Public Orders would be helping me skill up, i could be one of the Crafters to be able to make a 5-star trinket… and be able to do awesome transmutes.

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Public orders are not for you to get your skill up that’s what patron orders are for. Crafters have limits on the number of Public orders they can do so the quality restriction is completely stupid.

I got zero skill points from the public order system.

Now patron orders on the other hand are good for skill ups.

At a certain point you aren’t going to be getting any skill points from public orders because nobody in their right mind is going to ask you to craft spark items via the public system. Patron orders on the other hand keep flowing.

Those are absolutely a tool to help folks get skill up, though

Everything is a tool for crafters to get skill ups. But public orders to screw someone over with a rank 2/3 item that is 10 times more difficult to recraft should not be a thing.

Public orders are not there to screw someone over. They are a way to get the item quick, without having to worry about finding a crafter. If someone wants to set a minimum rank, they can use either of the two order options that allow that.

And no player in public order can compete with patron orders. So patron orders dictate the high price. And who’s gonna use the flask and uber potions you wastee your mats for? Just allow it to vanish?

You should have supported crafters instead and they would help you bring down flasks prices. Unlike right now, everything is expensive.